377 research outputs found
Perbaikan Varietas Unggul Kacang Hijau Tahan Penyakit Embun Tepung dan Bercak Daun
Kacang hijau merupakan tanaman kacang-kacangan utama ketiga setelah kedelai dan kacang tanah. Tanaman kacang hijau peka terhadap serangan penyakit pada semua stadia pertumbuhannya. Penyakit embun tepung dan bercak daun tergolong penyakit yang dominan. Penyakit embun tepung banyak dijumpai pada musim kemarau, sedangkan penyakit bercak daun pada musim hujan. Dari evaluasi terhadap beberapa galur kacang hijau, diperoleh tiga galur yang memberikan hasil tinggi yaitu VC 3012B, VC 2750, dan EVO 947, masing-masing dengan sifat agak peka penyakit bercak daun, tahan penyakit embun tepung, dan tahan penyakit bercak daun. Galur VC 3012B dan VC 2750 mempunyai warna biji hijau mengkilat, sedangkan EVO 947 hijau kusam, dan ketiganya berbiji besar. Galur VC 3012B pada tahun 1998 dilepas sebagai varietas unggul dengan nama Kenari, dan pada tahun 2001 galur VC 2750 dan EVO 947 dilepas sebagai varietas unggul baru masing-masing dengan nama Perkutut dan Murai
Mangrove Surya Perdana Mandiri is a conservation forest area that has a positive impact on the environment and fauna habitat. The main purpose of planting or reforestation in the Surya Perdana Mandiri mangrove forest area is that there are concerns about the high level of abrasion and environmental damage, so mangrove planting in the coastal area, especially the Setapuk Besar Village, Singkawang North Subdistrict. Gastropods is a group of shelled invertebrates and has the main characteristic of using its legs to walk. Gastropoda is a group of animals from mollusc phyla that can live on the type of substrate from coarse to fine. This study aims to examine the diversity of gastropods in the Surya Perdana Mandiri mangrove forest in Setapuk Besar Village, Singkawang Utara Subdistrict. The research method used the survey method. Determination of the location of gastropod research was carried out based on Purposive sampling technique. The results of observations carried out were 8 species consisting of 5 families. Line 1 consists of 63 individuals in line 2 consisting of 86 individuals and line 3 consists of 74 with individual totals of 223. Diversity index of line 1 with value H Ì… = 0.52, line 2 with value H Ì… = 0.56 and path 3 with the value H Ì… = 0.62. Based on these values, species diversity (H Ì…) in each research line is categorized as having low diversity.Keywords: Diversity, Gastropods, Surya Perdana Mandiri Mangrov
The Malay tribe in Kumpang Tengah Village is one of the indigenous tribes of West Kalimantan which has biodiversity in the use of fauna since ancient times to meet the needs of life, one of which is as food, medicine, ritual, mystical and art. The purpose of this study was to record the types of animals used for consumption, traditional rituals, arts, medicines. The data collection technique was carried out by in-depth interviews with respondents who were selected using a survey method and the selection of respondents was carried out using a snowball sampling technique. Respondents amounted to 20 people, data collection using a questionnaire. The results showed that the use of animals as many as 27 types of animals ranging from mammals, aves, reptiles, insects, annelids, pisces, crustaceans in the village. Utilization for consumption of 15 animals, arts 3 animals, treatment of 4 animals, rituals and mystical as many as 6 animal species. Its main parts are flesh, gall, horns, whole body. Based on the high percentage of animal species used by the Malay community of Kumpang Tengah Village, the consumption is 65%. Utilization of animals for treatment by drinking and eating. How to manage, dried and cooked. Utilization of animals for art by drying animal skins and animal horns on display.Keywords: Ethnozoology, Kumpang Tengah, Utilization. AbstrakSuku Melayu di Desa Kumpang Tengah merupakan salah satu etnis asli Kalimantan Barat yang memiliki keanekaragaman dalam pemanfaatan fauna sejak dulu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, salah satunya sebagai bahan pangan, obat-obatan, ritual, mistis dan seni. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendata jenis-jenis hewan yang dimanfaatkan untuk konsumsi, ritual adat, kesenian, obat-obatan. