56 research outputs found

    A Review on Objective-Driven Artificial Intelligence

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    While advancing rapidly, Artificial Intelligence still falls short of human intelligence in several key aspects due to inherent limitations in current AI technologies and our understanding of cognition. Humans have an innate ability to understand context, nuances, and subtle cues in communication, which allows us to comprehend jokes, sarcasm, and metaphors. Machines struggle to interpret such contextual information accurately. Humans possess a vast repository of common-sense knowledge that helps us make logical inferences and predictions about the world. Machines lack this innate understanding and often struggle with making sense of situations that humans find trivial. In this article, we review the prospective Machine Intelligence candidates, a review from Prof. Yann LeCun, and other work that can help close this gap between human and machine intelligence. Specifically, we talk about what's lacking with the current AI techniques such as supervised learning, reinforcement learning, self-supervised learning, etc. Then we show how Hierarchical planning-based approaches can help us close that gap and deep-dive into energy-based, latent-variable methods and Joint embedding predictive architecture methods.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, workshop submissio

    Training Strategies for Vision Transformers for Object Detection

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    Vision-based Transformer have shown huge application in the perception module of autonomous driving in terms of predicting accurate 3D bounding boxes, owing to their strong capability in modeling long-range dependencies between the visual features. However Transformers, initially designed for language models, have mostly focused on the performance accuracy, and not so much on the inference-time budget. For a safety critical system like autonomous driving, real-time inference at the on-board compute is an absolute necessity. This keeps our object detection algorithm under a very tight run-time budget. In this paper, we evaluated a variety of strategies to optimize on the inference-time of vision transformers based object detection methods keeping a close-watch on any performance variations. Our chosen metric for these strategies is accuracy-runtime joint optimization. Moreover, for actual inference-time analysis we profile our strategies with float32 and float16 precision with TensorRT module. This is the most common format used by the industry for deployment of their Machine Learning networks on the edge devices. We showed that our strategies are able to improve inference-time by 63% at the cost of performance drop of mere 3% for our problem-statement defined in evaluation section. These strategies brings down Vision Transformers detectors inference-time even less than traditional single-image based CNN detectors like FCOS. We recommend practitioners use these techniques to deploy Transformers based hefty multi-view networks on a budge-constrained robotic platform.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, IEEE CVPR WAD'23 conferenc

    Vision-RADAR fusion for Robotics BEV Detections: A Survey

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    Due to the trending need of building autonomous robotic perception system, sensor fusion has attracted a lot of attention amongst researchers and engineers to make best use of cross-modality information. However, in order to build a robotic platform at scale we need to emphasize on autonomous robot platform bring-up cost as well. Cameras and radars, which inherently includes complementary perception information, has potential for developing autonomous robotic platform at scale. However, there is a limited work around radar fused with Vision, compared to LiDAR fused with vision work. In this paper, we tackle this gap with a survey on Vision-Radar fusion approaches for a BEV object detection system. First we go through the background information viz., object detection tasks, choice of sensors, sensor setup, benchmark datasets and evaluation metrics for a robotic perception system. Later, we cover per-modality (Camera and RADAR) data representation, then we go into detail about sensor fusion techniques based on sub-groups viz., early-fusion, deep-fusion, and late-fusion to easily understand the pros and cons of each method. Finally, we propose possible future trends for vision-radar fusion to enlighten future research. Regularly updated summary can be found at: https://github.com/ApoorvRoboticist/Vision-RADAR-Fusion-BEV-SurveyComment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    End-to-end Autonomous Driving using Deep Learning: A Systematic Review

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    End-to-end autonomous driving is a fully differentiable machine learning system that takes raw sensor input data and other metadata as prior information and directly outputs the ego vehicle's control signals or planned trajectories. This paper attempts to systematically review all recent Machine Learning-based techniques to perform this end-to-end task, including, but not limited to, object detection, semantic scene understanding, object tracking, trajectory predictions, trajectory planning, vehicle control, social behavior, and communications. This paper focuses on recent fully differentiable end-to-end reinforcement learning and deep learning-based techniques. Our paper also builds taxonomies of the significant approaches by sub-grouping them and showcasing their research trends. Finally, this survey highlights the open challenges and points out possible future directions to enlighten further research on the topic.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted in WACV conferenc

