244 research outputs found

    Pain perception and stabilometric parameters in people with chronic low back pain after a pilates exercise program: A randomized controlled trial

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    Various exercise interventions, such as Pilates exercises and traditional physical therapy methods, are employed to decrease low back pain (LBP). Nonspecific low back pain (NSLBP) is distinct from LBP, however, as the distribution of pain is restricted to the region between the costal margin and the inferior gluteal. The aim of our randomized controlled trial was to evaluate the effects of a program of Pilates exercises on pain perception and stabilometric parameters in patients with NSLBP.Thirty-eight participants were randomly allocated, using a 1:1 scheme, to either the experimental group (EG) or control group (CG). The EG completed a 14-week program of Pilates exercises, performed thrice per week under the supervision of an exercise specialist, while the CG was managed with a social program only. Measures of posturography and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) for pain perception were obtained at baseline (T0) and after the 14 weeks of intervention (T)1.Posturography measures improved for patients in the EG, with both eyes open and eyes closed (P\u200a<\u200a0.05). There were no statistical differences in posturography in the CG. ODI decreased significantly in both groups over the 14 weeks of the study protocol: EG, T0, 13.7\u200a\ub1\u200a5.0 compared with T1, 6.5\u200a\ub1\u200a4.0 (P\u200a<\u200a0.001); and CG, T0, 10.7\u200a\ub1\u200a7.8 compared with T1, 8.4\u200a\ub1\u200a7.8 (P\u200a<\u200a0.01). A greater extent of reduction in pain was achieved in the EG.The Pilates exercise program yielded improvements in pain and posturography outcomes. Our study also confirms the applicability of posturography in evaluating postural instability in patients with NSLBP. Due to our relatively small study group, future studies would be necessary to confirm our findings

    Determination of a strength index for upper body local endurance strength in sedentary individuals: a cross sectional analysis

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    A range of balance between flexor and extensor muscles is fundamental in order to prevent pathologies caused by bad postures or to ensure health of the joint as a measure of prevention of overtraining in specific muscle groups. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine the ratio between "pulling" and "pushing" strength in sedentary individuals. 212 healthy participants, of both genders (139 male and 73 female; age 32 \ub1 13.3 years, weight 70.2 \ub1 14.1 kg, height 173 \ub1 9 cm) were retained for investigation. Strength was assessed through a new methodology: Pulling through a lat-pulldown test while pushing strength through a chest-press test. Both tests were performed to exhaustion with an overload of 30 % of each participants bodyweight. Such method aims to prevent excessive overloads in sedentary individuals. Pearson's correlations and a t test to assess differences were analyzed. Subsequently, the ratio for both genders of pulling and pushing local endurance strength was assessed by means. A mean number of 57 repetitions was shown with the lat-pulldown while 34 repetition with the chest press. A correlation of 0.42 has been found between the number of repetitions of the two tests. A significant difference (p < 0.001) was found between such performances. No correlation was found between the strength measures and the anthropometric parameters of the participants. The lat machine to chest press ratio was 1.36:1 for male while 2.69:1 for female. The results indicate that sedentary participants have higher pulling rather than pushing local endurance strength. Such ratio should be considered as a normative value when starting to perform exercise protocols. Resistance training should be performed in order to improve strength measures of the weaker muscles and reduce such ratio

    Effects of pilates exercise programs in people with chronic low back pain: a systematic review

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    The Pilates method has recently become a fast-growing popular way of exercise recommended for healthy individuals and those engaged in rehabilitation. Several published studies have examined the effects of Pilates method in people with chronic low back pain (LBP).The objective of this study is to describe and provide an extensive overview of the scientific literature comparing the effectiveness of the Pilates method on pain and disability in patients with chronic nonspecific LBP. The study is based on the data from the following sources: MEDLINE-NLM, MEDLINE-EBSCO, Scopus Elsevier, Cochrane, DOAJ, SciELO, and PLOSONE.Original articles and systematic reviews of adults with chronic nonspecific LBP that evaluated pain and/or disability were included in this study; studies in which the primary treatment was based on Pilates method exercises compared with no treatment, minimal intervention, other types of intervention, or other types of exercises.The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) were adopted. The literature search included 7 electronic databases and the reference list of relevant systematic reviews and original articles to July 2014. Two independent investigators conducted the literature search and performed the synthesis as follows: Study Design; Sample (n); Disability measure; Intervention; and Main results.The searches identified a total of 128 articles. From these, 29 were considered eligible and were included in the analysis. The items were stratified as follows: Pilates method versus other kind of exercises (n = 6 trials) and Pilates method versus no treatment group or minimal intervention for short-term pain (n = 9 trials); the therapeutic effect of the Pilates method in randomized cohorts (n = 5); and analysis of reviews (n = 9).We found that there is a dearth of studies that clearly demonstrates the efficacy of a specific Pilates exercise program over another in the treatment of chronic pain. However, the consensus in the field suggests that Pilates method is more effective than minimal physical exercise intervention in reducing pain. These conclusions need to be supported by other proper investigations

