65 research outputs found

    Public health semantics of YY paradox

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    Abstract Background: Body Mass Index (BMI) has lost its credibility as an indicator of fatness. 3D sca

    Geochemical characteristics of mesoproterozoic metabasite dykes from the Chhotanagpur Gneissic Terrain, eastern India: implications for their emplacement in a plate margin tectonic environment

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    A number of mafic intrusive bodies (mostly dykes) are exposed in the Chhotanagpur Gneissic Terrain (CGT). Most dykes trend in ENE–WSW to E–W following major structural trends of the region. These metabasite dykes show granoblastic to grano-nematoblastic textures and contain hornblende, plagioclase, chlorite, quartz and epidote which suggest their metamorphism under amphibolite grade P–T conditions. Although no radiometric age is available for the metabasite dykes, field relationships with host rock and available geochronology on granitoids suggest their emplacement during Mesoproterozoic. Geochemical characteristics of these dykes classify them as low-K tholeiite to medium-K calc-alkaline type. At least two types of metabasite dykes are recognized on the basis of their HFSE contents; one group shows entirely calc-alkaline nature, whereas the other group has rocks of tholeiite-calc-alkaline series. High Mg# observed in a number of samples indicates their derivation from primary melt. Multi-element spidergrams and rare-earth element patterns observed in these samples also corroborate their derivation from different magma batches. Trace element patterns observed for Nb–Ta, Hf–Zr, Sr and Y suggesting involvement of subduction related processes in the genesis of CGT metabasite dykes. Perceived geochemical characteristics suggest that metamorphism did not affect much on the chemistry of metabasites but source region, responsible for the generation of CGT metabasites, was possibly modified during subduction process. This study suggests that magma generated in a destructive plate setting fed the Mesoproterozoic mafic dykes of the CGT

    Prevalence and risk of musculoskeletal pain in rural homemakers of North India

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    Background: Musculoskeletal pain (MSP) is a well-known burden of disease and disability in all age groups and both sexes. There are very few reports regarding MSP in rural homemakers of North India. Objective: To assess the magnitude of MSP among rural homemakers and to identify its modifiable risk factors. Materials and Methods: A representative sample of 296 homemakers from rural areas of Barabanki district in Uttar Pradesh was studied. Details of MSP and its location; social, demographic information, height, and weight were recorded. A general clinical examination of each subject was also done to rule out any obvious underlying organic pathology and the findings were noted. Results: Prevalence of MSP among homemakers was found to be 40.9%. More than 60% of these could not be diagnosed without specialized investigations. Modifiable risk factors were identified. Conclusions: Parity, body mass index, use of nonsmoking tobacco, and per capita income were identified as modifiable risk factors in this population

    Unapređenje produktivnosti citrusnih voćnjaka sakupljanjem kišnice i mikro-irigacijom u sub-humidnom regionu

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    Scarcity of water is one of the major factors affecting productivity and decline of citrus orchards. The uneven distribution of rain in space and time induces abundant runoff in tropics. The higher runoff in monsoon period and soil moisture shortage in post monsoon induces sub-optimum yield of citrus orchards. Rainwater harvesting and its efficient utilization in citrus orchards is need of the hour for sustainable citriculture. Keeping this in view, the study was conducted to explore the feasibility of rainwater harvesting and it’s use through drip irrigation in citrus orchards. Various in-situ rainwater conservation treatments viz., continuous trenching, continuous bunding, staggered trenching between the rows across the slope (4.2%) and control (without any soil and water conservation treatment) were evaluated in citrus orchards of central India during 2006-2009. The continuous trenching produced the best response conserving 38% runoff and 32.28% soil besides 15.7% higher fruit yield with better fruit quality. Moreover, rainfall runoff from 3.2 hectare of land with continuous trenches was harvested in a tank of size 35m×35m×3m and recycled with drip irrigation with black plastic mulch in 1ha of Nagpur mandarin. The harvested water also recharged the groundwater in the nearby wells and water from wells was used for irrigation purpose during dry period. Over all, the fruit yield was enhanced up to 110% with better quality fruits under rainwater conservation practices and groundwater use over rain-fed trees. The study suggested for the combine use of rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation with plastic mulch for sustainable production of citrus in the regions having similar agro-climates of the study region.Nedostatak vode je jedan od najvažnijh faktora koji utiču na smanjenje produktivnosti citrusnih voćnjaka. Nejednak raspored kiše u vremenu i prostoru uzrokuje značajan gubitak vode u tropima. Visok gubitak u periodu monsuna i nedostatak zemljišne vlage posle monsuna smanjuje prinos voćnjaka. Sakupljanje kišnice i njena efikasna upotreba u voćnjacima je hitna potreba održivog uzgoja citrusa. Ova studija je ispitivala izvodljivost skupljanja kišnice i njene upotrebe za navodnjkavanje voćnjaka. Ispitivani su različiti načini čuvanja kišnice u citrusnim voćnjacima centralne Indije u periodu 2006-2009. Neprekidni rovovi dali su najbolji rezultat sa 38% sačuvane kišnice i 32.28% zemlje uz 15.7% veći prinos i kvalitet voća. Pored toga, kišnice sa 3.2 hektara terena sa neprekidnim rovovima sakupljana je u rezervoar dimenzija 35m×35m×3m i korišćena za navodnjavanje kap po kap sa crnim plastičnim malčom na 1ha Nagpur mandarina. Sakupljenom vodom takođe su dopunjavani okolni podzemni izvori, a voda iz ovih izvora je zatim korišćena za navodnjavanje tokom sušnog perioda. Konačno, prinos voća je povećan do 110% uz poboljšanje kvaliteta voća. Ova studija je pokazala da se kombinovana upotreba skupljanja kišnice i navodnjavanja kap po kap, sa plastičnim malčom, može preporučiti za postizanje održive proizvodnje citrusa u regionima koji imaju slične agro-klimatske uslove kao region koji je ispitivan

