22 research outputs found

    Dysregulation of multiple metabolic networks related to brain transmethylation and polyamine pathways in Alzheimer disease: A targeted metabolomic and transcriptomic study.

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    BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence that Alzheimer disease (AD) is a pervasive metabolic disorder with dysregulation in multiple biochemical pathways underlying its pathogenesis. Understanding how perturbations in metabolism are related to AD is critical to identifying novel targets for disease-modifying therapies. In this study, we test whether AD pathogenesis is associated with dysregulation in brain transmethylation and polyamine pathways. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We first performed targeted and quantitative metabolomics assays using capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) on brain samples from three groups in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) (AD: n = 17; Asymptomatic AD [ASY]: n = 13; Control [CN]: n = 13) (overall 37.2% female; mean age at death 86.118 ± 9.842 years) in regions both vulnerable and resistant to AD pathology. Using linear mixed-effects models within two primary brain regions (inferior temporal gyrus [ITG] and middle frontal gyrus [MFG]), we tested associations between brain tissue concentrations of 26 metabolites and the following primary outcomes: group differences, Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) (neuritic plaque burden), and Braak (neurofibrillary pathology) scores. We found significant alterations in concentrations of metabolites in AD relative to CN samples, as well as associations with severity of both CERAD and Braak, mainly in the ITG. These metabolites represented biochemical reactions in the (1) methionine cycle (choline: lower in AD, p = 0.003; S-adenosyl methionine: higher in AD, p = 0.005); (2) transsulfuration and glutathione synthesis (cysteine: higher in AD, p < 0.001; reduced glutathione [GSH]: higher in AD, p < 0.001); (3) polyamine synthesis/catabolism (spermidine: higher in AD, p = 0.004); (4) urea cycle (N-acetyl glutamate: lower in AD, p < 0.001); (5) glutamate-aspartate metabolism (N-acetyl aspartate: lower in AD, p = 0.002); and (6) neurotransmitter metabolism (gamma-amino-butyric acid: lower in AD, p < 0.001). Utilizing three Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) datasets, we then examined mRNA expression levels of 71 genes encoding enzymes regulating key reactions within these pathways in the entorhinal cortex (ERC; AD: n = 25; CN: n = 52) and hippocampus (AD: n = 29; CN: n = 56). Complementing our metabolomics results, our transcriptomics analyses also revealed significant alterations in gene expression levels of key enzymatic regulators of biochemical reactions linked to transmethylation and polyamine metabolism. Our study has limitations: our metabolomics assays measured only a small proportion of all metabolites participating in the pathways we examined. Our study is also cross-sectional, limiting our ability to directly test how AD progression may impact changes in metabolite concentrations or differential-gene expression. Additionally, the relatively small number of brain tissue samples may have limited our power to detect alterations in all pathway-specific metabolites and their genetic regulators. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, we observed broad dysregulation of transmethylation and polyamine synthesis/catabolism, including abnormalities in neurotransmitter signaling, urea cycle, aspartate-glutamate metabolism, and glutathione synthesis. Our results implicate alterations in cellular methylation potential and increased flux in the transmethylation pathways, increased demand on antioxidant defense mechanisms, perturbations in intermediate metabolism in the urea cycle and aspartate-glutamate pathways disrupting mitochondrial bioenergetics, increased polyamine biosynthesis and breakdown, as well as abnormalities in neurotransmitter metabolism that are related to AD

    Transcriptomic Analysis of Glycosylation and Neuroregulatory Pathways in Rodent Models in Response to Psychedelic Molecules

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    The potential for psychedelic molecules in impacting cognitive flexibility has long been supported and acknowledged across scientific reports. In the current study, an approach leveraging knowledge-based gene-set information analysis has been adopted to explore the potential impact of psychedelic molecules on both glycosylation, (a post-translational modifications (PTM)) and on neuro-regulatory pathways. Though limitations and restrictions rise from the scarcity of publicly available ‘omics’ data, targeted analysis enabled us to identify a number of key glycogenes (Hexb, Hs6st2, Col9a2, B3gat2, Mgat5, Bgn) involved the structural organization of extracellular matrix and neuroprotective factors (Kl, Pomc, Oxt, Gal, Avp, Cartpt) which play vital roles in neuron protection, development as well as synaptic stability. In response to psychedelic molecules, we found that these genes and associated pathways are transcriptional altered in rodent models. The approach used indicates the potential to exploit existing datasets for hypothesis generation and testing for the molecular processes which play a role in the physiological response to psychedelic molecule effects. These reported findings, which focused on alterations in glycogenes and neuro-regulatory factors may provide a novel range of biomarkers to track the beneficial, as well as potential toxicological effects of psychedelic molecules

    An integrative network analysis framework for identifying molecular functions in complex disorders examining major depressive disorder as a test case

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    In addition to the psychological depressive phenotype, major depressive disorder (MDD) patients are also associated with underlying immune dysregulation that correlates with metabolic syndrome prevalent in depressive patients. A robust integrative analysis of biological pathways underlying the dysregulated neural connectivity and systemic inflammatory response will provide implications in the development of effective strategies for the diagnosis, management and the alleviation of associated comorbidities. In the current study, focusing on MDD, we explored an integrative network analysis methodology to analyze transcriptomic data combined with the meta-analysis of biomarker data available throughout public databases and published scientific peer-reviewed articles. Detailed gene set enrichment analysis and complex protein–protein, gene regulatory and biochemical pathway analysis has been undertaken to identify the functional significance and potential biomarker utility of differentially regulated genes, proteins and metabolite markers. This integrative analysis method provides insights into the molecular mechanisms along with key glycosylation dysregulation underlying altered neutrophil-platelet activation and dysregulated neuronal survival maintenance and synaptic functioning. Highlighting the significant gap that exists in the current literature, the network analysis framework proposed reduces the impact of data gaps and permits the identification of key molecular signatures underlying complex disorders with multiple etiologies such as within MDD and presents multiple treatment options to address their molecular dysfunctio

