7 research outputs found

    La colla di fibrina nelle ernioplastiche tension-free: nostra esperienza

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    Scopo di questo studio è dimostrare la possibilità, nell’ernioplastica secondo Lichtenstein, di fissare la mesh alle strutture muscolo-fasciali con colla di fibrina, evitando l’uso di punti di sutura. La fissazione della rete di prolene con Tissucol è stata effettuata in 28 pazienti, mentre nello stesso periodo la tecnica tradizionale di Lichtenstein è stata eseguita in altri 28 pazienti. I vantaggi dell’uso della colla di fibrina sono: nessun trauma chirurgico, perfetta fissazione della mesh, riduzione del dolore e della morbilità, abbassamento dei costi. La metodica è sicura e facilmente riproducibile. I risultati sono promettenti anche se la verifica va effettuata con casistiche più consistenti e follow-up più lungo

    I linfomi gastrici: indicazioni all’intervento chirurgico

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    I linfomi gastrici primitivi (LGP) sono linfomi ad esclusiva loca - lizzazione gastrica. Istologicamente si tratta di linfomi non-Hodgkin di tipo B. Scopo di questo studio è quello di definire il ruolo della chi - rurgia nel trattamento degli LGP, sulla base della casistica e di una revisione dei dati più recenti della Letteratura, che evidenziano il ruolo dell’Helicobacter Pylori (H.P.) nella patogenesi di tale patologia. Gli Autori hanno osservato 41 pazienti (23 F e 18 M) nel corso di 10 anni: 35 pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad intervento chirurgico associato in 18 di essi a trattamento chemioterapico; in 6 casi è stato effettuato come unico trattamento l’eradicazione medica dell’H.P. Il trattamento antibiotico permette l’eradicazione dell’H.P. nel 97% dei pazienti ed una regressione istologica del MALT linfoma, nel 70% dei soggetti in circa 6 mesi. L’eradicazione batterica rappre - senta la prima scelta terapeutica negli LGP MALT a basso grado di malignità in stadio I e II. In caso di regressione parziale o progressio - ne degli LGP, gli Autori ritengono opportuno l’intervento chirurgico. Nella maggior parte dei casi l’opzione chirurgica rappresenta nella loro opinione una scelta di principio per l’alta percentuale di guari - gioni definitive, permettendo una sopravvivenza a 10 anni anche in più del 90% dei casi, se s’interviene negli stadi iniziali di malattia. I risultati dell’associazione con chemioterapia neoadiuvante o adiuvan - te rimangono a tutt’oggi controversi. In base alla loro esperienza gli Autori affermano che la gastrectomia totale può essere considerata l’intervento di scelta, associando la linfadenectomia fino a livello DII ed eventualmente la splenectomia

    NSCLC and HER2: Between Lights and Shadows

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    AbstractThe therapeutic landscape of non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has dramatically changed in the last few years with the introduction of molecularly targeted agents, leading to unprecedented results in lung tumors with a paradigmatic shift from a “one size fits all” approach to an histologic and molecular-based approach. The discovery of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in NSCLC in 2004 and the marked response to the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib, in a small subset of patients harboring these genetic abnormalities, stimulated the study of other kinase mutants involvement in NSCLC. The incredible story of ALK rearranged tumors, with the rapid Food and Drug Administration approval of Crizotinib after only 4 years from the discovery of EML4-ALK translocation in NSCLC, has profoundly influenced the concept of drug development in NSCLC, paving the way to a novel series of molecularly selected studies with specific inhibitors. The identification of these oncogenic drivers has dramatically changed the genetic landscape of NSCLC moving away from the old concept of a large indistinct histological entity to a combination of rare clinically relevant molecular subsets. Recently, a renewed interest has been emerging on the human epidermal growth factor-2 (HER2) pathway. Genetic aberrations of this signaling pathway have been reported over time to be associated in NSCLC with different sensitivity to the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors, to have a possible prognostic role and more recently HER2 amplification has been emerged as a possible mechanism in EGFR-mutated tumors of acquired resistance to the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. In addition, dysregulation of the HER2 pathway, in particular HER2 mutations (mostly, in-frame exon 20 insertions), may represent a possible novel therapeutic target in NSCLC, paving the way for a new generation of targeted agents in NSCLC. Since anecdotal case reports of clinical activity of anti-HER2 agents in NSCLC patients with HER2 mutations, several targeted agents have been evaluated in HER2-mutated patients, generating a growing interest upon this oncogenic driver, leading to the design of molecularly selected trials with anti-HER2 compounds and the rediscover of hastily thrown out drugs, such as neratinib. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the role of HER2 dysregulation in NSCLCs, trying to throw a light not only on the strengths but also the weaknesses of the studies conducted so far. It is a long way to the clinical implementation of these biomarkers and probably the increasing use of next generation sequencing techniques, the creation of large multi-institutional molecular testing platforms and the design of rationally based trials can get closer personalized medicine in NSCLC

    Non ABL-directed inhibitors as alternative treatment strategies for chronic myeloid leukemia

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    Abstract The introduction of ABL Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs) has significantly improved the outcome of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) patients that, in large part, achieve satisfactory hematological, cytogenetic and molecular remissions. However, approximately 15–20% fail to obtain optimal responses according to the current European Leukemia Network recommendation because of drug intolerance or resistance. Moreover, a plethora of evidence suggests that Leukemic Stem Cells (LSCs) show BCR-ABL1-independent survival. Hence, they are unresponsive to TKIs, leading to disease relapse if pharmacological treatment is discontinued. All together, these biological events generate a subpopulation of CML patients in need of alternative therapeutic strategies to overcome TKI resistance or to eradicate LSCs in order to allow cure of the disease. In this review we update the role of “non ABL-directed inhibitors” targeting signaling pathways downstream of the BCR-ABL1 oncoprotein and describe immunological approaches activating specific T cell responses against CML cells

    Non ABL-directed inhibitors as alternative treatment strategies for chronic myeloid leukemia

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