26 research outputs found

    A Case of Follicular Tumor of Uncertain Malignant Potential (FT-UMP) with Glomeruloid Features Showing Capsular Mucinous Degeneration

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    The most recent revision of the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours of Endocrine Organs introduced a new variant of follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC). It is characterized by a "glomeruloid" architectural pattern of growth. We present a case of follicular tumor with glomeruloid features, with Alcian Blue positive mucinous stromal degeneration in foci of questionable capsular microinvasion. At our knowledge, this the second case of glomeruloid follicular tumor in the literature and the first case in which Alcian Blue staining was used to investigate capsular invasion. Moreover, RAS mutation further supports that this is a variant of follicular tumor with uncertain malignant potential

    Ultrasound Parameters Can Accurately Predict the Risk of Malignancy in Patients with "Indeterminate TIR3b" Cytology Nodules: A Prospective Study

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    The increase in the incidence of thyroid nodules with cytological findings of TIR3b requires the identification of predictive factors of malignancy. We prospectively evaluated 2160 patients from January 2018 to June 2022 and enrolled 103 patients with indeterminate cytology TIR3b nodules who underwent total (73 patients) and hemi-thyroidectomy (30 patients). Among them, 61 had a histological diagnosis of malignancy (30 classic papillary thyroid carcinoma, 19 had follicular papillary thyroid carcinoma variant, 3 had Hurtle cell carcinoma and 9 had follicular thyroid carcinoma), while 42 had a benign histology. Clinical, ultrasonographic and cytological characteristics were recorded. In addition, BRAF mutation was analysed. Patients with a histological diagnosis of malignancy had a higher frequency of nodule diameter <= 11 mm (p = 0.002), hypoechogenicity (p < 0.001), irregular borders (p < 0.001), peri- and intralesional vascular flows (p = 0.004) and microcalcifications (p = 0.001) compared to patients with benign histology. In contrast, patients with benign histology had more frequent nodules with a halo sign (p = 0.012) compared to patients with histological diagnosis of malignancy. No significant differences were found in BRAF mutation between the two groups. Our study suggests that the combination of ultrasonographic and cytological data could be more accurate and reliable than cytology alone in identifying those patients with TIR3b cytology and a histology of malignancy to be referred for thyroidectomy, thus reducing the number of patients undergoing thyroidectomy for benign thyroid disease

    D2-40 negative pyogenic granuloma-like Kaposi's sarcoma: Diagnostic features and histogenetic hypothesis of an uncommon skin tumor in HIV-negative patients.

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    Locate full-text(opens in a new window)|View at Publisher| Export | Download | Add to List | More... Pathology Research and Practice Volume 211, Issue 7, July 01, 2015, Pages 528-532 D2-40 negative pyogenic granuloma-like Kaposi's sarcoma: Diagnostic features and histogenetic hypothesis of an uncommon skin tumor in HIV-negative patients (Article) Cabibi, D.a, Giannone, A.G.a , Guarnotta, C.a, Schillaci, O.b, Franco, V.a a Department of Sciences for Promotion of Health and Mother and Child Care, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy b Servizio di Anatomia Patologica, Dipartimento Oncologico di III livello, La Maddalena Casa di Cura di Alta Specialità, Palermo, Italy View references (20) Abstract Pyogenic granuloma-like Kaposi's sarcoma (PGLKS) is a recently described skin tumor showing features both of pyogenic granuloma (PG) and Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). The differential diagnosis is often challenging. We reviewed a series of 50 PG and 23 Ks located on distal extremities with the aid of an immunohistochemical panel comprising CD34, CD31, FVIII, SMA, D2-40, HHV8. After revision, 6/50 PG lesions previously diagnosed as PG, showed positive immunostaining for LNA1-HHV8 and focal positivity for CD31 and FVIII in the endothelial cells of the proliferating vessels, with some SMA positive pericytes. D2-40, a marker of lymphatic endothelium positive in KS, stained negatively. These lesions were renamed PGLKS. Of note, in our series, PGLKS represented the only form of KS localized in the hand all the patients were HIV-negative, older than PG patients, with a prevalence for male gender. PGLKS and PG need a different management and a follow-up is advisable for PGLKS, as for the other variants of KS. To date, D2-40 negative immunostaining has not yet been reported in PGLKS and should not lead to a misdiagnosis of PG. The morphological similarities with PG and the immunohistochemical findings, showing a defective phenotype of the neoplastic cells, suggest a histogenetic hypothesis in which D2-40 negative PGLKS could represent an early stage of HHV8 infection of a pre-existing PG, whose vessels loose progressively their blood vascular markers but have not still acquired the lymphatic one

    CD10 and HHF35 actin in the differential diagnosis between Collagenous spherulosis and adenoid-cystic carcinoma of the breast.

