34 research outputs found

    Rethinking high-tech tools for cultural heritage education. In-training teachers’ reflections on Musetech web app

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    MuseTech is a web app implemented in the frame of DICHE Erasmus + Project. The aim was to train teachers on new methods to develop 4Cs through the use of cultural heritage education and technologies. In this paper we investigate how much in-training teachers are interested in 3.0 web technologies proposed in the MuseTech app, and which kind of opinions and expectations they have about the use of 3.0 technologies for cultural heritage education. Teachers showed a strong interest for high tech cultural heritage educational resources, especially because of the following affordances: ubiquity, multi-sensoriality experience, and immersivity. Through a self-assessment of their skills they declared to develop their research and design skills while stimulating their IT, creativity and critical thinking skills. The MuseTech case has provided teachers with the opportunity to discuss their ideas with peers and to employ technologically tools. Ripensare la tecnologia nell’educazione al patrimonio culturale. Riflessioni di futuri insegnanti sulla web app MuseTechMuseTech ù un’applicazione web realizzata nell’ambito del Progetto DICHE Erasmus +, che permette agli insegnanti di essere formati sui nuovi metodi per sviluppare capacità comunicative, di collaborazione, di creatività e di pensiero critico (4Cs) attraverso l’educazione al patrimonio culturale e l’uso delle tecnologie. Abbiamo indagato quanto gli insegnanti in formazione siano interessati alle tecnologie web 3.0 proposte nell’app MuseTech, e che tipo di opinioni e aspettative abbiano circa l’uso di tali tecnologie per l’educazione al patrimonio culturale. Gli insegnanti hanno mostrato un grande interesse specialmente per le caratteristiche di: ubiquità, multi-sensorialità e immersività. Autovalutando le proprie competenze, hanno inoltre dichiarato di aver sviluppato le proprie capacità di ricerca e progettazione stimolando al tempo stesso quelle di IT, creatività e pensiero critico. MuseTech ha inoltre fornito agli insegnanti l’opportunità di discutere le proprie idee con i pari e di utilizzare strumenti tecnologici

    Fine Mapping of Genetic Variants in BIN1, CLU, CR1 and PICALM for Association with Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease

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    Recent genome-wide association studies of Alzheimer's disease (AD) have identified variants in BIN1, CLU, CR1 and PICALM that show replicable association with risk for disease. We have thoroughly sampled common variation in these genes, genotyping 355 variants in over 600 individuals for whom measurements of two AD biomarkers, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 42 amino acid amyloid beta fragments (AÎČ42) and tau phosphorylated at threonine 181 (ptau181), have been obtained. Association analyses were performed to determine whether variants in BIN1, CLU, CR1 or PICALM are associated with changes in the CSF levels of these biomarkers. Despite adequate power to detect effects as small as a 1.05 fold difference, we have failed to detect evidence for association between SNPs in these genes and CSF AÎČ42 or ptau181 levels in our sample. Our results suggest that these variants do not affect risk via a mechanism that results in a strong additive effect on CSF levels of AÎČ42 or ptau181


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    Assalito dalla felicitĂ  corsi al mare, guardai l’acqua e fui preso da una forza, non mia, non umana che mi trascinĂČ in acqua. LĂŹ venni rapito da fantastiche sensazioni, l’adrenalina salĂŹ a mille, vidi un enorme creatura che suscitĂČ in me delle emozioni mai provate prima, si era avvicinata talmente tanto che stava per toccarmi e, appena lo fece, il mio corpo si illuminĂČ magicamente, le mie mani iniziarono pian piano ad assottigliarsi, il mio petto diventava sempre piĂč piccolo e tondo e da lĂŹ a poco, ero diventato un polpo

    Measuring a Critical Impact on Technology in Education: A Tool for OERs Evaluation

