18 research outputs found


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    Tendo como ponto de partida a teoria do inconsciente, a psicanálise busca, dentro de seus postulados, abarcar toda a complexidade possível do psiquismo e da psicologia humana. Nesse sentido, este trabalho busca, a partir de uma breve revisão bibliográfica do conceito de “Eu”, evidenciar essa instância do aparelho psíquico como um universo dentro de uma complexidade ainda maior, que não para de se inscrever por inteiro, como é entendida a interpretação mais básica desta estrutura. A partir desta revisão bibliográfica, objetiva-se realizar uma análise crítica, aprofundando-se neste todo relacional que se destaca na representatividade do Eu, que para Freud é a ilimitabilidade de um vínculo com o universo. Como metodologia utilizou-se a revisão bibliográfica acerca da discussão. Evidenciou-se com este estudo que não é improvável considerar que o Eu e o inconsciente confluam e se representem mutuamente, embora atuem de forma especifica e simbólica, onde no real civilizatório, da cultura e da relação parental, demandam construção e elaboração de identidade e singularidade, a partir do inconsciente que sustenta e alimenta este processo dinâmico.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Inconsciente. Eu. Relação. Dinâmica. Princípio do prazer

    Phylogenetic signals in the climatic niches of the world’s amphibians

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    The question of whether closely related species share similar ecological requirements has attracted increasing attention, because of its importance for understanding global diversity gradients and the impacts of climate change on species distributions. In fact, the assumption that related species are also ecologically similar has often been made, although the prevalence of such a phylogenetic signal in ecological niches remains heavily debated. Here, we provide a global analysis of phylogenetic niche relatedness for the world's amphibians. In particular, we assess which proportion of the variance in the realised climatic niches is explained on higher taxonomic levels, and whether the climatic niches of species within a given taxonomic group are more similar than between taxonomic groups. We found evidence for phylogenetic signals in realised climatic niches although the strength of the signal varied among amphibian orders and across biogeographical regions. To our knowledge, this is the first study providing a comprehensive analysis of the phylogenetic signal in species climatic niches for an entire clade across the world. Even though our results do not provide a strong test of the niche conservatism hypothesis, they question the alternative hypothesis that niches evolve independently of phylogenetic influences

    Characterization of haemosporidian infections in warblers and sparrows at south-western European reed beds

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    Abstract The prevalence and intensity of avian haemosporian infections (genera Haemoproteus and Plasmodium) were investigated using molecular techniques and microscopy in nine passerine species at three Portuguese reed beds along a small latitudinal gradient. The effect of age, sex, season, site and year in the infection prevalence was evaluated for some of these host species. Of the sampled birds, 34.5% were infected, all with low level parasitemias. Haemoproteus spp. was only present in migrant species and was not locally transmitted, while Plasmodium spp. infected more species and reached a higher overall prevalence. Prevalence differed among bird species and was affected by different variables for each species: it was associated with age in the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, with season in the Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti and with year in the House Sparrow Passer domesticus. Site did not influence prevalence for any species at this small geographical scale. Reed Warbler adults had already migrated to Africa and contacted with two different parasite faunas, whereas juveniles had not, thereby explaining the importance of age to explain parasitemia in this species. For the resident Cetti's Warbler, prevalence varied significantly with season, perhaps due to lower food availability in autumn and winter, making birds weaker and more prone to infection

    The role of roadsides in conserving Cerrado plant diversity

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    Abstract The structure of Cerrado vegetation (sensu stricto) along roadsides was compared with that of protected areas (reserves). The superior stratum of reserves had 2.7 times more individuals and 1.4 times more species than on roadsides, while in the intermediate stratum there were 1.7 times more individuals and 25 % more species in reserves. Additionally, roadsides had a lower prevalence of tree species with thin bark and from forest physiognomies. In the intermediate stratum of roadsides there was a lower proportion of forest species, and also fewer species dispersed by animals. These differences occur, possibly because the vegetation of their edges is cleared during the construction of the roads and part of the soil is taken as landfill. Later, they suffer from a higher fire frequency and high coverage of exotic grasses (80 % average). Moreover, it is likely that the absence of some dispersers on roadsides may affect the recruitment of young plants. Despite these differences, the roadsides are able to maintain at least 70 % of tree species and 72 % of shrub species found in reserves. These results show that roadside vegetation can contribute 123 Biodivers Conserv (2014) 23:3035-3050 DOI 10.1007 to the conservation of the flora of Cerrado. This is particularly important considering that over 60 % of the original area of this ecosystem has been destroyed and that less than 4 % is protected. With 32,012 km of roads in the Cerrado alone, the roadside vegetation may represent a cumulative area of 96,000 of hectares, an area larger than many of the Cerrado's national parks

