28 research outputs found

    Effect of Topping on Growth Development and CBD Content of Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) in Pot Culture

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    In hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivation, an important management factor is apical cut (topping) as this modulates plant architecture, plant biomass allocation as well as the yield of inflorescences and cannabinoids per plant and area. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of topping treatment on agronomical and quality characteristics of two monoecious hemp varieties, ‘Fedora 17’ and ‘Felina’, A greenhouse pot experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD), with two topping treatments (untreated and topped). The results revealed that plant height of both varieties was negatively affected by topping treatment and the higher values were recorded in the untreated (137.02 and 134.56 cm for Fedora 17 and Felina, respectively). The highest values of dry weight per plant and bud dry weight per plant were noticed for topped plants. In conclusion, the findings of the present study implied that the hemp had a positive response to applied topping for all studied cultivars and the CBD content was higher in topped plants as topping stress increased cannabidiol (CBD) content

    Evaluation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Quinoa Seed Production in Greece

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    Population growth has led to an increase in food production, resulting in an increase in agricultural products in terms of quantity and quality. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivation is prevalent in most areas of the world due to its high-quality grain and its potential to produce high yields under tough growing conditions. This study aimed to investigate all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated by quinoa seed production in Greece and their relationship with farm-related factors, from fertilizer production to energy consumption for all cultivation techniques. The amount of all GHG emissions was estimated using Cool Farm Tool software. In order to collect data, a questionnaire including questions regarding cultivation details, soil characteristics, inputs, fuel, and water use was distributed and completed by forty quinoa producers from Central Greece. Accordingly, the estimated carbon footprint values per hectare and per kilogram of quinoa seed were 1,159.65 and 0.48 kg CO2-eq, respectively. The present research also found that the highest CO2-eq emissions per kilogram of quinoa seed were found to be associated with the production of fertilizers, with a value of 0.20 kg CO2-eq corresponding to 40.88% of the total emissions per kilogram of produced seed. Consequently, attention must be given for the mitigation of the environmental impact of quinoa seed production. It is particularly important to manage chemical fertilizers and agricultural machinery properly in order to ensure the sustainable cultivation of quinoa

    Combined Effect of Biocompost and Biostimulant on Root Characteristics of Cannabis sativa L.

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    The use of earthworms in bio-composting (vermicomposting) is gaining popularity as a bio-waste management approach for producing nutrient-rich organic fertilizer. Furthermore, the use of seaweed extracts as biostimulants changes the physical, biochemical, and biological aspects of the soil, as well as the architecture of plant roots, allowing for more effective nutrient uptake and increasing plant development and yields. This study aimed to evaluate the combined effect of biocompost and biostimulant on the development of the root system of cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) plant. An outdoor pot experiment was set up a completely randomized design, with four treatments including vermicompost, vermicompost amended with seaweed-based biostimulant, vermicompost mixed with spent mushroom substrate (SMS) and cattle manure (CM) compost, and vermicompost mixed with SMS+CM compost and amended with seaweed-based biostimulant. The results revealed that the highest values of root length density, root diameter, and nitrogen content in roots (1.36 cm cm-3, 1.29 mm, and 1.23%, respectively) were found in plants grown in the substrate of vermicompost mixed with SMS+CM compost and amended with seaweed-based biostimulant, pointed this out as a recommended treatment for increased biomass production, which is important in the processing of cannabis for medicinal purposes

    Effect of Land-Use Intensification on Soil Properties and Plant Species Diversity in the Mediterranean Agroecosystem

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    In recent decades, agriculture in Greece has undergone significant changes due to the intensification of land use. This intensification, contrary to the sustainable land management, has an impact on the healthiness of the environmental agroecosystem. This study aimed to investigate if these cultivation systems influence some of the main edaphic properties and plant species diversity and which are the main anthropogenic interventions which may have a decisive role in the changes of soil physicochemical properties and the reduction of plant species. To assess the environmental implications among different types of land-use, the most sensitive and reliable edaphic indicators were measured and plant species diversity was recorded. Three land-use types such as maize crops, alfalafa and abandoned land were selected and ten fields with an area of approximately 1 ha in each land use type were taken. The results indicate that among the edaphic parameters pH, sand, electrical conductivity (EC), soil organic matter (SOM), NO3- as well as Ca+2 and Cu+2 soil concentration presented statistically significant differences among thirty cultivated fields. Among three different land uses, the edaphic variables EC, SOM, BD, Cal & Na concentrations presented significant differences. A higher soil organic matter content was observed in abandoned land while bulk density and electric conductivity value as well as Na+ concentrations were lower compared to other land uses. In total 122 taxa belonging to 30 families were recorded, while the families with the greatest species diversity were Poaceae, Asteraceae and Fabaceae in all land uses. Therophytes was the dominant life-form, followed by the Hemicryptophytes and Geophytes. The findings of the present study imply that different agronomic practices influence soil quality parameters, which are likely to affect species diversity and the environmental implications among different land uses