20 research outputs found

    Puzzling out the coexistence of terrestrial planets and giant exoplanets. The 2/1 resonant periodic orbits

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    Hundreds of giant planets have been discovered so far and the quest of exo-Earths in giant planet systems has become intriguing. In this work, we aim to address the question of the possible long-term coexistence of a terrestrial companion on an orbit interior to a giant planet, and explore the extent of the stability regions for both non-resonant and resonant configurations. Our study focuses on the restricted three-body problem, where an inner terrestrial planet (massless body) moves under the gravitational attraction of a star and an outer massive planet on a circular or elliptic orbit. Using the Detrended Fast Lyapunov Indicator as a chaotic indicator, we constructed maps of dynamical stability by varying both the eccentricity of the outer giant planet and the semi-major axis of the inner terrestrial planet, and identify the boundaries of the stability domains. Guided by the computation of families of periodic orbits, the phase space is unravelled by meticulously chosen stable periodic orbits, which buttress the stability domains. We provide all possible stability domains for coplanar symmetric configurations and show that a terrestrial planet, either in mean-motion resonance or not, can coexist with a giant planet, when the latter moves on either a circular or an (even highly) eccentric orbit. New families of symmetric and asymmetric periodic orbits are presented for the 2/1 resonance. It is shown that an inner terrestrial planet can survive long time spans with a giant eccentric outer planet on resonant symmetric orbits, even when both orbits are highly eccentric. For 22 detected single-planet systems consisting of a giant planet with high eccentricity, we discuss the possible existence of a terrestrial planet. This study is particularly suitable for the research of companions among the detected systems with giant planets, and could assist with refining observational data.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Origin and continuation of 3/2, 5/2, 3/1, 4/1 and 5/1 resonant periodic orbits in the circular and elliptic restricted three-body problem

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    We consider a planetary system consisting of two primaries, namely a star and a giant planet, and a massless secondary, say a terrestrial planet or an asteroid, which moves under their gravitational attraction. We study the dynamics of this system in the framework of the circular and elliptic restricted TBP, when the motion of the giant planet describes circular and elliptic orbits, respectively. Originating from the circular family, families of symmetric periodic orbits in the 3/2, 5/2, 3/1, 4/1 and 5/1 mean-motion resonances are continued in the circular and the elliptic problems. New bifurcation points from the circular to the elliptic problem are found for each of the above resonances and thus, new families, continued from these points are herein presented. Stable segments of periodic orbits were found at high eccentricity values of the already known families considered as whole unstable previously. Moreover, new isolated (not continued from bifurcation points) families are computed in the elliptic restricted problem. The majority of the new families mainly consist of stable periodic orbits at high eccentricities. The families of the 5/1 resonance are investigated for the first time in the restricted three-body problems. We highlight the effect of stable periodic orbits on the formation of stable regions in their vicinity and unveil the boundaries of such domains in phase space by computing maps of dynamical stability. The long-term stable evolution of the terrestrial planets or asteroids is dependent on the existence of regular domains in their dynamical neighbourhood in phase space, which could host them for long time spans. This study, besides other celestial architectures that can be efficiently modelled by the circular and elliptic restricted problems, is particularly appropriate for the discovery of terrestrial companions among the single-giant planet systems discovered so far.Comment: Accepted for publication in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Continuation and stability deduction of resonant periodic orbits in three dimensional systems

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    In dynamical systems of few degrees of freedom, periodic solutions consist the backbone of the phase space and the determination and computation of their stability is crucial for understanding the global dynamics. In this paper we study the classical three body problem in three dimensions and use its dynamics to assess the long-term evolution of extrasolar systems. We compute periodic orbits, which correspond to exact resonant motion, and determine their linear stability. By computing maps of dynamical stability we show that stable periodic orbits are surrounded in phase space with regular motion even in systems with more than two degrees of freedom, while chaos is apparent close to unstable ones. Therefore, families of stable periodic orbits, indeed, consist backbones of the stability domains in phase space.Comment: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis (NumAn 2014). Published by the Applied Mathematics and Computers Lab, Technical University of Crete (AMCL/TUC), Greec

