177 research outputs found

    Avaliação do grau de orientação de fibras de aço induzida na moldagem de elementos planos com concreto autoadensável

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    O uso de concreto autoadensável (CAA) aliado ao concreto reforçado com fibras (CRF) tem sido objeto devárias pesquisas recentes. A combinação da fluidez do CAA com o uso de fibras aumenta a probabilidade deque, no processo de lançamento, seja possível causar orientação preferencial nas fibras, inclusive em elementosplanos. Isto pode ser benéfico ou prejudicial ao desempenho estrutural, uma vez que a capacidade resistentepós-fissuração do CRF depende fortemente da disposição e orientação das fibras. Devido a isso, é necessárioo desenvolvimento de metodologia que possibilite avaliar esta condição. O uso de ensaios especiais,como o indutivo, pode ser uma ferramenta de controle que auxilie na compreensão da influência das condiçõesde moldagem na orientação das fibras. No entanto, não há muitas pesquisas voltadas à parametrizaçãodesta condição em elementos planos. Este estudo traz como objetivo a demonstração da efetividade de utilizaçãodo ensaio indutivo em testemunhos cúbicos extraídos de uma placa moldada com concreto autoadensávelreforçado com fibras de aço. Como resultado, o ensaio indutivo permitiu medir a variação na concentraçãode fibras em cada testemunho e, através da orientação de fibras medida em cada cubo, traçar linhas defluxo que apontem a influência da moldagem na orientação preferencial das fibras.Palavras-chave: Orientação de fibras. Ensaio indutivo. Elementos planos. Concreto autoadensável reforçadocom fibras

    Biochemical and physiological responses of sugarcane cultivars to soil water deficiencies

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    For sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) crops, the effects of an environmental stress, especially water deficiency, may cause severe productivity reduction, inferring negatively in the sugarcane industry. The tolerance of two sugarcane cultivars to a lack of water was made by analyzing the levels of the osmoprotectors, trehalose and free proline, and the biometrical variables of their initial growth. Biochemical and physiological responses of the cultivars, when subjected to water stress, were assayed to determine how these plants tolerate drought. The study was conducted in an acclimatized greenhouse (29.7 ± 4.3ºC and 75.0 ± 10.1% relative humidity) during 100 days and was divided into random blocks using a factorial 2 × 3 × 2 design (sugarcane cultivars × water availability × time periods) with four replicates. Forty days after germination, sugarcane was planted in pots (12 dm³) containing topsoil material taken from a medium textured Rhodic Ferralsol, submitted to three levels of water availability (WAS): 55% (control), 40% (moderate stress) and 25% (severe stress), for 60 days. The effect of the WAS on the accumulation of trehalose and free proline was detected in both cultivars, although it was found to be more distinctive for the cv. IAC91-5155. Trehalose and free proline are biochemical and physiological indicators of water deficiency. The cv. IAC91-5155 had altered growth and allocation of biomass when subjected to severe water stress conditions. The univariate and the multivariate analysis of the biochemical and physiological responses, presented by the IAC91-5155 cultivar, indicate relative tolerance to drought conditions

    Razine atrazina u vodotoku Jaboticabal (São Paulo, Brazil) i njihovi toksikološki učinci na ribu Piaractus mesopotamicus

