19 research outputs found

    Comparison of Microhardness of Three Different Types of Acrylic Artificial Denture Teeth: An in vitro Study

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    The wear resistance of denture teeth is important for the longevity of removable prostheses of edentulous patients. The ability of denture teeth to maintain maximum intercuspation atcentric jaw relation position, masticatory efficiency, the occlusal vertical dimension, and occlusal stability over time may be influenced by this property. Inferior wear resistance of acrylic resin artificial teeth is a significant limitation for complete denture therapy due to its inability to resist parafunctional movements and maintain proper occlusal relationships over time. Therefore acrylic resin teeth have been modified to overcome these disadvantages by the use of cross-linking agents, different monomers, and the addition of fillers.In the present study microhardness is compared of the different acrylic teeth since it is related to wear resistance and is the most commonly examined mechanical property indicatorfor synthetic artificial tooth material

    Community Awareness of HPV Screening and Vaccination in Odisha

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    Introduction. A number of new technologies including cervical cancer screening and vaccination have introduced new tools in the fight against cervical cancer. Methods. This study was set in Odisha, India, at the Acharya Harihar Regional Cancer Center and study research infrastructure at the Asian Institute of Public Health. IRB approvals were obtained and a research assistant recruited 286 women aged 18–49 years, who provided informed consent and completed a survey tool. Data were entered into EpiData software and statistical analysis was conducted. Results. 76.3% women participants were married, 45.5% had sexual debut at age 21 or greater, 60.5% used contraception, 12.2% reported having a Pap smear in the past, and 4.9% reported having prior genital warts. Most, 68.8% had never heard of HPV and 11.9% were aware that HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer. 82.9% women thought that vaccinations prevent disease, and 74.8% said they make the decision to vaccinate their children. Conclusion. The Odisha community demonstrated a low level of knowledge about cervical cancer prevention, accepted vaccinations in the prevention of disease and screening, and identified mothers/guardians as the key family contacts

    Sudoriferous cyst of the orbit of adult origin after trauma

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    A rare case of sudoriferous cyst of the orbit occurring in an adult, who had facial trauma, is reported. Several factors suggest its adult onset. The only other case reported in an adult is of presumed childhood origin. Very few congenital cases have been reported. A 65-year-old lady presented with recent onset of left-sided ptosis and a painless mass below the left supraorbital margin. The patient had traumatic ptosis after a road traffic accident 13 years ago. The ptosis was surgically repaired, which resulted in symmetrical palpebral apertures. Computed tomographic scan revealed a well-defined cystic mass in the anterior orbit. The mass was removed <i> in toto</i> by anterior orbitotomy. Histopathological examination revealed a single cyst lined by double-layered cuboidal epithelium in some areas and transitional epithelium at others. A periodic acid Schiff (PAS) positive, diastase-resistant glycocalyx lined the inner epithelium. Apical snouting suggested an apocrine nature. This confirmed a diagnosis of sudoriferous cyst

    Adaptive contour-based statistical background subtraction method for moving target detection in infrared video sequences

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    A robust contour-based statistical background subtraction method for detection of non-uniform thermal targets in infrared imagery is presented. The foremost step of the method comprises of generation of background frame using statistical information of an initial set of frames not containing any targets. The generated background frame is made adaptive by continuously updating the background using the motion information of the scene. The background subtraction method followed by a clutter rejection stage ensure the detection of foreground objects. The next step comprises of detection of contours and distinguishing the target boundaries from the noisy background. This is achieved by using the Canny edge detector that extracts the contours followed by a k-means clustering approach to differentiate the object contour from the background contours. The post processing step comprises of morphological edge linking approach to close any broken contours and finally flood fill is performed to generate the silhouettes of moving targets. This method is validated on infrared video data consisting of a variety of moving targets. Experimental results demonstrate a high detection rate with minimal false alarms establishing the robustness of the proposed method

    Comprehensive genetic analysis of 961 unrelated Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patients: Focus on diagnosis, prevention and therapeutic possibilities.

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    Recently DNA sequencing analysis has played a vital role in the unambiguous diagnosis of clinically suspected patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). DMD is a monogenic, X-linked, recessive, degenerative pediatric neuromuscular disorder affecting males, invariably leading to fatal cardiopulmonary failure. Early and precise diagnosis of the disease is an essential part of an effective disease management strategy as care guidelines and prevention through counseling need to be initiated at the earliest particularly since therapies are now available for a subset of patients. In this manuscript we report the DMD gene mutational profiles of 961 clinically suspected male DMD patients, 99% of whom were unrelated. We utilized a molecular diagnostic approach which is cost-effective for most patients and follows a systematic process that sequentially involves identification of hotspot deletions using mPCR, large deletions and duplications using MLPA and small insertions/ deletions and point mutations using an NGS muscular dystrophy gene panel. Pathogenic DMD gene mutations were identified in 84% of patients. Our data compared well with the frequencies and distribution of deletions and duplications reported in the DMD gene in other published studies. We also describe a number of rare in-frame mutations, which appeared to be enriched in the 5' proximal hotspot region of the DMD gene. Furthermore, we identified a family with a rare non-contiguous deletion mutation in the DMD gene where three males were affected and two females were deemed carriers. A subset of patients with mutations in the DMD gene who are likely to benefit therapeutically from new FDA and EMA approved drugs were found in our cohort. Given that the burden of care for DMD patients invariably falls on the mothers, particularly in rural India, effective genetic counseling followed by carrier screening is crucial for prevention of this disorder. We analyzed the carrier status of consented female relatives of 463 probands to gauge the percentage of patients with familial disease. Our analysis revealed 43.7% of mothers with DMD gene mutations. Our comprehensive efforts, involving complete genetic testing coupled with compassionate genetic counseling provided to DMD patients and their families, are intended to improve the quality of life of DMD patients and to empower carrier females to make informed reproductive choices to impede the propagation of this deadly disease