19 research outputs found

    Выявление гидравлической взаимосвязи водных объектов района Томского водозабора на основе гидрогеохимических данных (Томский район)

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    Объектом изучения является месторождение подземных вод Томской области. Химический состав подземных вод формируется в результате инфильтрации атмосферных осадков, из элементов, выщелачиваемых из растений, расти-тельных остатков и почв, продуктов выветривания вмещающих пород, а также из ионов, образующихся при взаимодей-ствии воды с атмогенно-биогенно-литогенной и газовой составляющей. В работе рассматривается взаимодействие палеоге-нового водоносного комплекса с поверхностными водами (р. Томь), и мелового водоносного комплекса.The object of research is aquifer water of the Tomsk region. Chemical composition of groundwater formed from the infiltration of atmospheric pre-cipitation of the elements leached from plants, plant residues and soil products of weathering of host rocks, as well as from ions, about-razuysya in the inter-action of water with atrogenna-biogenic and lithogenic gas component. This paper examines the interaction of the Paleogene aquifer with surface water (R. Tom), and the Cretaceous aquifer

    A teleoperation system to control the humanoid robot using an RGB-D sensor

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    This paper presents a concept design of the work algorithm for a teleoperation control system of a humanoid robot. The humanoid robot control system needs to stabilize the robot in a vertical position in order to prevent the robot from falling. The process of design of the control system includes the design of position filter to detect the unstable positions. The application of such a control system enables to control the humanoid robot using motion capture technology

    Разработка источника питания сварочной дуги на базе импульсно – регулируемого сопротивления

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    Объектом исследования является процесс импульсно – дуговой сварки плавящейся электродной проволокой. Цель работы – разработка системы импульсного питания для сварки плавящейся проволокой, формирующая сложный прямоугольный импульс, совмещающий плавление и перенос электродного металла.Object of research is the process of pulse-arc welding with consumable electrode wire. Purpose of research – the development of pulsed supply system for welding with consumable wire, forming a complex rectangular pulse, which combines melting and electrode metal transferring. In the process of research the analysis of the known systems for pulse-arc welding with consumable electrode and the analysis of existing practical technical means for pulse shaping were held, the theoretical studies of the effect of pulse forms on the melting process and electrode metal transferring were carried out

    Numerische Simulation der Strömung in Miniaturkreiselpumpen zur Blutförderung

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    New operation techniques on patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery or short-term ventricular assistance have lead to the development of a new generation of blood pumps with minimal size. This development is mainly focussed on hydraulic performance and biocompatibility. This thesis covers the assessment of computational fluid dynamics as a tool to investigate fluid dynamics and blood damaging effects within three intravascular micro blood pumps. In the beginning an introduction into computational fluid dynamics is given and the main assumptions with respect to the pump flow are presented. A computational model basing on these assumptions is introduced and requirements regarding grid generation, boundary conditions and further model parameters are discussed. Numerical calculations on this model are performed and analyzed. The results are compared with according experimental data from hydraulic tests and flow visualizations performed on physical blood pump models. Furthermore, the computational model is used to assess potential blood damage induced by the fluid dynamics within the pump. The physiological background of flow induced blood damage is discussed and different methods of damage assessment are presented. The most suitable computational approaches are implemented into the model, evaluated and validated against experimental data. Finally, the main results are summarized and discussed in context

    Numerische Simulation der Strömung in Miniaturkreiselpumpen zur Blutförderung

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    New operation techniques on patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery or short-term ventricular assistance have lead to the development of a new generation of blood pumps with minimal size. This development is mainly focussed on hydraulic performance and biocompatibility. This thesis covers the assessment of computational fluid dynamics as a tool to investigate fluid dynamics and blood damaging effects within three intravascular micro blood pumps. In the beginning an introduction into computational fluid dynamics is given and the main assumptions with respect to the pump flow are presented. A computational model basing on these assumptions is introduced and requirements regarding grid generation, boundary conditions and further model parameters are discussed. Numerical calculations on this model are performed and analyzed. The results are compared with according experimental data from hydraulic tests and flow visualizations performed on physical blood pump models. Furthermore, the computational model is used to assess potential blood damage induced by the fluid dynamics within the pump. The physiological background of flow induced blood damage is discussed and different methods of damage assessment are presented. The most suitable computational approaches are implemented into the model, evaluated and validated against experimental data. Finally, the main results are summarized and discussed in context

    Evaluation of turbulence models in CFD analyses of micro blood pumps

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