26 research outputs found

    Nagrajevanje zaposlenih, notranje podjetniŔtvo in rast storitvenih podjetij

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    Članek obravnava nagrajevanje zaposlenih, notranje podjetniÅ”tvo in rast podjetij v storitvenih dejavnostih. V Ā”clanku so zastavljene in empirično preverjene hipoteze o povezavah med nagrajevanjem, notranjim podjetniÅ”tvom in rastjo podjetja. Na podlagi odgovorov na strukturirani vpraÅ”alnik na vzorcu slovenskih podjetij iz storitvenih dejavnosti smo dobili podatke za empirično kvantitativno analizo. Z modeliranjem strukturnih enačb so preverjene hipoteze. Rezultati kaejo pozitivno povezavo med nagrajevanjem zaposlenih in notranjim podjetniÅ”tvom ter med notranjim podjetniÅ”tvom in rastjo podjetja. Dana so tudi priporočila za podjetja v storitvenih panogah

    Networking of Copreneurs and Small Firm Growth: Personal Sub-networks Analysis

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    The focus of this study is on the examination of the structural characteristics of the entrepreneurā€™s network. We made a contribution to the theory of entrepreneurial networking by focusing on the structural characteristics of the entrepreneurā€™s personal network with regard to the activity of both the entrepreneur and his or her spouse (the copreneurial team) in the family firm networking, and how does this affect the firmā€™s growth. Through a thorough analysis of these network characteristics we disclosed the impact of specific structural characteristics on firm growth. The research results show that the involvement of both the entrepreneur and her or his spouse is beneficial in the process of family firm networking and contributes to firm growth

    The relationship between the entrepreneurā€™s personal network multiplexity and firm growth

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    The purpose of the paper is to develop a consistent measure of the entrepreneursā€™ personal network multiplexity and to analyse its relationship to firm growth. The research goals were achieved with a quantitative approach. The data were collected with a structured questionnaire delivered to micro and small firms in Slovenia. The research results confirmed the multidimensionality of the network multiplexity concept and showed that it may influence firm growth. Entrepreneursā€™ personal networks represent an important form of support during the entrepreneurial process, therefore they need to be efficiently and carefully managed by entrepreneurs

    Linking a multidimensional construct of networking self-efficacy to firm growth

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    The purpose of the study is to develop a multidimensional construct of networking self-efficacy, empirically test its multidimensionality, and analyse its relationship to firm growth. The empirical study is based on data collected through a structured questionnaire that was emailed to entrepreneurs from small and medium-sized firms in Slovenia. The developed scale was examined for convergent and discriminant validity with exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. The predictive validity of the scale was measured by linking networking self-efficacy to firm growth. The results confirmed a three-dimensional structure of the networking self-efficacy construct and a positive relationship between networking self-efficacy and firm growth. The results of the study show that a stronger sense of networking self-efficacy can actually result in greater network support and consequently also better firm growth. Thus, entrepreneurs should be confident in their abilities to obtain and efficiently use resources acquired through their personal networks in order to exploit all the benefits of their social networks