26 research outputs found

    Shortening of membrane lipid acyl chains compensates for phosphatidylcholine deficiency in choline-auxotroph yeast

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    Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is an abundant membrane lipid component in most eukaryotes, including yeast, and has been assigned multiple functions in addition to acting as building block of the lipid bilayer. Here, by isolating S. cerevisiae suppressor mutants that exhibit robust growth in the absence of PC, we show that PC essentiality is subject to cellular evolvability in yeast. The requirement for PC is suppressed by monosomy of chromosome XV or by a point mutation in the ACC1 gene encoding acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Although these two genetic adaptations rewire lipid biosynthesis in different ways, both decrease Acc1 activity, thereby reducing average acyl chain length. Consistently, soraphen A, a specific inhibitor of Acc1, rescues a yeast mutant with deficient PC synthesis. In the aneuploid suppressor, feedback inhibition of Acc1 through acyl-CoA produced by fatty acid synthase (FAS) results from upregulation of lipid synthesis. The results show that budding yeast regulates acyl chain length by fine-tuning the activities of Acc1 and FAS and indicate that PC evolved by benefitting the maintenance of membrane fluidity

    Phospholipid turnover and acyl chain remodeling in the yeast ER

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    The turnover of phospholipids plays an essential role in membrane lipid homeostasis by impacting both lipid head group and acyl chain composition. This review focusses on the degradation and acyl chain remodeling of the major phospholipid classes present in the ER membrane of the reference eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae, i.e. phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Phospholipid turnover reactions are introduced, and the occurrence and important functions of phospholipid remodeling in higher eukaryotes are briefly summarized. After presenting an inventory of established mechanisms of phospholipid acyl chain exchange, current knowledge of phospholipid degradation and remodeling by phospholipases and acyltransferases localized to the yeast ER is summarized. PC is subject to the PC deacylation-reacylation remodeling pathway (PC-DRP) involving a phospholipase B, the recently identified glycerophosphocholine acyltransferase Gpc1p, and the broad specificity acyltransferase Ale1p. PI is post-synthetically enriched in C18:0 acyl chains by remodeling reactions involving Cst26p. PE may undergo turnover by the phospholipid: diacylglycerol acyltransferase Lro1p as first step in acyl chain remodeling. Clues as to the functions of phospholipid acyl chain remodeling are discussed

    Water soluble lipid precursor contaminants in yeast culture medium ingredients

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    The presence of the water soluble glycerophospholipid precursors choline and inositol in culture media highly affects lipid biosynthesis and regulation thereof. We report that widely used media ingredients contain trace amounts of choline and inositol that are not mentioned on the product label, influencing experimental outcome

    The topology of the ER-resident phospholipid methyltransferase Opi3 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is consistent with in trans catalysis

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    Phospholipid N-methyltransferases (PLMTs) synthesize phosphatidylcholine by methylating phosphatidylethanolamine using S-adenosylmethionine as a methyl donor. Eukaryotic PLMTs are integral membrane enzymes located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Recently Opi3, a PLMT of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was proposed to perform in trans catalysis, i.e. while localized in the ER, Opi3 would methylate lipid substrates located in the plasma membrane at membrane contact sites. Here, we tested whether the Opi3 active site is located at the cytosolic side of the ER membrane, which is a prerequisite for in trans catalysis. The membrane topology of Opi3 (and its human counterpart, phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase, expressed in yeast) was addressed by topology prediction algorithms and by the substituted cysteine accessibility method. The results of these analyses indicated that Opi3 (as well as phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase) has an N-out C-in topology and contains four transmembrane domains, with the fourth forming a re-entrant loop. On the basis of the sequence conservation between the C-terminal half of Opi3 and isoprenyl cysteine carboxyl methyltransferases with a solved crystal structure, we identified amino acids critical for Opi3 activity by site-directed mutagenesis. Modeling of the structure of the C-terminal part of Opi3 was consistent with the topology obtained by the substituted cysteine accessibility method and revealed that the active site faces the cytosol. In conclusion, the location of the Opi3 active site identified here is consistent with the proposed mechanism of in trans catalysis, as well as with conventional catalysis in cis

    Continuous Equilibration of Phosphatidylcholine and Its Precursors between Endoplasmic Reticulum and Mitochondria in Yeast

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    In Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphatidylcholine (PC) is synthesized in the ER and transported to mitochondria via an unknown mechanism. The transport of PC synthesized by the triple methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine was investigated by pulsing yeast spheroplasts with l-[methyl-(3)H]methionine, followed by a chase with unlabeled methionine and subcellular fractionation. During the pulse, increasing amounts of PC and its mono- and dimethylated precursors (PMME and PDME, respectively) appear in similar proportions in both microsomes and mitochondria, with the extent of incorporation in microsomes being twice that in mitochondria. During the chase, the [(3)H]-methyl label from the precursors accumulates into PC with similar kinetics in both organelles. The results demonstrate that transport of methylated phospholipids from ER to mitochondria is 1) coupled to synthesis, 2) not selective for PC, 3) at least as fast as the fastest step in the methylation of PE, and 4) bidirectional for PMME and PDME. The interorganellar equilibration of methylated phospholipids was reconstituted in vitro and did not depend on ongoing methylation, cytosolic factors, ATP, and energization of the mitochondria, although energization could accelerate the reaction. The exchange of methylated phospholipids was reduced after pretreating both microsomes and mitochondria with trypsin, indicating the involvement of membrane proteins from both organelles

    Phospholipid turnover and acyl chain remodeling in the yeast ER

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    The turnover of phospholipids plays an essential role in membrane lipid homeostasis by impacting both lipid head group and acyl chain composition. This review focusses on the degradation and acyl chain remodeling of the major phospholipid classes present in the ER membrane of the reference eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae, i.e. phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Phospholipid turnover reactions are introduced, and the occurrence and important functions of phospholipid remodeling in higher eukaryotes are briefly summarized. After presenting an inventory of established mechanisms of phospholipid acyl chain exchange, current knowledge of phospholipid degradation and remodeling by phospholipases and acyltransferases localized to the yeast ER is summarized. PC is subject to the PC deacylation-reacylation remodeling pathway (PC-DRP) involving a phospholipase B, the recently identified glycerophosphocholine acyltransferase Gpc1p, and the broad specificity acyltransferase Ale1p. PI is post-synthetically enriched in C18:0 acyl chains by remodeling reactions involving Cst26p. PE may undergo turnover by the phospholipid: diacylglycerol acyltransferase Lro1p as first step in acyl chain remodeling. Clues as to the functions of phospholipid acyl chain remodeling are discussed

    Water soluble lipid precursor contaminants in yeast culture medium ingredients

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    The presence of the water soluble glycerophospholipid precursors choline and inositol in culture media highly affects lipid biosynthesis and regulation thereof. We report that widely used media ingredients contain trace amounts of choline and inositol that are not mentioned on the product label, influencing experimental outcome