    Meta-analysis approach to study the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among current, former and non-smokers

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    Comparative risk assessment for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) among current, former and non-smokers categories remains controversial and not studied in detail. We conducted a meta-analysis to summarize all the relevant published studies on this topic and to update the association between smoking and prevalence of COPD in current, former and non-smokers. Identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion of articles for the study were conducted as per the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Quality assessment of included studies was undertaken using a scoring sheet. Meta-analysis after the final synthesis of the selected studies was performed using the STATA and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) software. Estimates from forty two independent studies reporting 547,391 individuals were identified. Twenty two studies were conducted in Europe, nine in America and ten in Asia and one from New Zealand. The meta-analysis showed that the prevalence of COPD was significantly higher in current smokers compared with former and non-smokers. However, owing to large heterogeneity among the estimates obtained from the studies, stratification was done with respect to continent, diagnostic criteria of COPD and study design which also showed similar results. The stratified analysis also revealed similar trend of results with prevalence of COPD being higher in current smokers as compared to former and non-smokers. The present meta-analysis highlights the positive association between smoking and COPD prevalence. There is an urgent need to implement more effective policies towards the restriction of tobacco use, to reduce the burden of COPD

    Adverse respiratory health and hematological alterations among agricultural workers occupationally exposed to organophosphate pesticides: a cross-sectional study in North India.

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    BackgroundNon-protective work practices followed by farm workers during spraying of pesticides lead to occupational exposure among them.ObjectiveThis study is designed to explore the respiratory health and hematological profile of agricultural workers occupationally exposed to OP pesticides.Materials and methodsA cross sectional study was undertaken among 166 pesticide sprayers working in mango orchards of Lucknow district in North India compared with 77 controls to assess the respiratory illness, lung functions, cholinesterase levels and hematological profile. A questionnaire based survey and clinical examination for respiratory health were conducted among study subjects. Lung function test was conducted among study subjects by using spirometer. Cholinesterase level as biomarker of OP pesticides and hematological profile of study subjects were investigated in the laboratory by following the standard protocols.ResultsOverall respiratory morbidity observed among exposed subjects was 36.75%. Symptoms for respiratory illness like dry cough, productive cough, wheezing, irritation of throat and blood stained sputum were found to be significantly more (pConclusionThis study shows that the unsafe occupational exposure of OP pesticides causes respiratory illness, decreased lung functions and hematological alterations among pesticide sprayers

    Petrology and geochemistry of high-titanium and low-titanium mafic dykes from the Damodar valley, Chhotanagpur Gneissic Terrain, eastern India and their relation to Cretaceous mantle plume(s)

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    The Damodar valley within the Chhotanagpur Gneissic terrain at the northern-most margin of the Singhbhum craton, eastern India, is perhaps the only geological domain in the entire Indian shield which hosts the early Cretaceous Rajmahal as well as the late Cretaceous Deccan igneous activities. A number of Cretaceous mafic dykes intrude the Gondwana sedimentary formations and are focus of the present study. One set of these dykes strike NNE to ENE, are very fresh and mainly exposed within the Jharia, Bokaro and Karanpura basins; whereas the other set of dykes (including the well-known Salma mega dyke) trend NW to NNW, intrude mainly the Raniganj basin and show meagre hydrothermal alteration. Majority of the samples from both these dyke groups display ophitic or sub-ophitic textures and are essentially composed of augite/titan augite and plagioclase. On the basis of petrographic and geochemical characteristics the NNE to ENE dykes are identified as high-Ti dolerite (HTD) dykes and the NW to NNW dykes are referred to as low-Ti dolerite (LTD) dykes. Apart from the first-order distinction on their titanium contents, both these groups also show conspicuous geochemical differences. The HTD dykes contain relatively high values of iron, and high-field strength elements than those from the LTD dykes with an overlapping MgO contents. Although available field, paleomagnetic and limited geochronological data for most of the studied dykes suggests their emplacement during early Cretaceous period (110–115 Ma), the Salma dyke, dated to be of Deccan-age at ∼65 Ma, is an exception. Geochemically all the studied samples show an undoubted plume-derived character but their unequivocal affinity to either the early Cretaceous Kerguelen (Rajmahal) or the late-Cretaceous Reunion (Deccan) plume is not straightforward since they share bulk-rock characteristics of rocks derived from both these plumes. Even though, the spatial and temporal association of the mafic dykes of present study with the Rajmahal Traps are suggestive of their linkage to the Kerguelen plume activity, robust geochronological and paleomagnetic constraints are clearly required to understand the relative contributions of the two Cretaceous mantle plumes in the genesis of the mafic igneous activity in this interesting domain