    Effects of an adapted physical activity program on psychophysical health in elderly women

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    Background: Several studies have shown the positive effects of adapted physical activity (APA) on physical and mental health (MH) during the lifetime. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a specific APA intervention program in the improvement of the health-related quality of life (QOL) and functional condition of spine in elderly women. Methods: Thirty women were recruited from a senior center and randomly assigned to two groups: control group (CG; age: 69.69±7.94 years, height: 1.57±0.06 m, weight: 68.42±8.18 kg, body mass index [BMI]: 27.88±2.81) and trained group (TG; age: 68.35±6.04 years, height: 1.55±0.05 m, weight: 64.78±10.16 kg, BMI: 26.98±3.07). The APA program was conducted for 8 weeks, with two training sessions/week. CG did not perform any physical activity during the study. Spinal angles were evaluated by SpinalMouse® (Idiag, Volkerswill, Switzerland); health-related QOL was evaluated by SF-36 Health Survey, which assesses physical component summary (PCS-36), mental component summary (MCS-36), and eight subscales: physical functioning, role-physical, bodily pain, general health perception, role-emotional, social functioning, vitality, and MH. All measures were recorded before and after the experimental period. Results: In TG, compared to CG, the two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures with Bonferroni post hoc test showed a relevant improvement in lumbar spinal angle (°) and in SF-36 outcomes after the intervention period. We showed a significant increase in physical functioning, bodily pain, and MH subscales and in PCS-36 and MCS-36 scores in TG compared to CG. In particular, from baseline to posttest, we found that in TG, the PCS-36 and MCS-36 scores increased by 13.20% and 11.64%, respectively. Conclusion: We believe that an 8-week APA intervention program is able to improve psychophysical heath in elderly people. During the aging process, a dynamic lifestyle, including regular physical activity, is a crucial factor for public and health care systems to improve QOL and physical fitness in aging people

    Selective activation of shoulder, trunk, and arm muscles: A comparative analysis of different push-up variants

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    Context: The push-up is a widely used exercise for upper limb strengthening that can be performed with many variants. A comprehensive analysis of muscle activation during the ascendant phase (AP) and descendant phase (DP) in different variants could be useful for trainers and rehabilitators. Objective: To obtain information on the effect of different push-up variants on the electromyography (EMG) of a large sample of upper limb muscles and to investigate the role of the trunk and abdomen muscles during the AP and DP. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: University laboratory. Patients or Other Participants: Eight healthy, young volunteers without a history of upper extremity or spine injury. Intervention(s): Participants performed a set of 10 repetitions for each push-up variant: standard, wide, narrow, forward (FP), and backward (BP). Surface EMG of 12 selected muscles and kinematics data were synchronously recorded to describe the AP and DP. Main Outcome Measure(s): Mean EMG activity of the following muscles was analyzed: serratus anterior, deltoideus anterior, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis, triceps brachii caput longus, triceps brachii caput lateralis, obliquus externus abdominis, pectoralis major sternal head, pectoralis major clavicular head, trapezius transversalis, and biceps brachii. Results: The triceps brachii and pectoralis major exhibited greater activation during the narrow-base variant. The highest activation of abdomen and back muscles was recorded for the FP and BP variants. The DP demonstrated the least electrical activity across all muscles, with less marked differences for the abdominal and erector spinae muscles because of their role as stabilizers. Conclusions: Based on these findings, we suggest the narrow-base variant to emphasize triceps and pectoralis activity and the BP variant for total upper body strength conditioning. The FP and BP variants should be implemented carefully in participants with low back pain because of the greater activation of abdominal and back muscles

    The involvement of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in heart exercise-related angiogenesis.

