98 research outputs found

    Eigenvalue confinement and spectral gap for random simplicial complexes

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    We consider the adjacency operator of the Linial-Meshulam model for random simplicial complexes on nn vertices, where each dd-cell is added independently with probability pp to the complete (dβˆ’1)(d-1)-skeleton. Under the assumption np(1βˆ’p)≫log⁑4nnp(1-p) \gg \log^4 n, we prove that the spectral gap between the (nβˆ’1d)\binom{n-1}{d} smallest eigenvalues and the remaining (nβˆ’1dβˆ’1)\binom{n-1}{d-1} eigenvalues is npβˆ’2dnp(1βˆ’p) (1+o(1))np - 2\sqrt{dnp(1-p)} \, (1 + o(1)) with high probability. This estimate follows from a more general result on eigenvalue confinement. In addition, we prove that the global distribution of the eigenvalues is asymptotically given by the semicircle law. The main ingredient of the proof is a F\"uredi-Koml\'os-type argument for random simplicial complexes, which may be regarded as sparse random matrix models with dependent entries.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    The outliers of a deformed Wigner matrix

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    We derive the joint asymptotic distribution of the outlier eigenvalues of an additively deformed Wigner matrix HH. Our only assumptions on the deformation are that its rank be fixed and its norm bounded. Our results extend those of [The isotropic semicircle law and deformation of Wigner matrices. Preprint] by admitting overlapping outliers and by computing the joint distribution of all outliers. In particular, we give a complete description of the failure of universality first observed in [Ann. Probab. 37 (2009) 1-47; Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar\'{e} Probab. Stat. 48 (1013) 107-133; Free convolution with a semi-circular distribution and eigenvalues of spiked deformations of Wigner matrices. Preprint]. We also show that, under suitable conditions, outliers may be strongly correlated even if they are far from each other. Our proof relies on the isotropic local semicircle law established in [The isotropic semicircle law and deformation of Wigner matrices. Preprint]. The main technical achievement of the current paper is the joint asymptotics of an arbitrary finite family of random variables of the form ⟨v,(Hβˆ’z)βˆ’1w⟩\langle\mathbf{v},(H-z)^{-1}\mathbf{w}\rangle.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOP855 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Mesoscopic eigenvalue statistics of Wigner matrices

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    We prove that the linear statistics of the eigenvalues of a Wigner matrix converge to a universal Gaussian process on all mesoscopic spectral scales, i.e. scales larger than the typical eigenvalue spacing and smaller than the global extent of the spectrum.Comment: 34 page

    The Altshuler-Shklovskii Formulas for Random Band Matrices I: the Unimodular Case

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    We consider the spectral statistics of large random band matrices on mesoscopic energy scales. We show that the two-point correlation function of the local eigenvalue density exhibits a universal power law behaviour that differs from the Wigner-Dyson-Mehta statistics. This law had been predicted in the physics literature by Altshuler and Shklovskii [4]; it describes the correlations of the eigenvalue density in general metallic samples with weak disorder. Our result rigorously establishes the Altshuler-Shklovskii formulas for band matrices. In two dimensions, where the leading term vanishes owing to an algebraic cancellation, we identify the first non-vanishing term and show that it differs substantially from the prediction of Kravtsov and Lerner [33]

    Eigenvector Distribution of Wigner Matrices

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    We consider NΓ—NN\times N Hermitian or symmetric random matrices with independent entries. The distribution of the (i,j)(i,j)-th matrix element is given by a probability measure Ξ½ij\nu_{ij} whose first two moments coincide with those of the corresponding Gaussian ensemble. We prove that the joint probability distribution of the components of eigenvectors associated with eigenvalues close to the spectral edge agrees with that of the corresponding Gaussian ensemble. For eigenvectors associated with bulk eigenvalues, the same conclusion holds provided the first four moments of the distribution Ξ½ij\nu_{ij} coincide with those of the corresponding Gaussian ensemble. More generally, we prove that the joint eigenvector-eigenvalue distributions near the spectral edge of two generalized Wigner ensembles agree, provided that the first two moments of the entries match and that one of the ensembles satisfies a level repulsion estimate. If in addition the first four moments match then this result holds also in the bulk
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