12 research outputs found

    Indicizzazione di dati di movimento per il clustering basato su densitĂ .

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    In questa tesi viene analizzato il problema di indicizzazione di dati di mobilitĂ , focalizzando l'attenzione al supporto di range queries utilizzati solitamente da algoritmi di clustering basati su densitĂ 

    Structure–property relationships in bionanocomposites for pipe extrusion applications

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    In this work, bionanocomposites based on different biodegradable polymers and two types of nanofillers, namely a nanosized calcium carbonate and an organomodified nanoclay, were produced through melt extrusion, with the aim to evaluate the possible applications of these materials as a potential alternative to traditional fossil fuel-derived polyolefins, for the production of irrigation pipes. The rheological behavior of the formulated systems was thoroughly evaluated by exploiting different flow regimes, and the obtained results indicated a remarkable effect of the introduced nanofillers on the low-frequency rheological response, especially in nanoclay-based bionanocomposites. Conversely, the shear viscosity at a high shear rate was almost unaffected by the presence of both types of nanofillers, as well as the rheological response under nonisothermal elongational flow. In addition, the analysis of the mechanical properties of the formulated materials indicated that the embedded nanofillers increased the elastic modulus when compared to the unfilled counterparts, notwithstanding a slight decrease of the material ductility. Finally, the processing behavior of unfilled biopolymers and bionanocomposites was evaluated, allowing for selecting the most suitable material and thus fulfilling the processability requirements for pipe extrusion applications

    From trauma to aggression: an empirical study on the relationship between interpersonal trauma, attachment styles and aggressive tendencies among adults

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between traumatic experiences, insecure attachment styles and psychiatric symptoms in adulthood. Self-report measures concerning trauma, attachment styles and psychopathology were administered to 59 adults (33.9% males, 66.1% females) ranging in age from 18 to 61 years old. Results showed that traumatic experiences were associated with insecure attachment styles and psychopathology, in particular concerning aggressive tendencies. Findings of the study suggest that the exploration of past experiences and current attachment relationships, in terms of interpersonal functioning, may be crucial for understanding aggressiveness

    Soil – plant system: a case study of Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris rootstock varieties

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    Lanthanides are part of rare earth elements. Nowadays studies focused on these elements are increasing to assess the possibility to their use in the traceability to effectively determining the geographical wine origin. In the traceability project we start studying the soil plant system. The aim of the research was to verify if different varieties of rootstock on identical soil have similar lanthanides uptake behavior and if the same rootstock could reproduce different lanthanides distribution for different soil typologies. Three different varieties of rootstock V. berlandieri X V. rupestris (1103 Paulsen, 779 Paulsen and 140 Ruggeri), planted on different soils (carbonatic, clayey and volcanic soils), were observed. In particular, vegetative parameters and root distribution during the growth season were described and the chemical behavior of Y, La and lanthanides was studied to evaluate and trace the distribution from soil to roots and leaves of different rootstocks. The uptake of lanthanides and their distribution in grapevine system were studied under controlled conditions following the plants growth in pots. The experimental system consisted of a set of 81 vines (27 per rootstocks) implanted, in groups of nine, on the three different types of soil. To study the metal distribution, the main part of plants: roots, stem, shoots and leaves were analyzed. Different rootstock showed different vegetative characteristics while soils affected mainly the roots distribution. The obtained results in terms of lanthanides were critically discussed on the basis of the different amount presents in all parts of plants

    Il metodo delle funzioni di trasferimento applicato ad un singola zona termica

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    Nel lavoro viene presentato un algoritmo basato sull’utilizzo dell’operatore Z-Trasformata per lo studio della trasmissione del calore all’interno di una singola zona termica costituita da pareti multistrato. L’algoritmo utilizzato è molto versatile e potrebbe venire utilizzato per il calcolo dei coefficienti delle funzioni di trasferimento nella simulazione del comportamento termico di un ambiente in free floating. Noti i coefficienti delle funzioni di trasferimento è possibile simulare in regime dinamico il profilo della temperatura di ciascuna superficie interna e dell’aria interna all’ambiente analizzato. L’algoritmo viene descritto in maniera completa in tutte le sue parti. Per valutare l’affidabilità dell’algoritmo è stato realizzato un confronto fra dati di simulazione ottenuti con esso e quelli ottenuti con il programma di simulazione termica denominato TRNSY

    Novel GaN based Solid State Power Amplifiers, Results, Advances And Comparison With Vacuum Tubes based Microwave Power Modules

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    Power amplifiers based on vacuum tubes or solid state are key items in a number of systems. Solid state technology is growing up for some applications and it may be complementary to the vacuum technology. This paperwork presents SSPA operational principles and performance. The GaN technology available in the market, the technology roadmap, a comparison with the vacuum tubes are introduce

    Influence of Powder Characteristics on Formation of Porosity in Additive Manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V Components

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    This paper aims to study the genesis of defects in titanium components made through two different additive manufacturing technologies: selective laser melting and electron beam melting. In particular, we focussed on the influence of the powders used on the formation of porosities and cavities in the manufactured components. A detailed experimental campaign was carried out to characterize the components made through the two additive manufacturing techniques aforementioned and the powders used in the process. It was found that some defects of the final components can be attributed to internal porosities of the powders used in the manufacturing process. These internal porosities are a consequence of the gas atomization process used for the production of the powders themselves. Therefore, the importance of using tailored powders, free from porosities, in order to manufacture components with high mechanical properties is highlighted