25 research outputs found

    Concomitant screening of coronary artery disease and lung cancer with a new ultrafast-low-dose Computed Tomography protocol: A pilot randomised trial

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    We performed a pilot randomised study to assess the feasibility and radiation exposure of a new computed tomography (CT) protocol that allows screening of both coronary artery disease (CAD) and lung cancer. Current or former heavy smokers at high lung cancer risk with indication to cardiac CT for suspected or known CAD were randomised to undergo concomitant CT evaluation of either cardiac or thoracic area or cardiac CT only. Out of 129 subjects deemed eligible for the study, 110 agreed to participate and were randomised to simultaneous cardiac and lung CT (Gr.A; n = 55) or cardiac CT only (Gr.B; n = 55). The feasibility (i.e. adequate visualization of coronary artery segments) was noninferior with simultaneous cardiac and lung CT compared with the standard cardiac CT (870 of 889 segments [97%] in Gr.A vs 878/890 segments [99%] in Gr.B; mean difference 2.0% [90% confidence interval: -0.3% to 4.1%]). The safety (i.e. effective radiation dose) of the concomitant cardiac and lung CT protocol was noninferior to the standard cardiac CT (1.5 [95% confidence intervals: 1.2-1.7] vs. 1.4 [95% confidence intervals: 1.1-1.6] mSv; mean difference 0.1 mSv [90% confidence interval: -0.2 to 0.3 mSv]). In the two groups, a total of 25 significant (>70%) coronary stenoses were found at cardiac CT (9/55 cases of Gr.A vs 11/55 cases of Gr.B). Pulmonary nodules >2 mm were detected in 7 of the 55 Gr.A subjects. This pilot randomised study shows that concomitant CAD and lung cancer screening by means of a new CT protocol is both feasible and safe, thus allowing a comprehensive evaluation of both cardiac and thoracic regions during one CT scanning only. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03727958)

    One-step multiplex quantitative RT-PCR for the simultaneous detection of viroids and phytoplasmas of pome fruit trees

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    A one-step multiplex real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) based on TaqMan chemistry was developed for the simultaneous detection of Pear blister canker viroid and Apple scar skin viroid along with universal detection of phytoplasmas, in pome trees. Total nucleic acids (TNAs) extraction was performed according to a modified CTAB protocol. Primers and TaqMan MGB probes for specific detection of the two viroids were designed in this study, whereas for phytoplasma detection published universal primers and probe were used, with the difference that the later was modified to carry a MGB quencher. The pathogens were detected simultaneously in 10-fold serial dilutions of TNAs from infected plant material into TNAs of healthy plant up to dilutions 10(-5) for viroids and 10(-4) for phytoplasmas. The multiplex real-time assay was at least 10 times more sensitive than conventional protocols for viroid and phytoplasma detection. Simultaneous detection of the three targets was achieved in composite samples at least up to a ratio of 1:100 triple-infected to healthy tissue, demonstrating that the developed assay has the potential to be used for rapid and massive screening of viroids and phytoplasmas of pome fruit trees in the frame of certification schemes and surveys. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Simultaneous detection of three pome fruit tree viruses by one-step multiplex quantitative RT-PCR.

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    A one-step multiplex real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) based on TaqMan probes was developed for the simultaneous detection of Apple mosaic virus (ApMV), Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) and Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) in total RNA of pome trees extracted with a CTAB method. The sensitivity of the method was established using in vitro synthesized viral transcripts serially diluted in RNA from healthy, virus-tested (negative) pome trees. The three viruses were simultaneously detected up to a 10-4 dilution of total RNA from a naturally triple-infected apple tree prepared in total RNA of healthy apple tissue. The newly developed RT-qPCR assay was at least one hundred times more sensitive than conventional single RT-PCRs. The assay was validated with 36 field samples for which nine triple and 11 double infections were detected. All viruses were detected simultaneously in composite samples at least up to the ratio of 1:150 triple-infected to healthy pear tissue, suggesting the assay has the capacity to examine rapidly a large number of samples in pome tree certification programs and surveys for virus presence

    Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and atherosclerotic coronary disease

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    Background Previous works have suggested an association between Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and coronary heart disease. We evaluated the prevalence of C pneumoniae infection in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods and Results Ninety-eight patients with AMI, 80 patients with CHD, and 50 control subjects matched for age and sex were investigated. Immunoglobulin (Ig)M, IgG, and IgA antibodies to C pneumoniae were measured by the microimmunofluorescence test. IgM antibodies were not found; IgG positivity was found in 58.2% of the AMI group, 60.0% of the CHD group, and 38% of the control group, whereas for IgA, positivity was found in 33.7%, 43.7%, and 22% of cases in AMI, CHD, and control groups, respectively. Titers indicating reinfection were found in AMI and CHD groups in 6.1% and 10%, respectively, whereas titers indicating chronic infection were found in 14% of the AMI group and 25% of the CHD group. A significant correlation was found between chronic C pneumoniae infection and dyslipidemias in the AMI and CHD groups (P = .003; P = .0006). Conclusions The results suggest that chronic C pneumoniae infection may be associated with the development of atherosclerotic coronary disease. In our next step, we will test whether antichlamydial antibiotics may help to reduce the risk of atherosclerotic disease