6 research outputs found
Advertising Exposure, Word of Mouth, and Generation Z Consumer Loyalty in Online Marketplace: The Mediating Influence of Brand Awareness
This study investigates the influence of advertising exposure and word of mouth (WOM) on Generation Z consumer loyalty, examining the mediating role of brand awareness in the context of online purchases on marketplace platforms. We employed a quantitative descriptive approach, gathering primary data through questionnaires and observations of Generation Z consumers who have made at least two purchases on Shopee. Data analysis was conducted using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) with the aid of the WarpPLS 7.0 software. The findings reveal that both advertising exposure and WOM significantly enhance brand awareness. Additionally, each has a direct and positive impact on consumer loyalty. However, the influence of advertising exposure and WOM on consumer loyalty does not necessarily require the mediation of brand awareness. These results suggest that Shopee’s robust advertising campaigns and effective WOM communications significantly embed the brand within the consumer's psyche, facilitating easy recall of Shopee as a platform known for attractive promotions. In conclusion, the formation of consumer loyalty can occur directly through advertising exposure and WOM, highlighting their pivotal roles in cultivating enduring consumer loyalty to Shopee
Pentingnya keterampilan negosiasi sebenarnya bukan hanya untuk kalangan pebisnis maupun birokrat melainkan harus menjadi salah satu karaktek buikding bagi para siswa SMA. Pendidikan yang dibutuhkan anak muda saat ini untuk menghadapi tantangan masa depan tidak cukup hanya dari nilai akademik saja, melainkan harus dibekali dengan softcskill yang menambah kemampuan merekan untuk bersaingan terutama dalam menghadapi era perdagangan bebas dunia.
Dalam konteks ini, menunjukkan bahwa pada usia remaja perlu memiliki kemampuan dalam mengendalikan emosi serta kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik. Hal tersebut dikarenakan fase ini merupakan fase dimana setiap individu sudah mulai memasuki dunia pergaulan yang lebih luas dibandingkan sebelumnya dengan resiko pengaruh lingkungan social. Pengabdian masyarakat dengan objek para siswa dilakukan secara offline atau tatap muka
PENGARUH KETEBALAN KAIN DENIM TERHADAP HASIL JADI TOTE BAG DENGAN TEKNIK LASSER CUT Ryanda Esa Aprianti S1 Pendidikan Tata Busana, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Surabaya ([email protected]) Irma Russanti Dosen Tata Busana, Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Surabaya ([email protected]) Abstrak Motif kain atau sebuah seni untuk membuat suatu bahan kain menjadi lebih indah saat ini semakin meningkat dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi. Lasercut adalah sebuah alat pemotong kayu atau benda keras dengan menggunakan alat potong berupa lasser yang tajam. Kini penggunakan alat potong lassercut tidak hanya digunakan pada kayu atau bahan tebal lainnya, tetapi saat ini lasercut banyak digunakan oleh para desainer untuk membuat hiasan motif diatas kain.Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketebalan kain denim terhadap hasil jadi Tote Bag dengan teknik Lasser Cut meliputi Kestabilan, Kerapian, dan Tekstur hasil jadi Lasser Cut, serta yang kedua adalah untuk mengetahu hasil jadi Lasser Cut yang paling baik diantara kain denim dengan jenis ketebalan yang berbeda. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Variabel bebas jenis ketebalan kain yaitu tipis (0,41mm), sedang (0,72mm), tebal (1,10mm). Variabel terikat meliputi: (1) Kestabilan Lasser Cut (2) Keraapian Lasser Cut (3) Tekstur Lasser Cut. Pengumpulan data menggunakan analisis varians tunggal dengan bantuan program SPSS. Hasil analisis anava tunggal ditinjau dari keseluruhan aspek menunjukkan nilai mean tertinggi adalah pada bahan denim sedang yaitu nilai mean 3,52 pada aspek kestabilan, nilai mean 3,73 pada aspek kerapian, nilai mean 3,53 pada aspek tekstur. (1) Kestabilan Lasser Cut, jenis ketebalan kain sedang (0,72mm) lebih stabil dibandingkan dengan jenis ketebalan tipis (0,41mm) dan tebal (1,10mm). (2) Kerapian Lasser Cut, jenis ketebalan kain sedang (0,72mm) lebih rapi dibandingkan dengan jenis ketebalan tipis (0,41mm) dan tebal (1,10mm). (3) Tekstur Lasser Cut, jenis ketebalan kain sedang (0,72mm) lebih bertekstur halus dibandingkan dengan jenis ketebalan tipis (0,41mm) dan tebal (1,10mm). Dengan demikian jenis ketebalan kain sedang (0,72mm) dari aspek Kestabilan, Kerapian, dan Tekstur Lasser Cut menunjukkan hasil yang paling baik dibandikan dengan jenis ketebalan tipis (0,41mm) dan tebal (1,10mm). Kata Kunci : Hiasan, Teknologi, Lasser Cut, Denim. Abstract Decorating cloth, or an art to make fabric material more beautiful, is currently increasing with the development of technology. Laser cut is a wood cutting tool or hard object using a sharp laser cutting tool. Now, the use of laser cut cutting tool is not only used on wood or thick materials, but also used by designers to make motifs of decoration on cloth. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the thickness of denim fabric on the results of being a tote bag with a laser cut technique, which includes stability, neatness, and the texture of the results being laser cut. In addition, to find out the laser cut results, which is the best among denim fabrics of different thickness. It is an experimental study. The independent variables of fabric thickness are thin (0.41mm), medium (0.72mm), and thick (1.10mm). The dependent variables include: (1) laser cut stability, (2) laser cut neatness (3) laser cut texture. Data collection uses a single variance analysis with the help of SPSS. The results of anava one way with observation from all of aspect point out mean highest is from fabric denim medium mean 3,52 of stability, mean 5,73 of neatness, mean 5,53 of texture. (1) the stability of the laser cut, the type of fabric thickness (0.72 mm) more stable than the type of fabric thickness (0.41mm) and (1.10mm) (2) neatness of laser cut, type of fabric thickness ( 0.72mm) is neater compared to the type of thickness (0.41mm) and (1.10mm) (3) the laser cut texture, the type of fabric thickness (0.72mm) is finer compared to the thickness of the fabric (0.41mm) and (1.10mm). Thus, the type of fabric thickness is medium, (0.72mm) from the aspects of stability, neatness, and laser cut textures showing the best results compared to the type of thin thickness (0.41mm) and thick (1.10mm) Keywords: decoration, technology, laser cut, deni
Perubahan Sifat Kimia Tanah Tercemar Merkuri Dengan Berbagai Modifikasi Pemberian Biochar Dan Tanaman Akar Wangi (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.)
The aims of this research is to determine changes in the chemical properties of mercury-contaminated soil with various modifications in the application of corn cob biochar and vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.). This research used an experimental method with an ex-situ remediation approach which was carried out from October 2023 to January 2024 in greenhouse. Sampling of mercury-contaminated soil was carried out on former traditional gold mining land in Segubuk Hamlet, Kuang Village, Taliwang Sub-District, West Sumbawa Regency. Soil sampling was taken from 13 locations determined by purposive sampling and carried out using a soil drill. Soil pH H2O, C-organic and CEC as well as analysis of the total concentration of mercury (Hg) in the soil were analysed before and after the experiment. The results showed that the application of corn cob biochar alone and corn cob biochar planted with vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) had a significant effect) on changes in soil chemical properties and was effective in reducing the concentration of mercury (Hg) in the soil. Corn cob biochar application can improve soil chemical properties by increasing soil pH, organic C, and soil CEC. On the other hand, the release of H+ ions from the carboxyl functional group (-COOH) in corn cob biochar has the opportunity to form complexes with heavy metal ions so that it can reduce their concentration of mercury in the soil
Investment Development Strategy Management in Mahakam Ulu Regency, Indonesia
Investment activities pay attention to a very important role as a driver of regional economic growth. The focus of the research is about several models that are interconnected with strategies in attracting investor interest. From the scope of realization of foreign investment is more dominant than domestic investment in Mahakam Ulu Regency, so there needs to be a strategic effort to develop investment related matters. The research approach is development based and descriptive, where researchers intend to describe existing phenomena by analyzing and presenting facts systematically to achieve the intent and purpose of conducting field studies. Existing data types used are quantitative and qualitative data during March-September 2019. Analysis of data with interactive models and processed using Strength analysis, Weakness, Opportunity, and Treath (SWOT). The results of the analysis of investment strategies in terms of strategic policies, emphasize the choice of policies to provide various investment facilities rather than providing incentives. In order to attract new investment, encourage increased investment through the provision of incentives, and ease of investment, in terms of strategic policy the priority of policy choices is to provide a variety of investment facilities rather than incentives. Keywords: strategy management; investment (foreign and domestic); development DOI: 10.7176/JPID/51-07 Publication date: November 30th 201