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    This paper describes how giving students the tools to carry out an evaluative analysis of the resource they are accessing can enable them develop their analytical and critical thinking skills. It can also help them to gain insight into the importance of 'learning to learn'. These students also gain the ability to characterise the impact of OERs on Higher education teaching and learning. The main scope of the present research project is that students could independently evaluate the quality of online digital resources both as learners and future educators. Doing so it is possible to overcome “brief term instrumental characteristics” of tools and promote long term evaluation processes (Vertecchi, 2012). This proposal concerns an area of research into distance learning which has not been explored in this way previously. The study does not explore the quality of learning in online environments. Rather, it investigates how students should approach the online resources at their disposal, facilitating their critical and reflective skills and adopting a model for analysis

    Sviluppo di uno strumento di valutazione per le OERs

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    Il presente contributo \ue8 parte di un pi\uf9 ampio progetto di ricerca basato sul modello che il Laboratorio di Pedagogia Sperimentale dell\u2019Universit\ue0 Roma TRE sta sviluppando per valutare l\u2019impatto e l\u2019efficacia dell\u2019insegnamento e apprendimento online nella didattica universitaria, dando la possibilit\ue0, agli studenti, di avvicinarsi alle risorse online adottando un approccio critico che potr\ue0 accompagnarli nel corso dell\u2019apprendimento per la vita. Otten e Ohana, nel loro The Eight Key Skills Competences for Lifelong Learning (2009), identificano una serie di abilit\ue0, utili per sconfiggere la disoccupazione giovanile e l\u2019esclusione sociale nei paesi sviluppati, che fanno riferimento a \u201cpensiero critico, creativit\ue0, spirito di iniziativa, capacit\ue0 di soluzione di problemi, gestione costruttiva dei fattori emotivi\u201d. Nella societ\ue0 dell\u2019informazione, la quantit\ue0 di contenuti online \ue8 costantemente in crescita e sono innumerevoli quelli gi\ue0 disponibili in rete. Lo sviluppo del progetto qui presentato contribuisce a definire un sistema che prova a far corrispondere le caratteristiche intrinseche delle OERs (ossia diffusione e apertura) con quelle delle competenze e abilit\ue0 generiche, sempre pi\uf9 richieste dal mercato del lavoro (in particolare l\u2019abilit\ue0 di pensiero critico). Lo scopo principale \ue8 consentire agli studenti di valutare in maniera indipendente la qualit\ue0 delle risorse digitali online sia come discenti sia come futuri educatori

    Rethinking high-tech tools for cultural heritage education. In-training teachers’ reflections on Musetech web app Ripensare la tecnologia nell’educazione al patrimonio culturale. Riflessioni di futuri insegnanti sulla web app MuseTech

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    MuseTech è un’applicazione web realizzata nell’ambito del Progetto DICHE Erasmus +, che permette agli insegnanti di essere formati sui nuovi metodi per sviluppare capacità comunicative, di collaborazione, di creatività e di pensiero critico (4Cs) attraverso l’educazione al patrimonio culturale e l’uso delle tecnologie. Abbiamo indagato quanto gli insegnanti in formazione siano interessati alle tecnologie web 3.0 proposte nell’app MuseTech, e che tipo di opinioni e aspettative abbiano circa l’uso di tali tecnologie per l’educazione al patrimonio culturale. Gli insegnanti hanno mostrato un grande interesse specialmente per le caratteristiche di: ubiquità, multi-sensorialità e immersività. Autovalutando le proprie competenze, hanno inoltre dichiarato di aver sviluppato le proprie capacità di ricerca e progettazione stimolando al tempo stesso quelle di IT, creatività e pensiero critico. MuseTech ha inoltre fornito agli insegnanti l’opportunità di discutere le proprie idee con i pari e di utilizzare strumenti tecnologici

    Rethinking high-tech tools for cultural heritage education. In-training teachers’ reflections on Musetech web app Ripensare la tecnologia nell’educazione al patrimonio culturale. Riflessioni di futuri insegnanti sulla web app MuseTech

