2 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pengolahan dan Digital Marketing Produk Vertikultur Hidroponik untuk Meningkatkan Perekonomian Masyarakat Kelurahan Kebonagung

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    ABSTRAK  Kelurahan Kebonagung merupakan salah satu kawasan di tengah kota Jember dengan kondisi pemukiman padat penduduk dan tingkat pendidikan warga yang masih rendah, sehingga memengaruhi taraf perekonomian warga Kelurahan Kebonagung yang masih rendah dengan rata-rata pendapatan warga sebesar Rp. 1.000.000,-. Berdasarkan fakta tersebut, dilakukan pendampingan terkait pemanfaatan lahan yang sempit agar menjadi lahan budidaya tanaman hortikultura yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga dan dapat dikembangkan menjadi produk komersil berupa produk sayuran hidroponik. Program pengembangan lanjutan diperlukan dengan tujuan memberikan ilai tambah produk serta peningkatan pendapatan dari mitra (ibu-ibu PKK RW 06 Kelurahan Kebonagung) melalui beberapa pelatihan, yaitu pelatihan pengolahan dan digital marketing produk hidroponik yang dihasilkan. Kegiatan ini diawali dengan pelatihan pengolahan produk hidroponik bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai dari produk hidroponik yang telah dihasilkan, sosialisasi penetapan brand produk bertujuan supaya produk yang dihasilkan mudah dikenal masyarakat lebih luas, dapat menjadi produk khas atau ikon Kelurahan Kebonagung, serta sosialisasi pembuatan digital marketing dibutuhkan untuk memanfaatkan percepatan penggunaan teknologi oleh calon konsumen. Hasil dari kegiatan ini berupa produk vertikultur hidroponik dengan merk “Amerta Hydrofarm” yang dikemas menarik dan akun media sosial untuk penjualan secara online. Kata kunci: brand, digital marketing, hidroponik, pengolahanABSTRACT Abstract. Kebonagung Village is one of the areas in the middle of the city of Jember with residential conditions and the level of education of residents is still low so the economic level of the residents of Kebonagung Village is still low with an average income of Rp. 1,000,000,-. Based on these facts, assistance was carried out regarding the use of narrow land so that it became a horticultural plant cultivation area that could meet household needs and could be developed into commercial products in the form of hydroponic vegetable products. Further development programs are needed so that the goal of increasing product added value and increasing income from partners (PKK RW.06 Kelurahan Kebonagung) can be achieved, namely digital processing and marketing of hydroponic products produced. This activity began with training on hydroponic product processing aimed at increasing the value of the hydroponic products that have been produced, socialization of branding aims to make the product easily known to the wider community and can be recognized by the typical products or icons of Kebonagung Village, and socialization of making digital marketing needed to take advantage of the use of technology by potential consumers. The results of this activity are hydroponic verticulture products "Amerta Hydrofarm" which are ready to be sold with attractive packaging and social media for online sales. Keywords: brand, digital marketing, hydroponic, processe

    Consumer Satisfaction of Chocolate Product and Its Marketing Facilities: Case Study of a MSME Chocolate Factory in Jember

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    The role of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME)-scale of cocoa agro-industry sector in Indonesia has increased along with the increasing number of MSMEs engaged in secondary cocoa processing sector. One of the factors that influence the sustainability of cocoa agroindustry business is customer satisfaction index (CSI). Therefore, this study aims to analyze consumer satisfaction index of chocolate product and its marketing facilities offered by producer which can then be used as input for the development of chocolate business. This research was conducted at MSME chocolate factory located in Jember, Indonesia. The selection of this location was done purposively with the consideration that the MSME chocolate factory produces couverture chocolate products. The research method chosen is descriptive using the analysis method of customer satisfaction index (CSI) and importance performance analysis (IPA). There were 96 respondents involved in this research. Determination of sample size was calculated by using the Slovin formula. The results showed that the majority of the chocolate consumers are, young generation female who have well literacy of digital experiences. Furthermore, CSI of chocolate products and its marketing facilities was 77.86%, which indicates that overall consumers were satisfied. Several attributes that has satisfied the consumers are chocolate taste, packaging, chocolate shape, food safety guarantees labeled at the chocolate products, outlet cleanliness, outlet convenience, the atmosphere offered by the outlet, friendliness of the salesperson to the customer, salesperson’s knowledge of the menu, responsiveness of salespeople in fulfilling orders, attractive outlet interior design, cleanliness and availability of toilets, prayer rooms and supporting facilities for consumer comfort has also satisfied the consumers. Priority improvement strategies that require to be conducted to increase consumer satisfaction include adjusting the price of chocolate products, increasing promotions through social media and providing entertainment facilities, such as music, wi-fi, and TV at chocolate marketing facilities