77 research outputs found

    Principles of microfluidic actuation by modulation of surface stresses

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    Development and optimization of multifunctional devices for fluidic manipulation of films, drops, and bubbles require detailed understanding of interfacial phenomena and microhydrodynamic flows. Systems are distinguished by a large surface to volume ratio and flow at small Reynolds, capillary, and Bond numbers are strongly influenced by boundary effects and therefore amenable to control by a variety of surface treatments and surface forces. We review the principles underlying common techniques for actuation of droplets and films on homogeneous, chemically patterned, and topologically textured surfaces by modulation of normal or shear stresses

    Generation of high-resolution surface temperature distributions

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    We have performed numerical calculations to study the generation of arbitrary temperature profiles with high spatial resolution on the surface of a solid. The characteristics of steady-state distributions and time-dependent heating and cooling cycles are examined, as well as their dependence on material properties and device geometry. Ideally, low-power consumption and fast response times are desirable. The simulations show that the achievable spatial resolution is on the order of the substrate thickness and that the response time t+ depends on the width of the individual heating elements. Moreover, the rise time t+ can be significantly shortened by deposition of a thermal insulation layer, which also reduces the power consumption and increases lateral resolution

    Dynamics of capillary spreading along hydrophilic microstripes

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    We have studied the capillary spreading of a Newtonian liquid along hydrophilic microstripes that are chemically defined on a hydrophobic substrate. The front of the spreading film advances in time according to a power law x=Bt1/2. This exponent of 1/2 is much larger than the value 1/10 observed in the axisymmetric spreading of a wetting droplet. It is identical to the exponent found for wicking in open or closed microchannels. Even though no wicking occurs in our system, the influence of surface curvature induced by the lateral confinement of the liquid stripe also leads to an exponent of 1/2 but with a strongly modified prefactor B. We obtain excellent experimental agreement with the predicted time dependence of the front location and the dependence of the front speed on the stripe width. Additional experiments and simulations reveal the influence of the reservoir volume, liquid material parameters, edge roughness, and nonwetting defects. These results are relevant to liquid dosing applications or microfluidic delivery systems based on free-surface flow

    Physical mechanisms governing pattern fidelity in microscale offset printing

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    We have studied the offset printing of liquid polymers curable by exposure to ultraviolet light onto flat and unpatterned silicon and glass substrates. The interplay of capillary, viscous, and adhesion forces dominates the dynamics of ink transfer at small feature sizes and low capillary number. For smooth and nonporous substrates, pattern fidelity can be compromised because the ink contact lines are free to migrate across the substrate during plate separation. Using a combination of experiments and equilibrium simulations, we have identified the physical mechanisms controlling ink transfer and pattern fidelity. In considering the resolution limit of this technique, it appears that the dynamics of ink flow and redistribution during transfer do not explicitly depend on the absolute feature size, but only on the aspect ratio of film thickness to feature size. Direct printing holds promise as a high-throughput fabrication method for large area electronics

    Morphology of liquid microstructures on chemically patterned surfaces

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    We study the equilibrium conformations of liquid microstructures on flat but chemically heterogeneous substrates using energy minimization computations. The surface patterns, which establish regions of different surface energy, induce deformations of the liquid–solid contact line. Depending on the geometry, these deformations either promote or impede capillary breakup and bulge formation. The contact angles of the liquid on the hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions, as well as the pattern geometry and volume of liquid deposited, strongly affect the equilibrium shapes. Moreover, due to the small scale of the liquid features, the presence of chemical or topological surface defects significantly influence the final liquid shapes. Preliminary experiments with arrays of parallel hydrophilic strips produce shapes resembling the simulated forms. These encouraging results provide a basis for the development of high resolution lithography by direct wet printing

    Effect of contact angle hysteresis on thermocapillary droplet actuation

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    Open microfluidic devices based on actuation techniques such as electrowetting, dielectrophoresis, or thermocapillary stresses require controlled motion of small liquid droplets on the surface of glass or silicon substrates. In this article we explore the physical mechanisms affecting thermocapillary migration of droplets generated by surface temperature gradients on the supporting substrate. Using a combination of experiment and modeling, we investigate the behavior of the threshold force required for droplet mobilization and the speed after depinning as a function of the droplet size, the applied thermal gradient and the liquid material parameters. The experimental results are well described by a hydrodynamic model based on earlier work by Ford and Nadim. The model describes the steady motion of a two-dimensional droplet driven by thermocapillary stresses including contact angle hysteresis. The results of this study highlight the critical role of chemical or mechanical hysteresis and the need to reduce this retentive force for minimizing power requirements in microfluidic devices

    Thermocapillary actuation of droplets on chemically patterned surfaces by programmable microheater arrays

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    We have designed a microfluidic device for the actuation of liquid droplets or continuous streams on a solid surface by means of integrated microheater arrays. The microheaters provide control of the surface temperature distribution with high spatial resolution. These temperature gradients locally alter the surface tension along droplets and thin films thus propelling the liquid toward the colder regions. In combination with liquophilic and liquophobic chemical surface patterning, this device can be used as a logistic platform for the parallel and automated routing, mixing and reacting of a multitude of liquid samples, including alkanes, poly(ethylene glycol) and water

    Inkjet printing of surfactant solutions onto thin moving porous media

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    We have studied the combined imbibition and evaporation of surfactant solutions into thin porous media by means of experiments and numerical simulations. Solutions of anionic and non-ionic surfactants were deposited onto moving sheets of paper by a droplet-on-demand inkjet system. Optical transmission imaging and infrared thermography were used to monitor their lateral transport and evaporation. Moreover, we propose a theoretical model based on a dual-porosity approach that accounts for moisture and surfactant transport in both the pores and the fibers of the paper sheets as well as for surfactant adsorption. The numerical simulations reproduce the experimental data qualitatively well.</p

    Capacitive sensing of droplets for microfluidic devices based on thermocapillary actuation

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    The design and performance of a miniaturized coplanar capacitive sensor is presented whose electrode arrays can also function as resistive microheaters for thermocapillary actuation of liquid films and droplets. Optimal compromise between large capacitive signal and high spatial resolution is obtained for electrode widths comparable to the liquid film thickness measured, in agreement with supporting numerical simulations which include mutual capacitance effects. An interdigitated, variable width design, allowing for wider central electrodes, increases the capacitive signal for liquid structures with non-uniform height profiles. The capacitive resolution and time response of the current design is approximately 0.03 pF and 10 ms, respectively, which makes possible a number of sensing functions for nanoliter droplets. These include detection of droplet position, size, composition or percentage water uptake for hygroscopic liquids. Its rapid response time allows measurements of the rate of mass loss in evaporating droplets
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