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap responden yang terpilih dengan menggunakan metode survey dan pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Responden berjumlah 20 orang, penggumpulan data menggunakan bantuan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemanfaatan satwa sebanyak 27 jenis satwa dari mamalia, aves, reptile, insecta, annelida, pisces, crustacese di desa tersebut. Pemanfaatan untuk konsumsi sebanyak 15 satwa, kesenian sebanyak 3 satwa, penggobatan sebanyak 4 satwa, ritual dan mistis sebanyak 6 jenis satwa. Bagian utamanya adalah daging, empedu, tanduk, seluruh badan. Berdasarkan tinggi presentase jenis satwa yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Melayu Desa Kumpang Tengah yaitu konsumsi sebesar 65%. Pemanfaatan satwa untuk pengobatan dengan cara, diminum dan dimakan. Cara pengelolahannya, dikeringkan dan dimasak. Pemanfaatan satwa untuk kesenian dengan cara, kulit satwa dikeringkan dan tanduk satwa dijadikan pajangan.Kata Kunci : Etnozoologi, Kumpang Tengah, Pemanfaatan
The mangrove forest in Sutera Village is a mangrove tourism forest located in Sukadana District which has an important role as a place of care, foraging and spawning for various types of animals such as crustaceans, fish and gastropods. Gastropods are soft-bodied animals that have a shell on the outer part of the body used to protect themselves from danger or predators. This study aims to identify the types of gastropods in the mangrove forests of Sutera Village, Sukadana District, Kayong Utara Regency. The results showed that in the mangrove forests of Sutera Village, Sukadana District, Kayong Utara Regency, 403 individuals consisting of 20 species and 7 families were found. The types of gastropods were Ellobium aurisjudae, Ellobium gangeticum, Cassidula nucleus, Cassidula aurisfelis, Ellobium aurismidae, Cerithidea quadrata, Cerithidea quoyii, Cerithidea cingulata, Cerithidea alata, Cerithidea obtusa, Chicoreus capucinus, Indothais gradata, Littoraria scabra, Littoraria melanostoma, Littoraria cingulata, Littoraria carinifera, Natica gualteriana, Nerita balteata, Neritina cornucopia and Onchidium sp. Keywords : Identification, Gastropods, Mangrove Fores
West Kalimantan is one of the provinces in Indonesia which has various types of tribes. The variety of use of animals is an implication of the diversity of ethnicities, both in terms of the types of animals used, the form of utilization and how to use them. The purpose of this study was to record and examine the use of animal species used by the Kanayatn Dayak Community for treatment, traditional and mystical rituals in Gombang Village, Sengah Temila District, Landak Regency. The method used in this research is a survey method and interviews with selected respondents and direct observation in the field. This study obtained 11 selected respondents and obtained 28 species of animals consisting of 22 families that are used by the people of Gombang Village for Medicine, Traditional Rituals, and Mystics. On average, each family only consists of 1 species except for families Carvidae, Suidae, Gekkonidae, Elipidae, Accipitridae and Apidae which consist of 2 species each. Based on the class level, 7 classes of animals were used, namely Mammals, Reptiles, Aves, Amphibians, Insects, Pisces, and Molluscs. The parts of animals that are used include the whole body, meat, bile, fat, honey, bones, liver, eggs, head, blood, voice, horns, fangs, feathers, presence and venom/poison. Keywords: Dayak Kanayatn, Ethnozoology, Treatment, Traditional and Mystical RitualsAbstrakKalimantan Barat merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki beragam jenis suku. Ragam pemanfaatan satwa merupakan implikasi dari beragamnya etnis, baik dalam hal jenis satwa yang dimanfaatkan, bentuk pemanfaatan maupun cara memanfaatkannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendata dan mengkaji pemanfaatan jenis-jenis hewan yang dimanfaatkan oleh Masyarakat Dayak Kanayatn untuk pengobatan, ritual adat dan mistis di Desa Gombang Kecamatan Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dan wawancara terhadap responden terpilih serta pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Penelitian ini diperoleh 11 responden terpilih dan diperoleh 28 jenis satwa yang terdiri atas 22 famili yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat Desa Gombang untuk Pengobatan, Ritual Adat, dan Mistis. Rata-rata setiap famili hanya terdiri dari 1 spesies kecuali untuk famili Carvidae, Suidae, Gekkonidae, Elipidae, Accipitridae dan Apidae yang terdiri masing-masing 2 spesies. Berdasarkan tingkat kelas diperoleh 7 kelas satwa yang dimanfaatkan yaitu Mamalia, Reptil, Aves, Amfibi, Insecta, Pisces, dan Molusca. Bagian satwa yang dimanfaatkan meliputi seluruh badan, daging, empedu, lemak, madu, tulang, hati, telur, kepala, darah, suara, tanduk, taring, bulu, keberadaan dan bisa/racun.Kata kunci: Dayak Kanayatn, Etnozoologi, Pengobatan, Ritual Adat dan Misti