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    The aim of this study was to determine the environmental concentration of atrazine (ATZ) in five streams located in the north of São Paulo state (Brazil) and evaluate its toxicological impact on young specimens of the pacu fish Piaractus mesopotamicus. Samples of water were collected on three occasions between 2010 and 2011, corresponding to periods signifying the beginning, middle, and end of rain season. ATZ levels were estimated by a high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) triple quadrupole. Later, the quotient of environmental risk (QR) was determined based on the medium lethal concentration (LC50 48 h), non-observable effect concentration (NOEC), and the estimated environmental concentration (EEC) of ATZ detected in the environment. Histological changes in gills and liver were also studied, along with the brain activity of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The highest concentration of ATZ measured was 10.4 μg L-1. The ATZ LC50 (48 h) for young P. mesopotamicus was 24.46 mg L-1 and the QR was classified as “safe”. Although the QR indicated that ATZ could be safe for the tested species, it caused many histological alterations in the liver and gills of the exposed specimens, and an increase in the AChE levels.Predmet ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti okolišne koncentracije atrazina u pet vodotoka na sjeveru brazilske savezne države São Paulo te ocijeniti njihove toksikološke učinke na ribu Piaractus mesopotamicus. Uzorci vode prikupljeni su u tri navrata između 2010. i 2011. godine, i to na početku, usred i pri kraju kišne sezone. Razine atrazina mjerene su trostrukim kvadrupolom s vezanim sustavom tekućinska kromatografija visoke djelotvornosti-spektrometrija mase (HPLC-MS/MS). Potom je izračunat kvocijent okolišnog rizika (QR) na temelju srednje smrtonosne koncentracije (LC50 48 h), maksimalne koncentracije bez učinka (NOEC) te procijenjene okolišne koncentracije (EEC) atrazina pronađenog u okolišu. Nadalje, istražene su histološke promjene u škrgama i jetri te izmjerena aktivnost enzima acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) u mozgu. Najviša izmjerena razina atrazina bila je 10.4 μg L-1. LC50 (48 h) atrazina za mlade jedinke P. mesopotamicus bio je 24.46 mg L-1, a QR je klasificiran kao „siguran“. Premda QR upućuje na to da bi se atrazin mogao okarakterizirati sigurnim za ispitanu vrstu, uzrokovao je ne samo brojne histološke promjene u jetri i škrgama izloženih jedinki, nego i porast razina AChE u mozgu

    TGF-β1 and its association with clinicopathological features, proliferative activity and prognosis in oral squamous cell carcinoma : an immunohistochemical study

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    Introduction: The prognostic value of transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-ß1) in oral cancer remains unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate TGF-β1 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) samples and its association with clinicopathological data, tumor proliferative activity, and patients’ prognosis. Methods: A total of 68 patients with histopathological diagnosis of OSCC were included, as well as 9 cases of normal oral mucosa for comparison purposes. The OSCC sample was categorized according to patients’ outcomes in favorable prognosis (n=30) or unfavorable prognosis (n=38). Immunohistochemical staining for TGF-β1 and Ki-67 were performed. The slides were semi-quantitatively and quantitatively evaluated for TGF-β1 and Ki-67, respectively. Results: TGF-β1 was significantly increased in OSCC compared to normal oral mucosa (<0.01). An inverse correlation was found between TGF-β1 and Ki67 staining in OSCC (p=0.01). No association was found between TGF-β1 expression and OSCC clinicopathological features, prognosis or survival. Conclusions: TGF-β1 had no prognostic value and appears to maintain its suppressive role concerning cell proliferation

    Survey of pyrethroid and organophosphate resistance in Brazilian field populations of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus: Detection of C190A mutation in domain II of the para-type sodium channel gene

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    AbstractThe cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus causes expressive damage to livestock in Brazil and other countries. Its control is becoming more difficult due to the development of resistance in populations. Early detection of resistance can help in developing effective control strategies. This study evaluated the susceptibility of R. microplus to cypermethrin and chlorpyriphos and was the first attempt to identify the mechanism of resistance (target site insensitivity) in cattle tick populations from Minas Gerais state (Southeastern Brazil). Engorged female ticks were collected from 10 ranches within the state of Minas Gerais, and susceptibility was evaluated with the larval packet test (LPT) using technical grade cypermethrin and chlorpyriphos. It was possible to analyze LPT results of seven populations. Target site insensitivity was investigated in all 10 isolates by using molecular approaches for detection of the T2134A substitution within the domain III S6 segment and the C190A in the domain II S4-5 linker from the para-type sodium channel gene. LPT showed that all seven populations were resistant to cypermethrin with resistance ratio (RR) ranging from 16.0 to 25.0 and 85.7% were resistant to chlorpyriphos (RR=2.2–15.6). Although the T2134A mutation was not detected, the C190A mutation was highly prevalent, being present in 82–100% of the alleles sampled in field populations. A significant correlation was found between the LC50 values for cypermethrin and the frequency of the C190A mutation suggesting that it might be responsible for the phenotypic resistance detected