    Construction Sites Safety in India: An Assessment Through Eyes of Workers

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    The construction industry has been the backbone of a nation in development processes and economy. It is one of the most hazardous industry not by severity ratio but by occurrence ratio. It is the largest employer of workers in the agriculture industry, thus making it more prone to accidents. Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)is an area that covers every profession and it is an essential area of the industry. The right knowledge about this can lead to human lives being saved, which is more important than properties loss. EHS empowers a worker/person regarding his work,his conduct,and his motives. EHS allows a worker to be more aware, be more cautious and be more productive. Psychological analysis can empower a worker to be more effective and productive.It increases the will power of workers,‘where there is a will,there is way’.This thesis is regarding the assessment of construction sites in India, through an eye of a worker which leads us to various revelations in the sites and thus portray the picture of how their welfare is being taken off in the industry. The study showed how a worker is dealt with various induction processes and training modules that educates him about EHS. This report also tells us the voids that have been left untouched and which play a significant role in workers’ safety. These voids have been addressed in this report, and solutions have been suggested along with them. The study was conducted on an observational basis which leads to the psychological analysis of workers, their understanding of safety policies, their active participation in safety meetings and their meaning of training imparted to them. The psychological study answers the 5 W’s (why, where, whom, who and whose) of accidents. This study recommends in the improvement and organising worker-to-safety engineer talks

    Surround-View Vision-based 3D Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Survey

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    Vision-based 3D Detection task is fundamental task for the perception of an autonomous driving system, which has peaked interest amongst many researchers and autonomous driving engineers. However achieving a rather good 3D BEV (Bird's Eye View) performance is not an easy task using 2D sensor input-data with cameras. In this paper we provide a literature survey for the existing Vision Based 3D detection methods, focused on autonomous driving. We have made detailed analysis of over 6060 papers leveraging Vision BEV detections approaches and highlighted different sub-groups for detailed understanding of common trends. Moreover, we have highlighted how the literature and industry trend have moved towards surround-view image based methods and note down thoughts on what special cases this method addresses. In conclusion, we provoke thoughts of 3D Vision techniques for future research based on shortcomings of the current techniques including the direction of collaborative perception

    3M3D: Multi-view, Multi-path, Multi-representation for 3D Object Detection

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    3D visual perception tasks based on multi-camera images are essential for autonomous driving systems. Latest work in this field performs 3D object detection by leveraging multi-view images as an input and iteratively enhancing object queries (object proposals) by cross-attending multi-view features. However, individual backbone features are not updated with multi-view features and it stays as a mere collection of the output of the single-image backbone network. Therefore we propose 3M3D: A Multi-view, Multi-path, Multi-representation for 3D Object Detection where we update both multi-view features and query features to enhance the representation of the scene in both fine panoramic view and coarse global view. Firstly, we update multi-view features by multi-view axis self-attention. It will incorporate panoramic information in the multi-view features and enhance understanding of the global scene. Secondly, we update multi-view features by self-attention of the ROI (Region of Interest) windows which encodes local finer details in the features. It will help exchange the information not only along the multi-view axis but also along the other spatial dimension. Lastly, we leverage the fact of multi-representation of queries in different domains to further boost the performance. Here we use sparse floating queries along with dense BEV (Bird's Eye View) queries, which are later post-processed to filter duplicate detections. Moreover, we show performance improvements on nuScenes benchmark dataset on top of our baselines

    Regularized spectral methods for clustering signed networks

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    We study the problem of kk-way clustering in signed graphs. Considerable attention in recent years has been devoted to analyzing and modeling signed graphs, where the affinity measure between nodes takes either positive or negative values. Recently, Cucuringu et al. [CDGT 2019] proposed a spectral method, namely SPONGE (Signed Positive over Negative Generalized Eigenproblem), which casts the clustering task as a generalized eigenvalue problem optimizing a suitably defined objective function. This approach is motivated by social balance theory, where the clustering task aims to decompose a given network into disjoint groups, such that individuals within the same group are connected by as many positive edges as possible, while individuals from different groups are mainly connected by negative edges. Through extensive numerical simulations, SPONGE was shown to achieve state-of-the-art empirical performance. On the theoretical front, [CDGT 2019] analyzed SPONGE and the popular Signed Laplacian method under the setting of a Signed Stochastic Block Model (SSBM), for k=2k=2 equal-sized clusters, in the regime where the graph is moderately dense. In this work, we build on the results in [CDGT 2019] on two fronts for the normalized versions of SPONGE and the Signed Laplacian. Firstly, for both algorithms, we extend the theoretical analysis in [CDGT 2019] to the general setting of k2k \geq 2 unequal-sized clusters in the moderately dense regime. Secondly, we introduce regularized versions of both methods to handle sparse graphs -- a regime where standard spectral methods underperform -- and provide theoretical guarantees under the same SSBM model. To the best of our knowledge, regularized spectral methods have so far not been considered in the setting of clustering signed graphs. We complement our theoretical results with an extensive set of numerical experiments on synthetic data.Comment: 55 pages, 5 figure