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    ollagenous Spherulosis (CS) and Adenoid-Cystic Carcinoma (AdCC) of the breast consist of cribriform proliferations of epithelial and myoepithelial cells with an immunophenotypic overlap of some myoepithelial markers, such as p63 and smooth muscle actin (SMA). To our knowledge, CD10 and HHF35 actin have not been assessed in the differential diagnosis of these two breast lesions. We performed an immunohistochemical study on 6 cases of CS and 9 cases of AdCC. We found CD10, muscle-specific actin (HHF35), Estrogen and Progesterone receptors (ER and PR) to be strongly expressed in CS, but not in AdCC; C-kit was diffusely positive in AdCC and scanty in CS; SMA, p63 and Cytokeratine 5/6 (CK5/6) were positive in both. Our results also confirm that AdCC could be true basal-like neoplasia, probably arising from a basal stem line tending to divergent differentiation toward CK5/6/C-kit+, ER/PR-, epithelial basal-like cell type, and toward a myoepitelial-like cell type, with an incomplete SMA/p63+, CD10/HHF35- immunophenotype. By contrast, CS is a reactive, benign proliferation of two well-differentiated cell types: epithelial (ER/PR+, C-kit-) and myoepithelial cells with a complete immunophenotype including CD10/HHF35 positivity. Our study highlights the usefulness of CD10 and HHF35 in the differential diagnosis and helps to understand the histogenesis of the two lesions

    Bladder Mucosal Graft Vaginoplasty: A Case Report

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    Female vaginoplasty reconstruction, by choice, is usually performed with adjacent tissue. However in some clinical conditions such as high urogenital confluence sinus, cloacal malformation with extreme vaginal hypoplasia, local tissue may not be available. When vaginal replacement is performed in pediatric patients intestinal segments is preferred to non-operative procedures that require continuative dilations. However mucus production, malignant transformation risk and diversion colitis are important side effects

    Pleural epithelioid angiosarcoma with lymphatic differentiation arisen after radiometabolic therapy for thyroid carcinoma: immunohistochemical findings and review of the literature

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    Abstract Background Pleural angiosarcoma is a rare tumor that causes diffuse pleural thickening and effusion, mimicking mesothelioma. Immunohistochemistry is needed to highlight endothelial differentiation. We describe the first case of pleural angiosarcoma with lymphatic differentiation following radiometabolic therapy for thyroid carcinoma. Case presentation A 50-year-old man showed diffuse pleural thickening and effusion. Nine years earlier, he underwent thyroidectomy and radiometabolic therapy for thyroid carcinoma with lymph node metastases. Histologically, the tumor consisted of a solid proliferation of atypical epithelioid cells and anastomosed vascular spaces, lacking of red blood cells and containing Alcian blue positive material. The tumor showed positive immunostaining for Vimentin, CD31, CK7, D2–40, c-MYC, Ki67, focal positivity for PanCK, and negative immunostaining for Factor VIII, CD34, WT1, CK5/6, Calretinin, EMA, HBME-1, CEA, p63, EpCAM, Bcl-2, TTF1 and Thyroglobulin. CD99 showed a granular/paranuclear pattern of positivity. The histological and immunohistochemical features were consistent with “pleural angiosarcoma with lymphatic differentiation, epithelioid variant”. Discussion and conclusions Epithelioid angiosarcoma with lymphatic differentiation is very rare and aggressive. Moreover, the positivity for c-MYC suggests the relationship with radiometabolic therapy. To our knowledge, this is the first case of pleural c-MYC-positive angiosarcoma with lymphatic differentiation reported in the literature and the first one arisen after radiometabolic therapy for thyroid carcinoma

    The cervical fracture as first symptom of multiple myeloma: A case report

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    Introduction: Multiple Myeloma (MM) is a clonal disorder characterized by proliferation and accumulation of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow. Bone disease occurs in approximately 80% of patients with newly diagnosed MM. The cervical spine is the least common site of disease involvement. Case presentation: A 60-year-old female patient was referred to the Department of Neurosurgery for bone pain. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan showed a pathological fracture of the sixth cervical vertebra (C6). The laboratory tests and the bone marrow examination led to a diagnosis of IgA Ï MM (Durie Salmon stage IIIA). The patient underwent a cervical arthrodesis and started systemic Bortezomib-Thalidomide-Dexamethasone (VTD) combination chemotherapy. During chemiotherapic treatment the patient underwent a vertebroplasty of L4-L5. After 4 VTD cycles, the patient was dismissed showing a very good partial remission (VGPR). Later the patient subjected herself to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) obtaining a complete remission. Discussion: We report a clinical case of MM in which the fracture of cervical spine represents the clinical onset. Indeed this clinical presentation is not common in this type of monoclonal gammopathy. This case underlines the importance of suspecting MM in all cases of compromised bone