2,941 research outputs found

    Improved Taylor Expansion method in the Ising model

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    We apply an improved Taylor expansion method, which is a variational scheme to the Ising model in two dimensions. This method enables us to evaluate the free energy and magnetization in strong coupling regions from the weak coupling expansion, even in the case of a phase transition. We determine the approximate value of the transition point using this scheme. In the presence of an external magnetic field, we find both stable and metastable physical states.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamical Generation of Non-Abelian Gauge Group via the Improved Perturbation Theory

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    It was suggested that the massive Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons matrix model has three phases and that in one of them a non-Abelian gauge symmetry is dynamically generated. The analysis was at the one-loop level around a classical solution of fuzzy sphere type. We obtain evidences that three phases are indeed realized as nonperturbative vacua by using the improved perturbation theory. It also gives a good example that even if we start from a trivial vacuum, the improved perturbation theory around it enables us to observe nontrivial vacua.Comment: 31 pages, published versio

    Fuzzy Algebrae of the General Kaehler Coset Space G/H\otimesU(1)^k

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    We study the fuzzy structure of the general Kaehler coset space G/S\otimes{U(1)}^k deformed by the Fedosov formalism. It is shown that the Killing potentials satisfy the fuzzy algebrae working in the Darboux coordinates.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex, no figur

    Topological conformal field theory with a rational W potential and the dispersionless KP hierarchy

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    We present a new class of topological conformal field theories (TCFT) characterized by a rational WW potential, which includes the minimal models of A and D types as its subclasses. An explicit form of the WW potential is found by solving the underlying dispersionless KP hierarchy in a particular small phase space. We discuss also the dispersionless KP hierarchy in large phase spaces by reformulating the hierarchy, and show that the WW potential takes a universal form, which does not depend on a specific form of the solution in a large space.Comment: 14 pages, plain TEX, KUL-TF-94/

    N-fold Supersymmetry in Quantum Mechanics - Analyses of Particular Models -

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    We investigate particular models which can be N-fold supersymmetric at specific values of a parameter in the Hamiltonians. The models to be investigated are a periodic potential and a parity-symmetric sextic triple-well potential. Through the quantitative analyses on the non-perturbative contributions to the spectra by the use of the valley method, we show how the characteristic features of N-fold supersymmetry which have been previously reported by the authors can be observed. We also clarify the difference between quasi-exactly solvable and quasi-perturbatively solvable case in view of the dynamical property, that is, dynamical N-fold supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures, REVTeX

    Equal-Spin Pairing State of Superfluid 3^3He in Aerogel

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    The equal-spin pairing (ESP) state, the so-called A-like phase, of superfluid 3^3He in aerogels is studied theoretically in the Ginzburg-Landau (GL) region by examining thermodynamics, and the resulting equilibrium phase diagram is mapped out. We find that, among the ABM, planar, and robust pairing states, the ABM state with presumably quasi long-ranged superfluid order is the best candidate of the A-like phase with a strange lowering of the polycritical point (PCP) observed experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, one reference added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Improved Perturbation Method and its Application to the IIB Matrix Model

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    We present a new scheme for extracting approximate values in ``the improved perturbation method'', which is a sort of resummation technique capable of evaluating a series outside the radius of convergence. We employ the distribution profile of the series that is weighted by nth-order derivatives with respect to the artificially introduced parameters. By those weightings the distribution becomes more sensitive to the ``plateau'' structure in which the consistency condition of the method is satisfied. The scheme works effectively even in such cases that the system involves many parameters. We also propose that this scheme has to be applied to each observables separately and be analyzed comprehensively. We apply this scheme to the analysis of the IIB matrix model by the improved perturbation method obtained up to eighth order of perturbation in the former works. We consider here the possibility of spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz symmetry, and evaluate the free energy and the anisotropy of space-time extent. In the present analysis, we find an SO(10)-symmetric vacuum besides the SO(4)- and SO(7)-symmetric vacua that have been observed. It is also found that there are two distinct SO(4)-symmetric vacua that have almost the same value of free energy but the extent of space-time is different. From the approximate values of free energy, we conclude that the SO(4)-symmetric vacua are most preferred among those three types of vacua.Comment: 52 pages, published versio