    Vulnerability to stress: personality facet of vulnerability is associated with cardiovascular adaptation to recurring stress

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    It is increasingly suggested that personality traits are critical to understanding patterns of cardiovascular stress adaptation. However, studies have focused on higher-order traits with no research having examined underlying facet effects to repeated stress. The examination of facets provides a more granular examination, which has the potential to identify specific personality components that are relevant within the context of psychophysiological stress adaptation. This study objective was to determine if the underlying facets which encapsulate the dimension of emotional stability, are associated with cardiovascular adaptation to recurring stress. Continuous cardiovascular monitoring and psychometric measures were collated from 79 healthy young male and female adults, across a protocol of recurring active stress tasks. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the facet of vulnerability was associated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure adaptation across the protocol. More specifically, vulnerability was negatively associated with adaptation to recurring stress, such that those highest in vulnerability displayed a sensitization to the recurring stressor. No significant effects emerged for any other facet. Importantly, this research adds to the existing literature examining stress adaptation and has implications for future research on the relevance of examining facet effects. This study is the first to implicate the personality facet of vulnerability which encapsulates an individual's tendency to feel unable to cope with stress and becoming hopeless when faced with emergency situations, in the context of cardiovascular stress adaptation. Taken together, this study suggests that the facet of vulnerability is a critical component to consider in the context of cardiovascular stress adaptation

    Dysregulation of multiple metabolic networks related to brain transmethylation and polyamine pathways in Alzheimer disease: A targeted metabolomic and transcriptomic study.

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    BackgroundThere is growing evidence that Alzheimer disease (AD) is a pervasive metabolic disorder with dysregulation in multiple biochemical pathways underlying its pathogenesis. Understanding how perturbations in metabolism are related to AD is critical to identifying novel targets for disease-modifying therapies. In this study, we test whether AD pathogenesis is associated with dysregulation in brain transmethylation and polyamine pathways.Methods and findingsWe first performed targeted and quantitative metabolomics assays using capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) on brain samples from three groups in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) (AD: n = 17; Asymptomatic AD [ASY]: n = 13; Control [CN]: n = 13) (overall 37.2% female; mean age at death 86.118 ± 9.842 years) in regions both vulnerable and resistant to AD pathology. Using linear mixed-effects models within two primary brain regions (inferior temporal gyrus [ITG] and middle frontal gyrus [MFG]), we tested associations between brain tissue concentrations of 26 metabolites and the following primary outcomes: group differences, Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD) (neuritic plaque burden), and Braak (neurofibrillary pathology) scores. We found significant alterations in concentrations of metabolites in AD relative to CN samples, as well as associations with severity of both CERAD and Braak, mainly in the ITG. These metabolites represented biochemical reactions in the (1) methionine cycle (choline: lower in AD, p = 0.003; S-adenosyl methionine: higher in AD, p = 0.005); (2) transsulfuration and glutathione synthesis (cysteine: higher in AD, p ConclusionsIn this study, we observed broad dysregulation of transmethylation and polyamine synthesis/catabolism, including abnormalities in neurotransmitter signaling, urea cycle, aspartate-glutamate metabolism, and glutathione synthesis. Our results implicate alterations in cellular methylation potential and increased flux in the transmethylation pathways, increased demand on antioxidant defense mechanisms, perturbations in intermediate metabolism in the urea cycle and aspartate-glutamate pathways disrupting mitochondrial bioenergetics, increased polyamine biosynthesis and breakdown, as well as abnormalities in neurotransmitter metabolism that are related to AD

    Abnormal brain cholesterol homeostasis in Alzheimer’s disease—a targeted metabolomic and transcriptomic study

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    The role of brain cholesterol metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remains unclear. Peripheral and brain cholesterol levels are largely independent due to the impermeability of the blood brain barrier (BBB), highlighting the importance of studying the role of brain cholesterol homeostasis in AD. We first tested whether metabolite markers of brain cholesterol biosynthesis and catabolism were altered in AD and associated with AD pathology using linear mixed-effects models in two brain autopsy samples from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) and the Religious Orders Study (ROS). We next tested whether genetic regulators of brain cholesterol biosynthesis and catabolism were altered in AD using the ANOVA test in publicly available brain tissue transcriptomic datasets. Finally, using regional brain transcriptomic data, we performed genome-scale metabolic network modeling to assess alterations in cholesterol biosynthesis and catabolism reactions in AD. We show that AD is associated with pervasive abnormalities in cholesterol biosynthesis and catabolism. Using transcriptomic data from Parkinson’s disease (PD) brain tissue samples, we found that gene expression alterations identified in AD were not observed in PD, suggesting that these changes may be specific to AD. Our results suggest that reduced de novo cholesterol biosynthesis may occur in response to impaired enzymatic cholesterol catabolism and efflux to maintain brain cholesterol levels in AD. This is accompanied by the accumulation of nonenzymatically generated cytotoxic oxysterols. Our results set the stage for experimental studies to address whether abnormalities in cholesterol metabolism are plausible therapeutic targets in AD