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    MuseTech è un’applicazione web realizzata nell’ambito del Progetto DICHE Erasmus +, che permette agli insegnanti di essere formati sui nuovi metodi per sviluppare capacità comunicative, di collaborazione, di creatività e di pensiero critico (4Cs) attraverso l’educazione al patrimonio culturale e l’uso delle tecnologie. Abbiamo indagato quanto gli insegnanti in formazione siano interessati alle tecnologie web 3.0 proposte nell’app MuseTech, e che tipo di opinioni e aspettative abbiano circa l’uso di tali tecnologie per l’educazione al patrimonio culturale. Gli insegnanti hanno mostrato un grande interesse specialmente per le caratteristiche di: ubiquità, multi-sensorialità e immersività. Autovalutando le proprie competenze, hanno inoltre dichiarato di aver sviluppato le proprie capacità di ricerca e progettazione stimolando al tempo stesso quelle di IT, creatività e pensiero critico. MuseTech ha inoltre fornito agli insegnanti l’opportunità di discutere le proprie idee con i pari e di utilizzare strumenti tecnologici

    Technology traces on children handwriting

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    Handwriting in educational settings has seen changes in practice, culturally and at social level. In particular, the practice of handwriting is less necessary in daily life because it has been replaced by other means of communication for sending messages, making appointments, expressing feelings etc. To this should be added the effects of the reduction of the ability to coordinate perception and mobility which corresponds to the substitution of handwriting with the use of a keyboard. Nulla dies sine linea project, coordinated by Benedetto Vertecchi and developed at LPS \u2013 Laboratory for Experimental Research \u2013 Universit\ue0 di Roma TRE, aims at verifying handwriting effects in the learning processes of a group of approximately 380 primary school children based in Rome and its district (grade III, IV and V). In four months, the teachers asked pupils on a daily basis to write a text of four lines in III grade, five lines in IV grade and six lines in the V grade. First results highlight mainly a strong support in the motivational dimension, which teachers note in everyday practice when they inform pupils about the title of the daily composition they have to write: pupils participate actively, enjoy it and are involved and eager to express themselves in writing.The main hypotheses formulated are the following: \u2022 that a correlation exists between the practice of handwriting and the quality of the text produced; \u2022 that handwriting corresponds to a gratifying brain activity; \u2022 that when the ability to handwrite grows, there is a corresponding diminution of the difficulties which are often interpreted as manifestations of a mental health disorder; \u2022 that to the practice of handwriting corresponds an overall increase of literal skills

    Enhancing Higher Education Students’ XXI Century Skills through Co-writing Activities in Science Teaching

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    As many EU documents highlight, to improve competitiveness and professional/personal development, cross-sectional skills are to be enhanced as engines for social innovation: creativity, entrepreneurship, critical thinking and problem solving. The above skills, as many studies mention, are favoured by a cooperative approach. Scientific and technologic culture, relevant element of the shared encyclopaedia and the individual knowledge, also becomes a tool for social and political participation. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate that the cooperative approach and the critical use of technology, in particular in the field of science teaching, are the keys to single out solutions able to increase development and growth, from which, in turn, the whole society can benefit. In light of what above mentioned, that of the dissemination of popular science is, today, a duty of public institutions as well as a right of the citizens. Within the above context, the students’ module under investigation has been planned as a set of on-line group activities, with the general aim to provide useful elements to understand the typical characteristics of the language of science and create the structure of a creative text with a scientific topic through cooperative writing. Findings from the data collected after a specific assessment exercise are given and discussed, revealing as successful the combination of creativity and science topics

    Sviluppo di uno strumento di valutazione delle risorse aperte (OERs)

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    This paper is part of a wider research project and focuses on the model adopted for evaluating the impact and effectiveness of online teaching and learning, enabling students to adopt a critical approach which could be extended to any online resource which they may use for their lifelong learning. Technology plays a fundamental role in everyone’s life and must be approached critically, especially by young people entering the labor market for the first time. The Laboratory for experimental pedagogy (LPS) based at the Department of Education – Roma Tre University has been working, since 2010, on research focusing on the enhancement of students’ critical thinking skills to foster the development and promotion of the critical use of technology in education. The present contribution describes how giving students the tools to carry out an evaluative analysis of the resource they are accessing can enable them develop their analytical and critical thinking skills. It can also help them gaining insight into the importance of 'learning to learn' and independently evaluate the quality of online digital resources both as learners and future educators. Doing so it is possible to overcome “brief term instrumental characteristics” of tools and promote long term evaluation processes (Vertecchi, 2012)