3 research outputs found

    Técnicas computacionais inteligentes para a inferência de estado e a otimização de cultivos de Streptococcus pneumoniae

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    Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococo) is a pathogenic bacterium that causes several infections which are aggravated by the increase of serotypes with antibiotics resistance. The development of an effective vaccine against this pathogen is crucial for the prevention of the neumococcal illnesses. Conjugated vaccines, consisting of the capsular polysaccharide joined to a carrier protein, are more efficient in the stimulation of the immunologic memory. The capsular polysaccharide (PS) is present in the capsule that involves the cell. Thus, the conjugated vaccine elaboration involves bacterial cells cultivation for its production. As the organism is cultivated in the oxygen absence, the lactate production is inevitably high, leading to growth inhibition due to lactate accumulation in the medium. To minimize the inhibitory effects of the lactate accumulation and to increase the PS production it is necessary to monitor the process and adequately control the addition of supplementary medium along with the withdrawal of saturated medium. This kind of operation can be performed by carrying out a fed-bath cultivation in a bioreactor connected to a perfusion system. The success on the monitoring, control and optimization of this bioprocess depends on the efficiency of the modeling and simulation resources employed. This research work considers the uses intelligent computational techniques, specifically the technique of heuristical search called simulated annealing (SA) combined with neural networks for the state inference and the optimization of S. pneumoniae cultivations. The proposal was implemented as a computational system that: a) uses the SA for the identification of the values for a set of parameters associated to unstructured models and; b) uses neural networks (individually and grouped as a committee) for the state inference of a culture. The work presents and discusses the results of the system for data sets experimentally obtained and highlights the importance of the proposal for achieving a higher efficiency in the culture control processes.Financiadora de Estudos e ProjetosStreptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococo) é uma bactéria patogênica causadora de várias infecções que são agravadas pelo aumento de cepas com resistência aos antibióticos. O desenvolvimento de uma vacina efetiva contra este patógeno é crucial para a prevenção das doenças pneumocócicas. Vacinas conjugadas, constituídas pelo polissacarídeo capsular ligado a uma proteína carregadora, são mais eficientes no estímulo da memória imunológica. O polissacarídeo capsular (PS) está presente na cápsula que envolve a célula e, desta forma, a elaboração de vacinas conjugadas envolve o cultivo da bactéria para a produção do mesmo. Como o microrganismo é cultivado na ausência de oxigênio, a produção de lactato é inevitavelmente elevada e o seu acúmulo no meio provoca a inibição do crescimento. Para minimizar os efeitos inibitórios da acumulação de lactato e aumentar a produção de PS é necessário monitorar o processo e controlar adequadamente a adição de meio suplementar e a retirada de meio saturado em cultivos operados em batelada alimentada, utilizando biorreatores acoplados a sistema de perfusão. O sucesso no monitoramento, no controle e na otimização deste bioprocesso depende da utilização de recursos de modelagem e de simulação que sejam eficientes. Este trabalho de pesquisa propõe o uso de técnicas computacionais inteligentes, especificamente a técnica de busca heurística chamada de simulated annealing (SA) aliada a redes neurais, para a inferência de estado e a otimização de cultivos de S. pneumoniae. A proposta foi concretizada via desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional que: a) faz uso do SA para a identificação do conjunto de valores de parâmetros associados a modelos não estruturados e; b) usa redes neurais (individualmente e em regime de comitê) para a inferência de estado de um cultivo. O trabalho apresenta e discute os resultados do sistema em conjuntos de dados obtidos experimentalmente e evidencia a importância da proposta para uma maior eficiência no controle de processos de cultivo

    Optimized Dissolved Oxygen Fuzzy Control for Recombinant Escherichia coli Cultivations

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    Due to low oxygen solubility and mechanical stirring limitations of a bioreactor, ensuring an adequate oxygen supply during a recombinant Escherichia coli cultivation is a major challenge in process control. Under the light of this fact, a fuzzy dissolved oxygen controller was developed, taking into account a decision tree algorithm presented in the literature, and implemented in the supervision software SUPERSYS_HCDC. The algorithm was coded in MATLAB with its membership function parameters determined using an Adaptive Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System tool. The controller was composed of three independent fuzzy inference systems: Princ1 and Princ2 assessed whether there would be an increment or a reduction in air and oxygen flow rates (respectively), whilst Delta estimated the size of these variations. To test the controller, simulations with a neural network model and E. coli cultivations were conducted. The fuzzification of the decision tree was successful, resulting in smoothing of air and oxygen flow rates and, hence, in an attenuation of dissolved oxygen oscillations. Statistically, the average standard deviation of the fuzzy controller was 2.45 times lower than the decision tree (9.48%). Results point toward an increase in the flow meter lifespan and a possible reduction of the metabolic stress suffered by E. coli during the cultivation