532 research outputs found

    Validation of MODIS Terra, AIRS, NCEP/DOE AMIP-II Reanalysis-2, and AERONET Sun Photometer Derived Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor Using Ground-Based GPS Receivers over India

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    Water vapor is an important and highly variable constituent in time and space; the knowledge of its variability is important in climate studies. In India, the ground observations of water vapor using conventional methods such as radiosonde are limited. In this paper, a comparison of hourly estimates of total column water vapor from Global Positioning System (GPS) with multisensor satellite is presented over three stations. We show quantitatively seasonal and monthly dependency of bias, standard deviation, root mean square error (RMSE), and the correlation coefficient between the water vapor data sets. The GPS and Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) water vapor show good agreement (R2 = 95%, RMSE 3.87 mm, GPS-AERONET bias = −2.63 mm). On the basis of multiple-year data, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer near-infrared (MODIS NIR) clear column product shows higher correlation (R2 = 89–93%) with GPS compared to infrared (IR) products (R2 = 82–84%). MODIS is found to be overestimating in NIR clear and IR products in all seasons over India where the magnitude of bias and RMSE show systematic changes from month to month. MODIS is significantly underestimating in NIR cloudy column products during summer and monsoon seasons. MODIS NIR clear column (R2 = 97%, RMSE 5.44 mm) and IR (R2 = 81%, RMSE 7.17 mm) water vapor show similar performance on comparison with AERONET data. The MODIS NIR cloudy column product shows no correlation with GPS. The GPS National Centers for Environmental Prediction/Department of Energy Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project II (GPS-NCEP/DOE AMIP-II) Reanalysis-2 water vapor show R2 = 87%, 77%, and 60% (and RMSE of 8.39 mm, 6.97 mm, and 9.30 mm) over Kanpur, Hyderabad, and Bangalore, respectively. All the satellite water vapor shows systematic bias with month and season that is found to be sensitive to the sky conditions. The magnitude of bias is invariably larger during monsoon season with relatively more cloudy days and moist atmosphere. The errors in satellite estimation are found to be invariably more during wet compared to dry months. Statistical analysis shows that MODIS NIR clear column and Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) daytime water vapor are more reliable compared to other satellite estimates (MODIS IR and AIRS nighttime) except during cloudy days

    Clinical features and predictors of in hospital mortality in patients with intra cerebral haemorrhage

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    Background: Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) accounts for 15-20% of all strokes and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The present study was done to assess the risk factors for ICH and determine the factors responsible for poor outcome in ICH.Methods: Consecutive patients of ICH were assessed for modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors, followed by detailed examination with emphasis on ICH score and CT scan findings.Results: There were 200 patients with ICH; 108 males and 92 females. The prevalence of ICH was maximum in the age group of 61-70 years (34%). Hypertension was present in 68% of the patients and was the single most important modifiable risk factor. The most common presenting symptom was altered sensorium present in 58% patients. The mean hematoma volume in our study was 44+/-45 cm3. 45 patients with a GCS <5 and both the patients with ICH score 5 expired. On multivariate analysis, there was a significant correlation of mortality with GCS and hematoma volume.Conclusions: Hypertension is the commonest risk factor for ICH. Patients with a low GCS score, large hematoma volume and a higher ICH score have a poor prognosis and higher probability of mortality.

    Formulation and Evaluation of once daily sustained release matrix tablets of Aceclofenac using natural gums

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    In present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the effect of natural gums on the release profile of drug from matrix system for once daily sustained release tablets formulations. Aceclofenac NSAIDs was used as a model drug to evaluate it release characteristics from different matrices. Matrix tablets of Aceclofenac were prepared by direct compression process using natural gums (xanthan gum and karaya gum) in different ratios drug: gum ratios of FX, FK and FXK (FX and FK in 1:1 ratios). The tablets were evaluated for physical characteristic like hardness, weight variation, friability, swelling index and drug content, in-vitro release of drug was performed in Phosphate buffer pH 7.4 for 24 hours. All the physical characteristic of fabricated tablet was within acceptable limits. The release of Aceclofenac from a gelatinous swollen mass, which controls the diffusion of drug molecules through the polymeric materials in to aqueous medium. The FXK matrices show  prices controlled release than FX and FK matrices because of burst effect and fast release in case of FX and FK matrices respectively and there was no chemical interaction between drug and polymers in FXK formulation as confirmed by FTIR studies. The release mechanism was explained with zero order, first order, higuchi and korsmeyer equations via swelling and non fickian diffusion mechanism. The FXK matrices leads to more  prices result than FX and FK alone by utilisation of synergistic interaction between two biopolymers and uniformity in the hydration layer in dissolution media

    Artery of percheron infarction: case reports and literature review

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    The artery of Percheron is a rare anatomic variant supplying the thalamus and the rostral midbrain. Infarct in this territory results in a wide array of neurological signs and symptoms causing diagnostic dilemma and management issues. We describe the clinical presentations in three cases admitted and evaluated for neurological symptoms and diagnosed as artery of percheron infarct after brain imaging. In one patient, the etiology turned out to be infective while the other two patients had cerebrovascular accident secondary to dilated cardiomyopathy and hyper homcystinimea respectively. Artery of percheron infarction is a rare entity and should be considered in patients with altered sensorium and behavioral manifestations with associated eye abnormalities. MRI brain is the investigation of choice to detect this rare variant of thalamic circulation.

