542 research outputs found

    Tridimensional Surface Relief Modulation of Polymeric Films

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    Participatory design, beyond the local

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    This workshop aims at stimulating and opening a debate around the capacity of Participatory Design (PD) and other co-design approaches to deliver outcomes and methodologies that can have an impact and value for reuse well beyond the local context in which they were originally developed. This will be achieved by stimulating the submission of position papers by researchers from the PD community and beyond.These papers will be discussed during the workshop in order to identify challenges, obstacles but also potentials for scaling up PD processes and results from the local to the global.</p

    AdS_3 Partition Functions Reconstructed

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    For pure gravity in AdS_3, Witten has given a recipe for the construction of holomorphically factorizable partition functions of pure gravity theories with central charge c=24k. The partition function was found to be a polynomial in the modular invariant j-function. We show that the partition function can be obtained instead as a modular sum which has a more physical interpretation as a sum over geometries. We express both the j-function and its derivative in terms of such a sum.Comment: 9 page

    The D^6 R^4 term in type IIB string theory on T^2 and U-duality

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    We propose a manifestly U-duality invariant modular form for the D^6 R^4 interaction in the effective action of type IIB string theory compactified on T^2. It receives perturbative contributions upto genus three, as well as non-perturbative contributions from D-instantons and (p,q) string instantons wrapping T^2. Our construction is based on constraints coming from string perturbation theory, U-duality, the decompactification limit to ten dimensions, and the equality of the perturbative part of the amplitude in type IIA and type IIB string theories. Using duality, parts of the perturbative amplitude are also shown to match exactly the results obtained from eleven dimensional supergravity compactified on T^3 at one loop. We also obtain parts of the genus one and genus k amplitudes for the D^{2k} R^4 interaction for arbitrary k > 3. We enhance a part of this amplitude to a U-duality invariant modular form.Comment: 42 pages, LaTe

    Dynamics of Josephson junctions and single-flux-quantum networks with superconductor-insulator-normal metal junction shunts

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    Within the framework of the microscopic model of tunneling, we modelled the behavior of the Josephson junction shunted by the Superconductor-Insulator-Normal metal (SIN) tunnel junction. We found that the electromagnetic impedance of the SIN junction yields both the frequency-dependent damping and dynamic reactance which leads to an increase in the effective capacitance of the circuit. We calculated the dc I-V curves and transient characteristics of these circuits and explained their quantitative differences to the curves obtained within the resistively shunted junction model. The correct operation of the basic single-flux-quanta circuits with such SIN-shunted junctions, i.e. the Josephson transmission line and the toggle flip-flop, have also been modelled.Comment: 8 pages incl. 7 figure

    Sums of products of Ramanujan sums

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    The Ramanujan sum cn(k)c_n(k) is defined as the sum of kk-th powers of the primitive nn-th roots of unity. We investigate arithmetic functions of rr variables defined as certain sums of the products cm1(g1(k))...cmr(gr(k))c_{m_1}(g_1(k))...c_{m_r}(g_r(k)), where g1,...,grg_1,..., g_r are polynomials with integer coefficients. A modified orthogonality relation of the Ramanujan sums is also derived.Comment: 13 pages, revise

    Deterministic spin models with a glassy phase transition

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    We consider the infinite-range deterministic spin models with Hamiltonian H=i,j=1NJi,jσiσjH=\sum_{i,j=1}^N J_{i,j}\sigma_i\sigma_j, where JJ is the quantization of a chaotic map of the torus. The mean field (TAP) equations are derived by summing the high temperature expansion. They predict a glassy phase transition at the critical temperature T0.8T\sim 0.8.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, RevTex forma

    Ground states for a class of deterministic spin models with glassy behaviour

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    We consider the deterministic model with glassy behaviour, recently introduced by Marinari, Parisi and Ritort, with \ha\ H=i,j=1NJi,jσiσjH=\sum_{i,j=1}^N J_{i,j}\sigma_i\sigma_j, where JJ is the discrete sine Fourier transform. The ground state found by these authors for NN odd and 2N+12N+1 prime is shown to become asymptotically dege\-ne\-ra\-te when 2N+12N+1 is a product of odd primes, and to disappear for NN even. This last result is based on the explicit construction of a set of eigenvectors for JJ, obtained through its formal identity with the imaginary part of the propagator of the quantized unit symplectic matrix over the 22-torus.Comment: 15 pages, plain LaTe

    The land surface temperature distribution during 7th august 2012 using Modis Imagery in Iasi metropolitan area.

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    2012 was the hottest year recorded at Iasi weather station in the 1961-2015 interval. In this paper we investigate the possibility to use MOD11A1 and MYD11A1 as an visualizing and analysis tool of land surface temperatures distribution in urban and nearest rural areas during heat waves according to the land use.. We observed that MODIS nighttime view instances could detect strongly urbanized surfaces like concrete and asphalt to have higher values than the green areas as parks and forests

    Holographic Pomeron and the Schwinger Mechanism

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    We revisit the problem of dipole-dipole scattering via exchanges of soft Pomerons in the context of holographic QCD. We show that a single closed string exchange contribution to the eikonalized dipole-dipole scattering amplitude yields a Regge behavior of the elastic amplitude; the corresponding slope and intercept are different from previous results obtained by a variational analysis of semi-classical surfaces. We provide a physical interpretation of the semi-classical worldsheets driving the Regge behavior for (-t)>0 in terms of worldsheet instantons. The latter describe the Schwinger mechanism for string pair creation by an electric field, where the longitudinal electric field E_L=\sigma_T tanh(\chi/2) at the origin of this non-perturbative mechanism is induced by the relative rapidity {\chi} of the scattering dipoles. Our analysis naturally explains the diffusion in the impact parameter space encoded in the Pomeron exchange; in our picture, it is due to the Unruh temperature of accelerated strings under the electric field. We also argue for the existence of a "micro-fireball" in the middle of the transverse space due to the soft Pomeron exchange, which may be at the origin of the thermal character of multiparticle production in ep/pp collisions. After summing over uncorrelated multi-Pomeron exchanges, we find that the total dipole-dipole cross section obeys the Froissart unitarity bound.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, version 2: minor typos corrected, references adde