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    Little is known about the involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in cardiac vascular remodelling induced by exercise. Our aim was to evaluate and localize MMP-2 and MMP-9's activities in relation to capillary proliferation in mouse hearts trained for 15, 30 and 45 days. METHODS: Sixty-three mice were randomly assigned to 7 groups: four control sedentary groups (C0, C15, C30 and C45) and three groups trained by an endurance protocol (T15, T30 and T45). MMP-2 and MMP-9 were examined with zymography and immunostaining analyses. Capillary proliferation was evaluated counting the number of CD31-positive cells. RESULTS: Different activity patterns of the latent form of both MMPs were found. Pro-MMP-9 increased after 15 days of training; whereas pro-MMP-2 gradually decreased after 30 and 45 days of training below the control groups. The latter was inversely correlated with capillary growth. MMP-9 was mainly localized in myocardiocytes and less evident in capillaries. Conversely, MMP-2 was more intense in capillary endothelial cells and slightly in myocardiocytes. CONCLUSIONS: A different spatiotemporal modulation of pro-MMP-2 and pro-MMP-9 activities has been detected in the myocardium during angiogenesis related to the aerobic training. These results can be useful to draw up training protocols for improving the performance of healthy and diseased human hearts

    Expression Pattern of Angiogenic Factors in Healthy Heart in Response to Physical Exercise Intensity

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    Recently, many studies showing the regeneration potential of both cardiac and hematopoietic stem cells in adult heart following injury were definitively retracted by the literature. Therefore, stimulating myocardial angiogenesis becomes to be important for preventing cardiovascular diseases. Regular endurance exercise has been reported to induce capillary growth in healthy and diseased myocardium resulting in cardioprotective phenotype. Previously, we demonstrated a significantly increased capillary proliferation in mouse hearts following 30 and 45 days of endurance training. In the present study, we examined the localization and expression pattern of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR-1/Flt-1 and VEGFR-2/Flk-1), hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in heart neocapillarization in response to a mild, moderate, and high intensity of endurance training. Sixty-three Swiss male mice were divided into four untrained control groups and three groups trained for 15 (T15), 30 (T30), and 45 (T45) days with a gradually increasing intensity on a treadmill. We observed the localization of studied proteins with immunostaining and their expression level with Western blot analyses. We found that VEGFR-2/Flk-1 expression progressively increased in trained groups compared with controls, while VEGFR-1/Flt-1 and HIF-1α were higher in T15 than in controls, T30, and T45 animals. Differently, iNOS levels enhanced after 15 and 30 days of exercise. The localization of these factors was not altered by exercise. The results showed that the expression of VEGFR-1/Flt-1, VEGFR-2/Flk-1, HIF-1α, and iNOS is differently regulated in cardiac angiogenesis according to the exercise intensity. VEGFR-1/Flt-1 and HIF-1α are upregulated by a mild intensity exercise, while VEGFR-2/Flk-1 progressively enhances with increasing workload. Differently, iNOS protein is modulated by a moderate intensity exercise. VEGF pathway appears to be involved in exercise-related angiogenesis in heart and VEGF might act in a paracrine and endocrine manner. Understanding this relationship is important for developing exercise strategies to protect the heart by insults

    Protein supplementation and dietary behaviours of resistance trained men and women attending commercial gyms: a comparative study between the city centre and the suburbs of Palermo, Italy

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    Background: It is anecdotally recognized that commercial gym users assume supplements in order to improve performance or health. However, dietary behaviours of people and athletes attending commercial gyms have been poorly studied. The exact amount and frequency of dietary supplements consumption are still needed to be investigated. The main purpose of this study is to understand the quantity and quality of food intake, as well as dietary supplementation in people attending commercial gyms. Secondly to compare the city centre and the suburbs of Palermo, Italy. Methods: A face-to-face questionnaire was administered to 561 subjects, 207 from the city centre (CC) and 354 from the suburbs (SB) of Palermo, Italy. Frequency of protein supplements use and association with dietary behaviours were investigated. Subsequently, the frequency distribution was used for demographic assessment. Results: Frequency of protein consumption was similar in both groups (30% for CC and 28.8% for SB). Males show greater consumption percentages than females (30.5% in males and 6.9% in females). Milk and chicken are the most frequently consumed foods. Data show that non-supplement users (NSU) consume significantly more snacks and bakery products than supplement users (SU) (P < 0.001). While, SU consume significantly higher quantities of vegetables, nuts, fresh fish, eggs and canned tuna (P < 0.001). SU consume less low protein food and higher protein foods than NSU. No differences were found between CC and SB. Conclusions: Protein consumption among commercial gym users is 30% for the CC and 28.8% for the SB. Significant differences were found between CC and SB females, underlining an interesting discrepancy, indicating to dietary supplement industries regarding regional implications. Subjects that use protein supplements also consume larger quantities of high protein food compared to NSU. NSU also eat higher proportions of unhealthy food compared to S