    Potencial de seleção em uma população de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, para resistência à mancha foliar e ao cancro

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    The use of resistant genotypes is one of the main methods of disease control in Brazil, the genetic improvement, aiming to obtain new genotypes that are resistant is fundamental to supply this demand. Therefore, the objective of this work was to estimate the genetic parameters of the variables: resistance to canker caused by Chrysoporthe cubensis and leaf spot caused by Cylindrocladium spp. and Kirramyces epicoccoides, and to evaluate their implications for the genetic improvement strategy of Eucalyptus grandis. An open pollination progeny test was installed in two locations in the state of São Paulo, in the regions of Anhembi and Itatinga. The test was carried out in randomized blocks, with 176 progenies and three witnesses, one per plot, with 30 repetitions in Itatinga and 28 repetitions in the Anhembi region. The canker resistance was assessed at 12, 24 and 29 months of age in the Anhembi region and at 15, 27 and 32 months of age in the Itatinga region. The resistance to leaf spot was evaluated. at 12 and 24 months of age in the Anhembi region and at 15 and 27 months of age in the Itatinga region. The genetic parameters were estimated using the SELEGEN REML/BLUP® software. It was found out, with the same selection population for the Itatinga region, estimates of genetic parameters indicate greater potential for the selection of resistant genotypes for canker and leaf spot. However, for the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Anhembi region, this population has a lower selection potential, which is evidenced by the low values of the estimated average progeny and individual heritability. In the region of Itatinga, values of average progeny and individual heritability were obtained for resistance to canker and leaf spot, which varied from moderate to high, indicating that there may be good gains with the selection in this location.O uso de genótipos resistentes é um dos principais métodos de controle de doenças no Brasil, sendo fundamental o melhoramento genético visando a obter novos genótipos resistentes, para suprir essa demanda. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os parâmetros genéticos das variáveis resistência ao cancro, causado por Chrysoporthe cubensis e resistência à mancha foliar, causada por Cylindrocladium spp. e Kirramyces epicoccoides, bem como avaliar suas implicações na estratégia de melhoramento genético de Eucalyptus grandis. Foi instalado um teste de progênies de polinização aberta, em dois locais no Estado de São Paulo, nas regiões de Anhembi e Itatinga. O teste foi realizado em blocos casualizados, com 176 progênies e três testemunhas, uma por parcela, com 30 repetições em Itatinga e 28 repetições na região de Anhembi. A resistência ao cancro foi avaliada aos 12, 24 e 29 meses de idade na região de Anhembi e aos 15, 27 e 32 meses de idade, na região de Itatinga. A resistência à mancha foliar foi avaliada aos 12 e 24 meses de idade na região de Anhembi e aos 15 e 27 meses de idade, na região de Itatinga. Os parâmetros genéticos foram estimados, utilizando o software SELEGEN REML/BLUP®. Com a mesma população de seleção, verificou-se que, para a região de Itatinga, as estimativas de parâmetros genéticos indicam maior potencial para a seleção de genótipos resistentes ao cancro e à mancha foliar. Porém, para as condições edafoclimáticas da região de Anhembi, essa população apresenta potencial de seleção inferior, o que fica evidenciado pelos baixos valores de herdabilidade média individual de progênies estimados. Na região de Itatinga, foram obtidos valores de herdabilidade média individual de progênies para a resistência ao cancro e à mancha foliar, que variaram de moderado a alto, indicando que pode haver bons ganhos com a seleção neste local

