8 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Sifat Mekanik Paduan Aluminium A356.2 Dengan Penambahan Manganese (Mn) Dan Perlakuan Panas T6

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    Aluminum Alloy A356.2 is one of aluminum alloys that is suitable to be used as a car wheel - rim material. This is because it has some benefits such as lightweight material, corrosion resistance material, interesting color but its mechanical properties do not meet criteria of JIS H 5202. For that reason, to meet the standard its mechanical properties need to be improved. Mechanical properties of this alloy can be improved using many ways; one of these is by changing its chemical composition. In this research, Mn element is added to alloy A356.2 containing Mn 0.05%w originally. Mn addition to the alloy is commenced from the amount of 0.2%w, 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.4 and finally 1.6%w. After this, some tests are conducted to these new alloys including tensile test, hardness test, impact test and micro - structural test. Test results show that the change of material mechanical properties occurs due to Mn addition and heat treatment T6 to these alloys. The optimum mechanical properties are obtained with the addition of 1.2%w Mn to the alloy. In this condition, the alloy has Ultimate Tensile Stength of 31.58 kg/mm2, elongation of 7.54%, hardness test of 90.74 HVN and impact test of 5.88 J/cm2 and these results fulfill JIS H 5202 standard

    Evaluasi Desain Ergonomi Alat Pengasapan Ikan Untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

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    Salah satu bentuk usaha yang memiliki potensi besar untuk dikembangkan yakni potensi perikanan. Potensi perikanan merupakan sektor perikanan yang mampu memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Kabupaten Gresik merupakan salah satu wilayah yang cukup berpotensi dalam pengembangan potensi perikanan. Selama ini hasil pengasapan masih belum optimal karena masih secara tradisional mengganggu mata, hidung, dan paru-paru. Ikan yang diasap hanya secara alamiah tanpa sentuhan teknologi dan inovasi. Difusi Teknologi Hasil Produk Inovasi alat pengasapan ikan berbentuk almari ini diperkenalkan karena kapasitas asap yang optimal, tingkat kekuatan yang baik, memiliki desain yang praktis karena mudah dibawa, dibongkar dan disimpan. Keunggulan inovasinya adalah Praktis berbentuk seperti almari, kokoh dan ramping; Ergonomic dapat didesain sesuai ukuran penggunanya; Mobile dapat dibawa kemana-mana dan ringan; Portabel dapat dilepas pasang sehingga lebih mudah dan ringan membawanya. Bebas asap karena asap terperangkap dalam almari dan setelah selesai mengasap maka klep dapat dibuka dan asap terbuang lewat cerobong. Kadar air ikan asap sesuai SNI yaitu 58%. Uji organoleptik rata-rata diatas 7 (suka) selama proses pengasapan 2 jam. Dengan terciptanya C-MOX dapat membantu mewujudkan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Desa khususnya pada poin 1 (Desa Tanpa Kemiskinan), poin 8 (Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Desa Merata), dan poin 9 (Infrastruktur dan Inovasi Desa

    Implementation of Air Sweep to Prevent Blockages on The Salt Crystallization Process

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    In the process of crystallization salt, blockages often occur due to the large amount of salt that sticks to the wall’s hopper of the crusher machine. Seeing this condition, a Salt Cleaning Tool was designed using the air sweep method. In the first step of the design, a survey was carried out to find out how thick and the area of salt that sticks over a certain period. Furthermore, experiments were carried out to determine the position of the nozzle and the air pressure needed to knock out the salt attached to the hopper. The control system uses Arduino hardware as a micro controller tool. The experimental results require that the spray direction is tangential to the hopper surface, so the nozzle on the market needs to be modified. Likewise, an air pressure of 6 bar .is required and a burst time period of every 3 seconds with a nozzle opening time of 250 milliseconds with the condition that three solenoids are open together. Modification of the nozzle The control system uses Arduino hardware as a micro controller tool. The implementation of the air sweep as a salt cleaning tool has been successful, this is evidenced by operation of the crusher machine without problem

    Analisa Pengaruh Turbine Inspection terhadap Kinerja Turbin Gas MW 701D di PLTGU-PT.PJB UP Gresik