Customs in general are a person’s behavior in deeds, words and associations. Customs in cultural ceremonies are a tangible form of gratitude, rice yields, marriage, peace and other traditional ceremonial activities that exist in life. The traditional agricultural ceremony (Adat Bahuma) carried out by Dayak Kanayatn Community in Saham Village is a process of initial farming activities to rice harvesting activities. Ka ‘Awa Ka’Idup traditional ceremony is a custom to regulate the process of human life order (Talino). The customary ceremonies of Dayak Kanayatn community always use animals. The purpose of this study was to record the species of animals that are used in traditional ceremonies and the types of traditional ceremonies performed by Kanayatn Dayak community in Saham, SengahTemila District, Landak Regency. Data collection was carried out by survey methods and respondents' interviews. The selection of respondents was carried out using the snowball sampling method, namely by determining key respondents and then determining other respondents based on information from previous respondents. During the implementation of this research, there were 20 respondents consisting of 14 men and 6 women. The results of this study indicate that the use of animals for customary rituals by Kanayatn Dayak community in Saham village, Sengah Temila District, Landak Regency consists of 2 species of animals, namely chickens and pigs. There are two types of rituals, namely rituals for agriculture and rituals for regulating life.Keywords: Dayak Kanayant, Etnozoology, Cultural CeremonyAbstrakAdat secara umum adalah tingkah laku seseorang dalam perbuatan, perkataan dan pergaulan. Adat dalam upacara adat merupakan wujud nyata syukur, hasil padi, perkawinan, perdamaian dan kegiatan upacara adat lainnya yang ada dalam kehidupan. Upacara adat pertanian (Adat Bahuma) yang dilakukan oleh Masyarakat Dayak Kanayatn di Desa Saham merupakan proses dari kegiatan awal bertani hingga kegiatan memanen padi. Upacara adat Ka 'Awa Ka' Idup merupakan adat untuk mengatur proses tata kehidupan manusia (Talino). Upacara adat masyarakat Dayak Kanayatn selalu menggunakan hewan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendata jenis-jenis hewan yang digunakan dalam upacara adat dan jenis-jenis upacara adat yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat Dayak Kanayatn di Saham Kecamatan Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei dan wawancara responden. Pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode snowball sampling yaitu dengan menentukan responden kunci kemudian menentukan responden lain berdasarkan informasi dari responden sebelumnya. Selama pelaksanaan penelitian ini terdapat 20 responden yang terdiri atas 14 laki-laki dan 6 perempuan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan hewan untuk ritual adat oleh masyarakat Dayak Kanayatn di desa Saham, Kecamatan Sengah Temila, Kabupaten Landak terdiri atas 2 jenis hewan yaitu ayam dan babi. Ada dua jenis ritual, yaitu ritual untuk pertanian dan ritual untuk mengatur kehidupan.Kata Kunci: Dayak Kanayatn, Etnozoologi, Ritual Adat
The urban growth at this time indicates unbalance movement activities, where many of it must be able to maintain and ensure its sustainability of resources and preservation of environmental quality. To minimize the negative impact of the environmental hazards against physical development in urban area is through green open space planning. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the needs and availability of green open space in Pontianak city in 2016 based on the area. The results showed that the availability of green open space in Pontianak city was 1,190 ha and the need of green open space was 2.156 ha (20% of area)Keywords: Availability, green open space, need