    Early PNF exercises functional outcome and quality in patients with stroke of urban and rural area in Uttar Pradesh: a prospective community based study

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    Background: Early rehabilitation plays a very important role in stroke outcome. In India people from rural areas get primary treatment from district hospitals, where the rehabilitation facilities are not available, and then referred to the tertiary care hospital (after 2-3weeks) hence the rehabilitation process is delayed. It may delay the improvement in functional outcome and quality of life. These factors should be evaluated. To evaluate effects of PNF intervention in urban and rural population in Uttar Pradesh.Methods: Total 90 patients were recruited in this study and divided into rural (coming from rural areas of Uttar Pradesh) and urban (coming from urban areas) groups. Patients were given rehabilitation for 4weeks and improvement in functional activities was assessed by Barthel's-Index (BI), Quality of Life was assessed by Stroke Specific Quality of Life Scale (SSQOL) and sensory motor improvement was assessed by Fugl- Meyer Assessment before and after the intervention. Patients were again assessed at 6months.Results: 41 patients in experimental and 49 patients in control group completed the 6 months follow up and were available for analysis. On analysis urban group showed better (<0.05) improvement in functional activities, sensory motor improvement (FMA) and quality of life (SSQOL) as well. People who directly admitted to our multispecialty and tertiary care hospital and received early rehabilitation showed better improvement than the patients who received late rehabilitation.Conclusions: Early rehabilitation leads to early improvement in functional activities. PNF exercises are very effective in improving motor function and should be given from the first day after stroke

    Geoinformatics Approach for Groundwater Prospects and Quality Studies -A Review

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    ABSTRACT Water is a prime requirement for all the living and non-living processes. On the earth, 71% is water but the availability of useable fresh water for drinking and other purposes is about 2.8%. Out of this 2.8 % fresh water, the share of groundwater is only 0.6% that makes it more pertinent to conservation, preservation, and management. The urbanization, industrialization, and intensive agricultural practices have put further pressure on the available fresh water. The modern techniques like space technology, GIS and GPS have great utility in mapping, monitoring, planning and management of water resources. The temporal satellite data in different spectral bands and on different spatial resolutions make the remote sensing satellite data highly useful for mapping and monitoring of an area. The geographical information system (GIS) has the capability to store, retrieve, edit and represent the data in informative way. The global positioning system (GPS) gives the real time geo-coordinates, path and altitude of desired object or terrain. Thus, the geoinformatics have huge potential for solving the problems of groundwater availability and quality, and there is a need to harness the potential of these techniques for societal benefits to provide water everyone

    Alterations in candidate genes PHF2, FANCC, PTCH1 and XPA at chromosomal 9q22.3 region: Pathological significance in early- and late-onset breast carcinoma

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    Introduction: Younger women with breast carcinoma (BC) exhibits more aggressive pathologic features compared to older women; young age could be an independent predictor of adverse prognosis. To find any existing differences in the molecular pathogenesis of BC in both younger and older women, alterations at chromosomal (chr.) 9q22.32-22.33 region were studied owing to its association in wide variety of tumors. Present work focuses on comparative analysis of alterations of four candidate genes; PHF2, FANCC, PTCH1 and XPA located within 4.4 Mb region of the afore-said locus in two age groups of BC, as well as the interrelation and prognostic significance of alterations of these genes. Methods: Deletion analysis of PHF2, FANCC, PTCH1 and XPA were examined in a subset of 47 early-onset (group-A: ≤ 40 years) and 59 late-onset (group-B: > 40 years) breast carcinomas using both microsatellite and exonic markers. Methylation Sensitive Restriction analysis (MSRA) was done to check for promoter methylation. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) and immunohistochemisty (IHC) was done in some genes to see their relative mRNA and protein expressions respectively. Clinico-pathological correlation of different parameters as well as patient survival was calculated using different statistical softwares like EpiInfo 6.04b, SPSS 10.0 etc. Results: Either age group exhibited high frequency of overall alterations in PHF2, FANCC and PTCH1 compared to XPA. Samples with alteration (deletion/methylation) in these genes showed reduced level of mRNA expression as seen by Q-PCR. Immunohistochemical analysis of FANCC and PTCH1 also supported this observation. Poor patient survival was noted in both age groups having alterations in FANCC. Similar result was also seen with PTCH1 and XPA alterations in group-A and PHF2 alterations in group-B. This reflected their roles as prognostic tools in the respective groups in which they were altered. Conclusion: Overall alterations of PHF2, FANCC and PTCH1 were comparatively higher than XPA. Differential association of alterations in FANCC and PTCH1 with that of PHF2, XPA and two breast cancer susceptibility genes (BRCA1/BRCA2) in the two age groups suggests differences in their molecular pathogenesis and dysregulation of multiple DNA repair pathways as well as hedgehog dependent stem cell renewal pathway
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