    Resonant planetary dynamics: Periodic orbits and long-term stability

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    Many exo-solar systems discovered in the last decade consist of planets orbiting in resonant configurations and consequently, their evolution should show long-term stability. However, due to the mutual planetary interactions a multi-planet system shows complicated dynamics with mostly chaotic trajectories. We can determine possible stable configurations by computing resonant periodic trajectories of the general planar three body problem, which can be used for modeling a two-planet system. In this work, we review our model for both the planar and the spatial case. We present families of symmetric periodic trajectories in various resonances and study their linear horizontal and vertical stability. We show that around stable periodic orbits there exist regimes in phase space where regular evolution takes place. Unstable periodic orbits are associated with the existence of chaos and planetary destabilization.Comment: Proceedings of 10th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, Chania, Crete, Greece, 25-27 May, 201

    Linking long-term planetary N-body simulations with periodic orbits : application to white dwarf pollution

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    Mounting discoveries of debris discs orbiting newly formed stars and white dwarfs (WDs) showcase the importance of modelling the long-term evolution of small bodies in exosystems. WD debris discs are, in particular, thought to form from very long-term (0.1–5.0 Gyr) instability between planets and asteroids. However, the time-consuming nature of N-body integrators which accurately simulate motion over Gyrs necessitates a judicious choice of initial conditions. The analytical tools known as periodic orbits can circumvent the guesswork. Here, we begin a comprehensive analysis directly linking periodic orbits with N-body integration outcomes with an extensive exploration of the planar circular restricted three-body problem (CRTBP) with an outer planet and inner asteroid near or inside of the 2:1 mean motion resonance. We run nearly 1000 focused simulations for the entire age of the Universe (14 Gyr) with initial conditions mapped to the phase space locations surrounding the unstable and stable periodic orbits for that commensurability. In none of our simulations did the planar CRTBP architecture yield a long-time-scale (≳0.25 per cent of the age of the Universe) asteroid-star collision. The pericentre distance of asteroids which survived beyond this time-scale (≈35 Myr) varied by at most about 60 per cent. These results help affirm that collisions occur too quickly to explain WD pollution in the planar CRTBP 2:1 regime, and highlight the need for further periodic orbit studies with the eccentric and inclined TBP architectures and other significant orbital period commensurabilities

    Exploiting periodic orbits as dynamical clues for Kepler and K2 systems

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    Many extrasolar systems possessing planets in mean-motion resonance or resonant chain have been discovered to date. The transit method coupled with transit timing variation analysis provides an insight into the physical and orbital parameters of the systems, but suffers from observational limitations. When a (near-)resonant planetary system resides in the dynamical neighbourhood of a stable periodic orbit, its long-term stability, and thus survival, can be guaranteed. We use the intrinsic property of the periodic orbits, namely their linear horizontal and vertical stability, to validate or further constrain the orbital elements of detected two-planet systems. We computed the families of periodic orbits in the general three-body problem for several two-planet Kepler and K2 systems. The dynamical neighbourhood of the systems is unveiled with maps of dynamical stability. Additional validations or constraints on the orbital elements of K2-21, K2-24, Kepler-9, and (non-coplanar) Kepler-108 near-resonant systems were achieved. While a mean-motion resonance locking protects the long-term evolution of the systems K2-21 and K2-24, such a resonant evolution is not possible for the Kepler-9 system, whose stability is maintained through an apsidal anti-alignment. For the Kepler-108 system, we find that the stability of its mutually inclined planets could be justified either solely by a mean-motion resonance, or in tandem with an inclination-type resonance. Going forward, dynamical analyses based on periodic orbits could yield better constrained orbital elements of near-resonant extrasolar systems when performed in parallel to the fitting of the observational data.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&