5 research outputs found

    Wyzwania dla Akademickich Biur Karier na Mazowszu

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    This paper summarises the failed attempt to conduct a survey concerning the operations of academic career services in schools of higher education in Mazovia. The survey was conducted within the ‘Regional foresight for schools of higher education in Warsaw and Mazovia. Academic Mazovia 2030’ project. The author describes the reasons for Iow response rate from academic career services and the resulting consequences, i.e. unavailability of up-to-date, complete information about the status quo of such sen/ices in Mazovia. The paper invokes studies conducted by the Provincial Labour Office (Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy) in Warsaw and presents a brief portrayal of academic career sen/ices in Mazovian schools of higher education. Given the challenges to be faced by career sen/ices after the reform of higher education (their contribution in the process of adjusting the educational programmes to the needs of labour market, and to tracking the careers of graduates), it is particularly important to improve the efficiency of career sen/ices and their organisation as well as cooperation with stakeholders. It is also important for career sen/ices to conduct desk research and to collect and process data about their customers. An important challenge for career sen/ices is to inerease their participation in EU-funded projects and to improve the appeal of sen/ices offered to students and graduates.Artykuł zawiera podsumowanie nieudanej próby przeprowadzenia badań ankietowych działalności Akademickich Biur Karier w uczelniach województwa mazowieckiego, przeprowadzonej w ramach projektu „Foresight regionalny dla szkół wyższych Warszawy i Mazowsza. Akademickie Mazowsze 2030” . Autorka zwraca uwagę na przyczyny niskiego udziału biur karier w badaniach oraz wynikające z tego konsekwencje, tj. brak aktualnej i kompletnej wiedzy o stanie biur karier na Mazowszu. Nawiązuje przy tym do wyników badań przeprowadzonych przez Wojewódzki Urząd Pracy w Warszawie, a także przedstawia krótką charakterystykę biur karier działających w szkołach wyższych na Mazowszu. Usprawnienie organizacji biur karier oraz ich współpracy z instytucjami zewnętrznymi, a także zgromadzenie i opracowanie przez nie ogólnodostępnych danych o prowadzonej działalności i swych klientach jest szczególnie ważne wobec wyzwań, jakie czekają biura karier po wprowadzeniu reformy szkolnictwa wyższego (udział w dostosowaniu oferty dydaktycznej do potrzeb rynku pracy oraz badanie zawodowych losów absolwentów). Istotnym wyzwaniem dla biur karier jest również zwiększenie udziału w projektach unijnych, a także uatrakcyjnienie oferty dla studentów i absolwentów

    Consumption Frequency of Fruit Juices and Sweetened Beverages: Differences Related to Age, Gender and the Prevalence of Overweight Among Polish Adolescents

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the differences in the consumption frequency of fruit juices and sweetened beverages according to gender, age and the prevalence of overweight. The study involved 1,700 adolescents aged 13-19 from north-eastern Poland. The frequencies of juices and beverages consumption are presented in 5 categories: from less than once a week to daily. On the basis of measurements of body weight and height the relative body mass (rBMI) is calculated, using standardization by Cole. The study showed that 77.8% of the sample had normal weight and 16.9% were overweight. Girls more often consumed fruit juices than boys and sweetened beverages less often. Girls with age drank less frequently fruit juices and sweetened beverages. Among boys, only the frequency of fruit juice consumption decreased with age. Daily consumption of sweetened beverages among young people increased the risk of being overweight by more than 60% compared to young people consuming them once a week. The frequency of consumption of fruit juices and sweetened beverages was more strongly related to age and sex than to body mass. The prevalence of overweight among adolescents was associated with the frequency of sweetened beverage consumption, but not with the frequency of fruit juice consumption

    CO2 Hydrogenation to Methane over Ni-Catalysts: The Effect of Support and Vanadia Promoting

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    Within the Waste2Fuel project, innovative, high-performance, and cost-effective fuel production methods are developed to target the “closed carbon cycle”. The catalysts supported on different metal oxides were characterized by XRD, XPS, Raman, UV-Vis, temperature-programmed techniques; then, they were tested in CO2 hydrogenation at 1 bar. Moreover, the V2O5 promotion was studied for Ni/Al2O3 catalyst. The precisely designed hydrotalcite-derived catalyst and vanadia-promoted Ni-catalysts deliver exceptional conversions for the studied processes, presenting high durability and selectivity, outperforming the best-known catalysts. The equilibrium conversion was reached at temperatures around 623 K, with the primary product of reaction CH4 (>97% CH4 yield). Although the Ni loading in hydrotalcite-derived NiWP is lower by more than 40%, compared to reference NiR catalyst and available commercial samples, the activity increases for this sample, reaching almost equilibrium values (GHSV = 1.2 × 104 h–1, 1 atm, and 293 K)

    Protease-activated receptors (PARs)—biology and role in cancer invasion and metastasis

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