7 research outputs found

    Efficiency of dry bone inspection compared with two-dimensional os coxal images for age estimation in a Thai population

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    The auricular surface and pubic symphysis are commonly used in age estimation. This study aimed to compare the results of age estimation between dry bones and 2D images of the os coxae and to develop a tool specifically for Thai individuals. The total samples were 250 left os coxal dry bones divided into 200 samples (100 males, 100 females) for the training set and 50 samples for the test set. The age range was 26 – 94 years. We used the Suchey-Brooks method and Berg method for observing the pubic symphysis and the Buckberry-Chamberlain method for observing the auricular surface. Afterward we compared the dry bones and photo parts. Our results showed sex did not play a significant role in estimating the age-at-death. In both parts, the auricular surface yielded the highest accuracy (80 – 84%) with SEE = 13.99 – 14.24 years. The pubic symphysis showed an accuracy of 74 – 76% and SEE = 14.37 – 14.44 years. The results of the dry bone and photo parts did not differ significantly. In both dry bone and photo parts, the intra-observer agreement performed moderate to almost perfect agreement. On the other hand, the inter-observer agreement was slight to fair. In conclusion, our study can be potentially applied for distant consultation for age estimation using 2D pelvic images with a forensic anthropologist for estimating biological profiles

    Health Issues in Medical Students: How We Need To Take Care of Our Future Generation Doctors

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    Medical profession is one of the most coveted professions in the society. During the medical course, individuals are subjected to much stress and hardships. Many fail to cope up and quit the course or even land up in substance abuse. A major cause of concern is the health of any medico. On few occasion the disease may be imaginative in nature whereas at other times it may be actually present. There is a need to differentiate between two. At many occasions, there are illnesses which are a cause of worry for both parents and administration. The health of every single budding doctor is important as entrance to medical course is an intellectual superior individual it incurs heavy expenses on the part of the administration and we cannot afford to compromise on such a potential asset to the society. We performed an extensive search of literature such as Pubmed, Scopus and Google for obtaining necessary articles for this short narrative mini review. Search terms included: “medical”, students”, “illnesses”, disease.” The present review is first of its kind which aims to discuss the medical illness and various diseases affecting the medicos during their professional career. The results of the review may help in better planning in terms of taking care of the health of medical student