6 research outputs found

    Fe, cultura y sexualidad: Hacia una comprensión queer de su interrelación en el contexto del Sur Global

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    Inclusive churches propose to explore a path of revision and adaptation of queer faith in our Global South contexts. The way initiated is promising, and indeed the inclusive churches —together with queer theologians and their allies— are setting a course towards adapting Christianity to people\u27s contexts instead of the traditional way of adapting contexts to Christian faith

    Regresando de Narnia: Entre la Encrucijada de Armarios y Templos

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    This issue of Queer Connection presents the work of authors who have left the infancy of Narnia, covering topics ranging from queer poetics, honest conversations about sexuality in the Roman Catholic Church, and online Eucharists to the deconstruction of Islamic texts for the acceptance of queer people. All of these studies point toward liberation and societal transformation. In Christianity, the TLL has made reflecting on oppression and liberation possible. Still, its novelty lies in reflecting faith elaborated within a practice of liberation done by oppressed people through their movements. In this sense, liberation is transformation and change, a new world in which agency is recovered

    Reflections of a «Recovering Outer Catholic»

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    This essay comments on the long-deferred need for Latinx Catholic theologians to resist Roman Catholic teaching on sexuality by taking it out of the margins and integrating it as a co-equal topic of theological reflection. Based on the author’s 2014 presidential address to the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS), it reviews the challenges — pastoral, theological, social, and psychological — of confronting homophobia and the exclusion of queer subjects by the Roman Catholic Church

    ¿El palo en la rueda del cis-heteropatriarcado? Las teologías queer como visibilización de la conexión entre fe, género y sexualidad

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    With great satisfaction we present the second issue of Queer Connection: Latin American and Caribbean Magazine of Queer Theologies. This issue is dedicated to the memory of dear Dr. Marcella Althaus-Reid, who passed away on February 9, 2009. On the tenth anniversary of her death, this number brings together various voices that rescue her legacy and constitute a tribute to her memory

    Microfísicas de la vida queer: Sexualidad y fe en intersección

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    This third issue of the Queer Connection: Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Queer Theologies focuses on advancing both the state of the art of queer theories, theologies, and pastorals, as well as the possibilities of future perspectives. The importance of the religious in the contributions of this issue bases on the need to connect with elements that make up everyday life - spirituality, rituals, practices, discourses, among others - that are often excluded from the discussions about what is queer in Latin America and the Caribbean