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    Obiettivo: Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di esaminare se il Metodo Feldenkrais fosse utile per migliorare la flessibilità muscolare e ridurre il dolore alla schiena in musicisti orchestrali professionisti. Materiali e metodi: Diciassette partecipanti sono stati reclutati da un orchestra sinfonica di Palermo (Italia) e divisi casualmente in un gruppo di controllo (C, n = 8) e un gruppo Feldenkrais (F, n = 9). Il primo non ha partecipato al protocollo Feldenkrais e a qualsiasi altra attività fisica; mentre il secondo ha preso parte ad un programma costituito da quattro lezioni di gruppo di Consapevolezza Attraverso il Movimento (CAM) eseguito 2 ore alla settimana per 4 settimane. Al fine di valutare lo stato di salute della colonna vertebrale, abbiamo usato il sit-and-reach test ed il trunk lift test. Le differenze all'interno di ogni gruppo e tra il gruppo C e il gruppo F sono state rispettivamente esaminate con il test di Wilcoxon e quello di Mann-Whitney; e considerate significative con p ≤ 0,05. Risultati: La flessibilità muscolare del bicipite femorale e della regione lombare, e la forza, la flessibilità e la resistenza dei muscoli estensori del tronco era leggermente aumentata nel gruppo F rispetto al gruppo C dopo il protocollo Feldenkrais; anche se questa variazione non era statisticamente significativa. Diversamente, il gruppo C ha mostrato una riduzione del 5% in entrambi i test dopo 4 settimane. Dopo il protocollo Feldenkrais, l’altezza del gruppo F era significativamente maggiore rispetto a prima del trattamento. Inoltre, abbiamo trovato che il numero dei partecipanti, che hanno dichiarato di avere dolore forte e frequente alla schiena e agli arti, diminuiva durante il periodo di svolgimento del protocollo Feldenkrais. Questo effetto era maggiore nella regione cervicale rispetto a quella lombare e agli arti superiori. Conclusioni: I nostri risultati mostrano che il Metodo Feldenkrais ha effetti positivi sulla flessibilità muscolare e supporta l'uso di questo metodo per sciogliere le tensioni e le contrazioni muscolari che possono causare dolore nei musicisti orchestrali professionisti.Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore whether Feldenkrais Method was useful for improving muscular flexibility and reducing back pain in professional orchestral musicians. Materials and methods: Seventeen participants were recruited from a symphony orchestra of Palermo (Italy) and randomly divided in a control group (C, n=8) and a Feldenkrais group (F, n=9). The first didn’t participate in the Feldenkrais protocol and any other physical activity; while the second took part into a program consisting of four Awareness through movement (ATM) classes performed 2 hours/week for 4 weeks. In order to assess muscle fitness of spine, we used sit-and-reach and trunk lift test. The differences within each group and between C and F groups were respectively examined with Wilcoxon matched pair test and Mann-Whitney test; and considered significant with p≤0.05. Results: The muscular flexibility of hamstring and low back, and trunk extensor strength, flexibility and endurance slightly increased in F group compared with C group after Feldenkrais protocol even if this variation was not statistically significant. Differently, C group showed a reduction by 5% in both tests after 4 weeks. After Feldenkrais protocol, height of F group was significantly bigger than before treatment. Moreover, we found that the number of participants, who stated to have strong and frequent pain in the back and limbs, decreased during performing the Feldenkrais protocol. This effect was bigger in the cervical than lumbar spine and upper limbs.Conclusion: Our outcomes illustrate that Feldenkrais method has positive effects on muscle flexibility and supports the use of this method for dissolving muscle tensions and contractions that can cause pain in professional orchestral musicians
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