1 research outputs found

    Analysis of the X-ray Work Flow in Two Diagnostic Imaging Departments With and Without a RIS/PACS System

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    A traditional radiological workflow is compared with one based on radiology information system/picture archiving and communication system (RIS/PACS). X-ray workflow process was considered in both radiology departments. First, the study identified the main phases of the research work as follows: Process Analysis, Data Collection and Elaboration, Interpretation. Afterwards, the main steps of the whole image acquisition process were defined, and each step was divided into a number of elementary operations. Then, the time required to complete each of these was measured. Data collected were elaborated and synthesized to obtain time frequency distributions for each step and evaluation of the total time for the whole working flow. Statistical elaboration of the collected data shows that x-ray working time decreases, between 35% and 57%, when RIS/PACS is used. Detailed analysis of the whole working process allows identification of possible critical points to improve the image acquisition process