21 research outputs found

    Assessment of Physicochemical and Microbiological Quality of Seafood

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    The aim of this work is to evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological attributesover a period of 5 months for two products from the category of Seafood:calamari rings and seafood cocktail. Appreciation of the freshness of seafood was tested bydetermining pH, easily hydrolysable nitrogen, the reaction Eber / Nessler andreaction with hydrogen sulphide according to SR ISO 2917:2007, SR 9065-7:2007and SR 9065-7:2008. Theresults of microbiological determinations for batch 1 revealed an increase inthe number of sulphite-reducing clostridia than the maximum limit. Resultsobtained from physico-chemical determinations were within the maximumpermissible by data legislation. The food quality is influenced by non-hygienicconditions of storage, handling and marketing

    The Physicochemical Quality of Traditional Burduf Cheese

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    The aim of this study is the assessmentof the quality control of raw milk and traditional burduf cheese obtained fromcow milk mixed with 10% sheep milk. Appreciation of the integrity and freshness assessmentof milk (cow and sheep) was tested by physico-chemical analysis.On theshelf-live were determined the physico-chemical parameters in cheese samples. Theantibiotics residues were tested of the milk samples with portable analyser,model Rosa Charm Reader. Theresults of physico-chemical determinations for the milk and cheese samples werewithin the maximum permissible by data legislation. Regardingthe content of antibiotics, the results were negative both for cow milk and forsheep milk. The sensorycharacteristics of burduf cheese are influenced by the different types of milk