    Partitioning and mapping uncertainties in ensembles of forecasts of species turnover under climate change

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    Forecasts of species range shifts under climate change are fraught with uncertainties and ensemble forecasting may provide a framework to deal with such uncertainties. Here, a novel approach to partition the variance among modeled attributes, such as richness or turnover, and map sources of uncertainty in ensembles of forecasts is presented. We model the distributions of 3837 New World birds and project them into 2080. We then quantify and map the relative contribution of different sources of uncertainty from alternative methods for niche modeling, general circulation models (AOGCM), and emission scenarios. The greatest source of uncertainty in forecasts of species range shifts arises from using alternative methods for niche modeling, followed by AOGCM, and their interaction. Our results concur with previous studies that discovered that projections from alternative models can be extremely varied, but we provide a new analytical framework to examine uncertainties in models by quantifying their importance and mapping their patterns

    Equilibrium of global amphibian species distributions with climate

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    Abstract A common assumption in bioclimatic envelope modeling is that species distributions are in equilibrium with contemporary climate. A number of studies have measured departures from equilibrium in species distributions in particular regions, but such investigations were never carried out for a complete lineage across its entire distribution. We measure departures of equilibrium with contemporary climate for the distributions of the world amphibian species. Specifically, we fitted bioclimatic envelopes for 5544 species using three presence-only models. We then measured the proportion of the modeled envelope that is currently occupied by the species, as a metric of equilibrium of species distributions with climate. The assumption was that the greater the difference between modeled bioclimatic envelope and the occupied distribution, the greater the likelihood that species distribution would not be at equilibrium with contemporary climate. On average, amphibians occupied 30% to 57% of their potential distributions. Although patterns differed across regions, there were no significant differences among lineages. Species in the Neotropic, Afrotropics, Indo-Malay, and Palaearctic occupied a smaller proportion of their potential distributions than species in the Nearctic, Madagascar, and Australasia. We acknowledge that our models underestimate non equilibrium, and discuss potential reasons for the observed patterns. From a modeling perspective our results support the view that at global scale bioclimatic envelope models might perform similarly across lineages but differently across regions


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    The irregular offer of cupuaçu pulp in the harvest time, the high endable of the fruits and the form of conservation by freezing, are factors that cause difficulties in the offer of this product in the market of Rio Branco/AC. The purpose of this work was to dehydrate the cupuaçu pulp and evaluate the shelf life in a period of 90 days. The experiment was conducted in the Unity of Technology and Foods (UTAL) of Federal University of Acre (UFAC). Cupuaçu fruits came broked, despolped and sanitized. Portions of 300 g of pulp were submitted in the process of dehydration in oven with air circulation by a temperature of 60 °C for 46, 52 e 58 hours. After the dehydration, the samples were submitted to the following analysis titratable acidity, pH, totals solids soluble (oBrix), moisture determination, ascorbic acid and water activity (aw). The microbiologycal analysis involved of Salmonella, thermotholerant coliforms at 45 °C, mesophilic bacteria and yeasts and moulds, all for triplicats. The results showed significant effect of interaction between dehydration time and storage to variables ºBrix and ascorbic acid. The water activity and the pH kept stable during all the period of storage, while the level of ascorbic acid reduces by the dehydration time and storage. The dehydration of in natura cupuaçu pulp in conventional oven is a practicable method of conservation and storage for 90 days

    Evidence That BCL3 Plays a Role in the Etiology of Nonsyndromic Oral Clefts in Brazilian Families

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    The BCL3 gene has been considered a susceptibility locus for nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P), based on association and linkage studies in some populations. We evaluated an intragenic marker at the BCL3 gene and the microsatellite D19S178 (1.1 cM distant from the BCL3 gene) among 98 infants born with NSCL/P and their parents, using the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) and a method for haplotype analysis. Our analysis, based on BCL3 alleles, revealed the existence of a marginal association of allele 135pb of the BCL3 gene with NSCL/P (w 2 = 3.60; P ¼ 0.058; 1 df), with a major effect in female (w 2 = 5.77; P ¼ 0.016; 1 df) and in familial cases (w 2 = 3.79; P ¼ 0.051; 1 df). However, the haplotype analysis detected no significant segregation distortion, even if the alleles of the D19S178 were grouped into two classes. These findings support previous findings that BCL3 plays a role in the etiology of NSCL/P as an allele of low penetrance or as a modifier locus. We hypothesize that there might be more than one mutation in this gene associated with NSCL/P, or alternatively, that more than one mutation has arisen associated with the 135-bp allele