    Alimentação popular em São Paulo (1920 a 1950): políticas públicas, discursos técnicos e práticas profissionais

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    This article discusses how the concept of lower-class eating habits came about and developed in the intellectual circles of São Paulo during the first half of the 20th century. It starts by reconstructing the elements of the debate around the income and ignorance of the underprivileged as the main reasons behind their bad eating habits. Then, it looks at the focal points for interventions and public policies proposed by the government to deal with the problem thus identified, namely: training methods to produce sanitation counselors capable of offering dietary guidance as well; popular educational campaigns and new learning sites in addition to schools (e.g. healthcare centers and households); lunch and other means of offering food at schools; and diagnostic studies about food intake and eating habits among laborers. Because they were translated into technical and scientific language, the proposals and policies implemented in São Paulo left traces in a variety of supporting documents and media (photographs, primers, posters, inquiry notebooks, and academic literature).O artigo discute a construção da idéia de alimentação popular nos meios intelectuais em São Paulo, na primeira metade do século XX. Para isso, reconstitui, como motivos da má alimentação, elementos do debate em torno da renda e da ignorância dos mais pobres. Identificado o problema, as propostas de intervenção e as políticas públicas concentraram-se em alguns setores, abordados neste trabalho: métodos para a formação de educadores sanitários aptos a atuar também na educação alimentar; campanhas de instrução popular e criação de novos lugares de aprendizado (além das escolas, os centros de saúde e os lares); merenda escolar e outras alternativas de alimentação nas escolas; e diagnósticos referentes ao conteúdo e à forma da alimentação dos operários. Traduzidas em discurso técnico-científicos, as propostas e políticas implementadas na cidade deixaram indícios em documentação de suporte e tipologia variados (fotografias, cartilhas, cartazes, cadernetas de inquéritos e textos acadêmicos).Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Educação a distância em organizações públicas: mesa-redonda de pesquisa-ação

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    O livro materializa a quintessência dos debates travados pelo seleto grupo de representantes educadores – de diversas instituições brasileiras – no ciclo de reuniões promovidas sob a coordenação da ENAP e que foram realizadas em Brasília, em 2006. É uma obra que busca ampliar as discussões sobre conceitos de educação que se desenrolam ao longo da vida, especialmente na contemporaneidade, no contexto da sociedade global que tem exigido competências e capacidades cada vez mais complexas para a formação profissional, notadamente para o setor de serviços públicosNúmero de páginas: 200 p.Ensino a DistânciaISBN 85-256-0054-

    Genetically engineered eucalyptus expressing pesticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis for insect resistance: a risk assessment evaluation perspective

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    Eucalyptus covers approximately 7.5 million hectares in Brazil and serves as the primary woody species cultivated for commercial purposes. However, native insects and invasive pests pose a significant threat to eucalyptus trees, resulting in substantial economic losses and reduced forest productivity. One of the primary lepidopteran pests affecting eucalyptus is Thyrinteina arnobia (Stoll, 1782) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), commonly referred to as the brown looper caterpillar. To address this issue, FuturaGene, the biotech division of Suzano S.A., has developed an insect-resistant (IR) eucalyptus variety, which expresses Cry pesticidal proteins (Cry1Ab, Cry1Bb, and Cry2Aa), derived from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). Following extensive safety assessments, including field trials across various biomes in Brazil, the Brazilian National Technical Commission of Biosafety (CTNBio) recently approved the commercialization of IR eucalyptus. The biosafety assessments involved the analysis of molecular genomics, digestibility, thermostability, non-target organism exposure, degradability in the field, and effects on soil microbial communities and arthropod communities. In addition, in silico studies were conducted to evaluate allergenicity and toxicity. Results from both laboratory and field studies indicated that Bt eucalyptus is as safe as the conventional eucalyptus clone for humans, animals, and the environment, ensuring the secure use of this insect-resistant trait in wood production