226 research outputs found

    巻頭感 2017年度年頭にあたって

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    Analysis of diving behavior of Adelie penguins using acceleration data logger

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    Acceleration data loggers were attached to five adult Adelie penguins at Hukuro Cove, Lutzow-Holm Bay in austral summer 1997/1998. The loggers recorded time series data of speed, depth, surging acceleration and swaying acceleration in flush memories inside. From time series analyses, the frequency of 2- to 3-Hz was found in the surging acceleration during descent in a straight line. The cycle seemed to correspond to wingbeat frequency of the Adelie penguin. The relation between wingbeat frequency and diving depth was that the frequency ranged from 1.5-Hz to 3.0-Hz when the penguins dive in water shallower than 30-m and was over 2.5-Hz in water deeper than 50-m. The acceleration data logger is a powerful tool to estimate kinematic parameters of free-range marine animals

    Multiwavelength Digital Holography and Phase-Shifting Interferometry Selectively Extracting Wavelength Information: Phase-Division Multiplexing (PDM) of Wavelengths

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    In this chapter, we introduce multiwavelength digital holographic techniques and a novel multiwavelength imaging technique. General multiwavelength imaging systems adopt temporal division, spatial division, or space-division multiplexing to obtain wavelength information. Holographic techniques give us unique multiwavelength imaging systems, which utilize temporal or spatial frequency-division multiplexing. Conventional multiwavelength digital holography systems have been combined with one of the methods listed above. We have proposed phase-shifting interferometry selectively extracting wavelength information, characterized as a multiwavelength three-dimensional (3D) imaging technique based on holography and called phase-division multiplexing (PDM) of multiple wavelengths. In PDM, wavelength-multiplexed phase-shifted holograms are recorded, and multiwavelength information is separately extracted from the holograms in the space domain. Phase shifts are introduced for respective wavelengths to separate object waves with multiple wavelengths in the polar coordinate plane, and multiple object waves are selectively extracted by the signal processing based on phase-shifting interferometry. Additionally, the system of equations needed to obtain a multiwavelength 3D image is solved with less wavelength-multiplexed images using two-step phase-shifting interferometry-merged phase-division multiplexing (2π-PDM), which makes the best use of 2π ambiguity of the phase and two-step phase-shifting method. The PDM techniques are reviewed and color 3D imaging ability is described with numerical and experimental results

    Preliminary result of the relationship between the breathing frequency and dynamic body acceleration

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    March 5-6, 2009, Bangkok, ThailandIn this study, the relationship between the breathing frequency and the dynamic body acceleration (DBA) of one hatchery-reared loggerhead turtle Carretta carretta was examined using acceleration data loggers. Two acceleration data loggers (M190L-D2GT, W1000-3MPD3GT, Little Leonard, Japan) were attached on the lower-beak and carapace of a hatchery-reared loggerhead turtle, respectively. Breathing was successfully detected from the angle and depth of the beak-attached data logger and DBA, which has been used as an index of activity levels (Wilson et al., 2006), was calculated from the forward acceleration of the carapace-attached logger. There was a positive correlation between the DBA in the previous dive and the breathing frequency; the relationship was exponential. The result suggests that the number of breaths increased exponentially after a more active dive

    Comparison of molecular models used in molecular dynamics simulation for tracer diffusion coefficients of naphthalene and dimethylnaphthalene isomers in supercritical carbon dioxide

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科生産プロセスNVT ensemble molecular dynamics simulation was performed to calculate the tracer diffusion coefficients of naphthalene and dimethylnaphthalene isomers in supercritical carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide was treated as a Lennard-Jones molecule (single site model) and solutes were treated as a rigid model of multi sites (united atom model) and a flexible model of all atoms (all atom model). The calculated results are compared with the experimental data and the calculated results by a single site model. The united atom model gives the best results to the experimental data among the three models. The calculated tracer diffusion coefficients by the all atom model show fairly good results without adjustable interaction parameters. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Solubilities and diffusion coefficients of high boiling compounds in supercritical carbon dioxide

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科生産プロセスA brief introduction of the data sources and the applications of correlation methods for the solubilities and diffusion coefficients of hig-boiling compounds (mainly in solid state) in supercritical carbon dioxide are reviewed. Empirical equations, equations of state, solution models, and the Monte Carlo simulation for the calculation of solubilities in supercritical carbon dioxide are discussed. The application of empirical equation based on the Stokes-Einstein model, rough hard sphere theory, Schmidt number correlation, and molecular dynamics simulation for the calculation of diffusion coefficients in supercritical carbon dioxide at infinite dilution condition are reviewed. Further, the application of the Darken equation and the Leffler and Cullinan equation for the calculation of concentration dependence of diffusion coefficients in supercritical carbon dioxide is presented. © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Molecular dynamics simulation of diffusion coefficients of naphthalene and 2-naphthol in supercritical carbon dioxide

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科生産プロセスNVT ensemble molecular dynamics simulation has been applied to calculate the diffusion coefficients of naphthalene and 2-naphthol in supercritical carbon dioxide in the pressure range from 8 to 40 MPa under infinite dilution conditions. The Lennard-Jones (12-6) potential function was used as the intermolecular potential. The calculation results showed good agreement with the experimental values, by using the intermolecular interaction parameters between unlike molecules which were determined by Monte Carlo simulation to give good representation for the solubilities of naphthalene and 2-naphthol in supercritical carbon dioxide

    Molecular dynamics simulation of fluorination effect for solvation of trifluoromethylbenzoic acid isomers in supercritical carbon dioxide

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科生産プロセスA molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was applied to carbon dioxide + trifluoromethylbenzoic acid isomer and carbon dioxide + methylbenzoic acid isomer systems to investigate the interactions between carbon dioxide and the solutes. The pair correlation functions between the carbon dioxide and trifluoromethyl group or methyl group in the solutes were calculated to study the fluorination effect of solvation. As a result, it was found that the interactions between carbon dioxide and trifluoromethyl group in trifluoromethylbenzoic acid isomers were stronger than those between carbon dioxide and the methyl group in methylbenzoic acid isomers. The simulation results had the same tendency as the experimental solubility enhancements and coincided with the trend of the interaction parameters of the Peng-Robinson equation of state that were determined from the solubility data. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd