3,945 research outputs found

    Fixed-term Contracts, Transitions and Wage Growth: Evidence from Spain

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    Employment instability is considered one of the main problems of the Spanish labour market. Thus, the proportion of temporary workers in Spain is around 30 per cent that is the highest rate of the European Union countries. The persistence of this situation could increase the risk of labour market segmentation. This paper presents new evidence of the factors affecting workers' transition from temporary work to permanent one and analyses whether this transition has a positive effect on wage growth. The former objective is obtained by estimating discrete choice models and the latter by estimating a wage growth equation correcting for selectivity bias through the two-step method developed by Trost and Lee (1984). The data are obtained from the second and third waves of the Spanish Household Panel Survey (INE 1996) conducted over the period 1995–1996. The main results are, on the one hand, that personal and job characteristics have a significant influence on the probability of becoming a permanent worker and, on the other hand, that this transition has an important positive effect on wage growth.labour force transitions, temporary and permanent workers, wage growth

    Factors affecting quits and layoffs in Spain

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    During the last decade, unemployment rates in the European Union have been higher than in other regions, e.g., the United States, and these are even higher in Spain. It has been argued that the different degrees of labour mobility between the European and the American labour markets can account for the differences in the pattern observed. This paper follows the McLaughlin's model (1991) and provides empirical evidence regarding the factors determining quits and layoffs due to contract termination and non-renewal in Spain, following the efficient-turnover theory and wage flexibility. The data was obtained from the Spanish Household Panel Survey (PHOGUE) conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE 1995). Our evidence, on the one hand, indicates that workers' characteristics influence on the probability of changing job. On the other hand, the influency of the factors affecting labour mobility is different depending on whether job separation was triggered by quits or layoffs.quit, layoff, wage revision and bivariate probit.

    Evaluation in Carbon Dioxide Equivalent and CHG Emissions for Water and Energy Management in Water Users Associations. A Case Study in the Southeast of Spain

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    Agriculture is an activity linked to the environment and has a great influence on climate change. As more and more crops are producing in less time, agricultural production is intensified and water consumption and energy demand is increasing. Since the energy consumed is not renewable, greenhouse gases (GHG) are emitted and their concentration in the atmosphere increases. The objective of this article is to apply various methodologies for the precise quantification of the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq) and GHG emissions in the management of irrigation water and energy in ten water user’s associations (WUAs) in the southeast of Spain. All the studied WUAs include irrigation facilities. This paper is based on obtained data in different water and energy audits during 2017. The concept of “irrigation water management” considered in the article covers the process from its extraction through management data to its transport and application to crops through irrigation systems, as well as the reception of water. The way in which water and energy is used to irrigate crops is taken into account. Moreover, the type of energy used for irrigation and at what moment energy is demanded influence the total amount of generated GHG emissions. The tariff periods for electricity and the water needs of the crops planted also has to be taken into account, as well as the economic emissions valuatio

    Incidencia de la contratación indefinida según nacionalidad en Andalucía y en el resto de Europa

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    Como resultado de las reformas laborales en nuestro país desde 1997, el conjunto de relaciones laborales indefinidas se puede fragmentar en tres grandes grupos: contratos indefinidos ordinarios, indefinidos bonificados procedentes de la transformación de contratos temporales e indefinidos iniciales bonificados. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es analizar la incidencia de los diversos tipos de contratación indefinida sobre la población inmigrante en comparación con la nacional. Para este fin, la metodología utilizada consiste en la estimación de modelos logit multinomial donde la variable dependiente muestra si el trabajador está situado en alguna de las anteriores modalidades de contratación o tiene un contrato temporal.Reforma laboral, contratos indefinidos, bonificación,inmigración

    Capital humano y primera ocupación de los inmigrantes en Andalucía

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    La convergencia de los inmigrantes hacia los trabajadores españoles se ha abordado desde diversos puntos de vista en la literatura económica. En este trabajo se desea arrojar evidencia empírica para Andalucía sobre diversos aspectos de interés relacionados con dicho tema. En particular, el principal objetivo es el análisis de los determinantes de la primera ocupación en Andalucía de los trabajadores extranjeros, con el fin de estudiar si transfieren sus conocimientos desde sus países de origen al mercado de trabajo andaluz. Para la realización de este trabajo, se estiman diversos modelos de elección discreta, en base a la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes (INE, 2007).Immigrants, human capital, first occupation

    Characterization of wind-blown sediment transport with height in a highly mobile dune (SW Spain)

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    The Valdevaqueros dune is located at one of the windiest points of Europe, where the frequent occurrence of strong easterly winds has generated a highly mobile dune. Several rotating cup anemometers in vertical array and a self-designed vertical sand trap, were placed to retain the drift sands at different heights over the surface in order to determine theoretical and actual sand transport rates in the Valdevaqueros dune system. General results show that 90% of the wind-blown sand is transported within the first 20cm above the dune crest surface. Theoretical transport rates based on different empirical formulae were 0.33 to 0.78 times the in-situ sand transport rate detected, which was 2.08·10-2kgm-1s-1 under moderate wind power (mean speed ranging from 8.4 to 17.9ms-1). Analysis of different statistical grain-size parameters helped to understand sand transport distribution at different heights

    Percepción social de acoso sexual en el trabajo

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    The sexual harassment in the work, is a social phenomenon that is going out to the light in the last years. The statistics inform about the shortage of denunciations that they take place in spite of being a phenomenon that every time becomes more visible in our company. The aim of the present study is to analyze the perception and information that exists related to the phenomenon of the sexual harassment as relevant variable for the accomplishment of programs of prevention both in professional futures and in the professionals who form a part of a job environment. One administered a questionnaire to a sample of 65 pupils / aces of the Qualifications of Psychology and 15 pupils / aces of the University of Huelva, and 44 persons who are immersed in the labour world. The results indicate lack of formation and information about the phenomenon of the sexual harassment as well as of awareness specially towards the victim.El acoso sexual en el trabajo, es un fenómeno social que está saliendo a la luz en los últimos años. Las estadísticas informan sobre la escasez de denuncias que se producen a pesar de ser un fenómeno que cada vez se hace más visible en nuestra sociedad. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la percepción e información que existe relacionado con el fenómeno del acoso sexual como variable relevante para la realización de programas de prevención tanto en futuros profesionales como en los profesionales que forman parte de un entorno laboral. Se administró un cuestionario a una muestra de 65 alumnos/as de la Titulación de Psicología y 15 alumnos/as de la Titulación de Ciencias del Trabajo de la Universidad de Huelva, y 44 personas que se encuentran inmersos en el mundo laboral. Los resultados indican falta de formación e información sobre el fenómeno del acoso sexual así como de sensibilización especialmente hacia la víctima

    Efectos de la temporalidad sobre la formación recibida durante el empleo

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    En un mercado de trabajo como el español donde existe una gran temporalidad, puede surgir un conflicto sobre el nivel socialmente óptimo de formación específica que sería necesario que recibieran los trabajadores y el que de hecho obtienen, en un mercado laboral con esas características. En este estudio se pretende verificar esta posible relación negativa entre capital humano específico y grado de flexibilidad externa del mercado laboral en España. Concretamente, se analiza la influencia del tipo de contrato sobre la decisión, que toman conjuntamente trabajadores y empleadores, de financiar y adquirir formación útil para el empleo, usando esta última variable como una proxy del capital humano específico. Para lograr este objetivo se estiman modelos de elección discreta, utilizando la información estadística proveniente del Panel de Hogares de la Unión Europea para España (PHOGUE) elaborado por el INE. La estructura de panel de dichos datos nos permite considerar en las estimaciones la posible existencia de heterogeneidad individual inobservada, mediante la especificación de un modelo probit con efectos aleatorios

    The Third Sector: The “Other” Actors of Rural Development, Andalusia 2000–2015

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    Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness, Research Project “Successes and failures in the practice of neo-endogenous rural development in the European Union (1991–2013), RURALWIN”. CSO2017-89657-P.Civil society plays an essential role in the development of our rural areas. In spite of this, little research has been conducted on the role of non-profit organizations, often referred to in general terms as the third sector, within the framework of the LEADER program for rural development, especially in such a large geographical area as Andalusia, the study area of this research. The diversity of the groups that make up the “Others” group of rural development stakeholders is one of its most important characteristics. Over the course of the study period (2000–2015), these organizations have played a very significant role in Andalusia in both quantitative and qualitative terms. In order to find out more about the diversity of third sector organizations and to quantify and evaluate their importance, we carried out a detailed analysis of all the LEADER projects commenced in Andalusia between 2000 and 2015. The quantitative and quantitative results obtained highlight the diversity of these projects and how widely their presence varied from one type of rural area to the next. Our research reopens the debate about the growing role played by non-profit organizations in developed societies at a global level and within LEADER in particular.Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness, Research Project RURALWIN”. CSO2017-89657-P