Efforts to inventory the wealth of forest resources are still needed. There are stillmany areas that have potential especially plants than can be utilezed in order to preserver the forest. This research aims to determine the Diversity of Vegetation that exist in the Protected Forest of Gunung Semahung, Village of Saham, Sengah Temila Sub-district, Landak District. This research uses survey method by placing double plot where sampling is placed in accordance with the predetermined direction. The research plots are systematically laid out. Number of paths made as lines with a length of 1000 meters, each path there are 25 plot observations made in accordance with the direction of the compass, so the overallarea is 2 Ha. 20 x 20 m observation plot to measure tree level, 10 x 10 m for measuring pole level, 5 x 5 m for measuring stake level and 2 x 2 m to measure seedling level. The distance between plots is 20 m. The data obtained are then calculated relative density and density, relative frequency and frequency, dominance and relative dominance, to obtain an Important Value Index (INP). Further calculated Dominance Index (C), Type Diversity Index (H) and Tpe Abudance Index (E). The Important Value Index (INP) at the dominant seedling level is Garcinia xanthochymus (16,39). The Important Value Index (INP) at the most dominant stakes is the Durio zibethinus (15,68). The Important Value Index (INP) at the most dominant pole level is the Shorea acuminatissima (19,59). The Important Value Index (INP) at the most dominant tree level is the Diosphyros maingayi (36,36). The highest Dominity Index at the tree level is 0,1747. The highest Diversity Index at the stakes level is 1.5510. The highest Type Abundance Index at the pole level is 0.9625.Keywords: Mount Semahung, The Diversity Of Vegetation Protected Forest, The Index Values Are Importan
Forest Areas with Special Purposes KHDTK is a very important supporting forest area, determined by the government for public purposes such as research and development, education and training as well as religion and culture without changing the main functions of forest areas as conservation, protection and production functions. It is necessary to know KHDTK specifically for development and development, this is because the support of the Kopiang Dusun community around the KHDTK aims for the success of the KHDTK development activities. The study used a survey method with interviews with 47 respondents with a questionnaire guide. The analytical method used is the non-parametric analysis of the Kendall Tau correlation. The study showed that community perceptions in Village Kopiang Mandor District tended to be neutral with a percentage of 44.68%, a positive and insignificant relationship between knowledge and income levels with community perceptions, as well as a positive and significant relationship between cosmopolitan levels and community perceptions in Kopiang Hamlet, Mandor District. Landak District on the Existence of Forest Areas with Special Purposes (KHDTK).Keywords: forest area with special purpose (KHDTK), perception, relationshipAbstrakKawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus KHDTK suatu kawasan hutan penunjang yang sangat penting, ditetapkan oleh pemerintah untuk kepentingan umum seperti penelitian dan pengembangan, pendidikan dan latihan serta religi dan budaya tanpa mengubah fungsi pokok kawasan hutan sebagai fungsi konservasi, lindung dan produksi. Keberadaan KHDTK perlu diketahui, karena dukungan masyarakat Dusun kopiang yang berada disekitar KHDTK bertujuan untuk keberhasilan kegiatan pengembangan KHDTK tersebut. Tujuan penelitian menguraikan serta menguji hubungan antar persepsi Masyarakat Dusun Kopiang terhadap keberadaan Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus KHDTK. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik wawancara terhadap 47 responden dengan panduana kuesioner. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis non parametik korelasi Kendall Tau. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi masyarakat di Dusun Kopiang Kecamatan Mandor cenderung netral dengan persentase 44,68%, hubungan yang positif dan tidak signifikan antara tingkat pengetahuah dan pendapatan dengan Persepsi masyarakat, serta hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara tingkat kosmopolitan dengan Persepsi masyarakat Dusun Kopiang Kecamatan Mandor Kabupaten Landak terhadap Keberadaan Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus.Kata Kunci: kawasan hutan dengan tujuan khusus (KHDTK), persepsi, hubunga
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