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    PLTGU merupakan salah satu pembangkit listrik yang berbasis Uap dan Gas. PLTGU akan melakukan perubahan beban seiring dengan perubahan kebutuhan listrik konsumen. Perubahan beban dan Penggunaan komponen turbin gas secara terus menerus akan mempengaruhi kinerja dan umur pemakaian dari komponen turbin gas. Penurunan kinerja dari komponen tersebut akan berdampak terhadap efisiensi pembangkit. Untuk menjaga kinerja turbin gas pada kondisi optimal PT PJB UP melakukan inspeksi pada komponen-komponen turbin gas tersebut. Dari hasil pengamatan kami berdasarkan parameter kinerja turbin gas pada variasi beban baik itu setelah maupun sebelum overhaul turbine inspection kinerja turbin gas selalu mengalami kenaikan. Kenaikan kinerja paling baik akibat adanya turbin inspection berada pada operasi beban maksimum dengan besarnya efisiensi siklus 3,289 %, konsumsi bahan bakar spesifik 1,24 %, rasio kerja sebesar 0,63 %, dan daya netto sebesar 4,14

    PKM Usaha Aneka Olahan Ikan dan Kerajinan Kerang

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    Dalam PkM Usaha Aneka Olahan Ikan dan Kerang di Desa Kalirejo, Kecamatan Kraton, Kabupaten Pasuruan kali ini ditingkatkan manajemen pengolahan ikan dan kerang yang meliputi pelatihan dan pendampingan proses pengolahan ikan dan kerang menjadi aneka olahan ikan dan kerang, pengelolaan keuangan, permodalan, metode pengemasan dan merek, teknik penjualan dan manajemen pemasaran serta kewirausahaan bagi para pengolah hasil laut wilayah Kecamatan Kraton untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka. Permasalahannya adalah bahwa masyarakat tidak dapat mengolah ikan menjadi produk yang bernilai tambah yang lebih tinggi. Hal itu dapat diselesaikan ketika muncul metode pengolahan menjadi aneka olahan ikan dengan kapasitas produksi yang lebih tinggi. Inovasi pengolahan hasil laut ini berupa pengolahan hasil laut menjadi aneka olahan yang menggabungkan beberapa fungsi pengolahan yang aman, nyaman, dan sehat bagi penggunanya dan efektif bagi produknya. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah melakukan strategi penumbuhan kelompok usaha baru hasil laut instan, melalui proses pelatihan, manajemen usaha, strategi pemasaran, pendampingan lanjutan. Luaran yang dihasilkan: 1. Publikasi pada jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2. Publikasi video kegiatan dan artikel/tulisan pada harian online. Luaran tambahan: 1. Makalah di seminar nasional. 2. Peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok nelayan, dan 3. Peningkatan pendapatan kelompok usaha perikanan

    Influence of Front and Rear Wings on Aerodynamic Forces in a Student Formula Car

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    Aerodynamic forces affect the stability of a car when moving, especially when turning. This study conducted a CFD analysis of the influence of wings on the student formula car when turning. The addition of front and rear wings to the formula car increases drag, downforce, and side forces. Except for an airplane that is landing, large drag forces are always avoided, as well as side forces that can interfere with vehicle stability. Interestingly, in contrast to drag and downforce, the coefficient of side forces tends to decrease as cornering speed increases. The increase in downforce or negative lift in this formula car is more dominant and significant than that in the others, and it is very beneficial in increasing wheel grip and traction on the car’s stability when turnin

    The Utilization of Water Hyacinth for Biogas Production in a Plug Flow Anaerobic Digester

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    Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) causes ecological and economic problems because it grows very fast and quickly consumes nutrients and oxygen in water bodies, affecting both the flora and fauna; besides, it can form blockages in the waterways, hindering fishing and boat use. However, this plant contains bioactive compounds that can be used to produce biofuels. This study investigated the effect of various substrates as feedstock for biogas production. A 125-l plug-flow anaerobic digester was utilized and the hydraulic retention time was 14 days; cow dung was inoculated into water hyacinth at a 2:1 mass ratio over 7 days. The maximum biogas yield, achieved using a mixture of natural water hyacinth and water (NWH-W), was 0.398 l/g volatile solids (VS). The cow dung/water (CD-W), hydrothermally pretreated water hyacinth/digestate, and hydrothermally pretreated water hyacinth/water (TWH-W) mixtures reached biogas yields of 0.239, 0.2198, and 0.115 l/g VS, respectively. The NWH-W composition was 70.57% CH4, 12.26% CO2, 1.32% H2S, and 0.65% NH3. The modified Gompertz kinetic model provided data satisfactorily compatible with the experimental one to determine the biogas production from various substrates. TWH-W and NWH-W achieved, respectively, the shortest and (6.561 days) and the longest (7.281 days) lag phase, the lowest (0.133 (l/g VS)/day) and the highest (0.446 (l/g VS)/day) biogas production rate, and the maximum and (15.719 l/g VS) and minimum (4.454 l/g VS) biogas yield potential