69 research outputs found

    Minimal Super Technicolor

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    We introduce novel extensions of the Standard Model featuring a supersymmetric technicolor sector. First we consider N=4 Super Yang-Mills which breaks to N=1 via the electroweak (EW) interactions and coupling to the MSSM. This is a well defined, economical and calculable extension of the SM involving the smallest number of fields. It constitutes an explicit example of a natural supersymmetric conformal extension of the Standard Model featuring a well defined connection to string theory. It allows to interpolate, depending on how we break the underlying supersymmetry, between unparticle physics and Minimal Walking Technicolor. As a second alternative we consider other N =1 extensions of the Minimal Walking Technicolor model. The new models allow all the standard model matter fields to acquire a mass.Comment: Improved version demonstrating that this extension is phenomenologically viable. No Landau pole exists in the theory to two loops level. This is the first theory showing that supersymmetry can solve the flavor problem when coupled to low energy technicolo

    Thermodynamics of Quasi Conformal Theories From Gauge/Gravity Duality

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    We use gauge/gravity duality to study the thermodynamics of a generic almost conformal theory, specified by its beta function. Three different phases are identified, a high temperature phase of massless partons, an intermediate quasi-conformal phase and a low temperature confining phase. The limit of a theory with infrared fixed point, in which the coupling does not run to infinity, is also studied. The transitions between the phases are of first order or continuous, depending on the parameters of the beta function. The results presented follow from gauge/gravity duality; no specific boundary theory is assumed, only its beta function.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures

    Ascite pancreática: tratamento com octreotide: relato de caso = Pancreatic ascites: treatment with octreotide: Case report

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    Introdução: Ascite pancreática é uma condição rara, com menos de 250 casos publicados. É definida como ascite exsudativa causada por doença pancreática não-maligna, tendo como características laboratoriais diagnósticas elevadas concentrações de amilase (geralmente > 1. 000 UI/L) e de proteína (> 3,0 g/dl) no líquido ascítico. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a evolução de um caso de ascite pancreática, destacando o tratamento proposto Descrição do caso: Paciente masculino, 37 anos, com diagnóstico prévio de pancreatite crônica internou com queixa de dor abdominal. Ao exame físico, apresentava ascite, a qual foi puncionada, evidenciando proteínas totais de 4,2 g/dl e amilase 11. 457 UI/L. Iniciou-se o tratamento para ascite pancreática com nutrição parenteral total e octreotide, sendo este mantido por 28 dias. O paciente evoluiu com redução progressiva da ascite e sem dor abdominal, mantendo-se assintomático em revisão ambulatorial de 3 e 6 meses Comentários: O tratamento da ascite pancreática é ainda controverso. Divide-se basicamente em conservador e intervencionista, sendo este último subdividido em tratamento endoscópico e cirúrgico. Apesar do sucesso do tratamento com octreotide no caso relatado, e diante de poucas e controversas evidências na literatura, um número maior de pacientes é necessário para determinar o melhor tratamento para ascite pancreática, permanecendo este motivo de debat

    Superweakly interacting dark matter from the Minimal Walking Technicolor

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    We study a superweakly interacting dark matter particle motivated by minimal walking technicolor theories. Our WIMP is a mixture of a sterile state and a state with the charges of a standard model fourth family neutrino. We show that the model can give the right amount of dark matter over a range of the WIMP mass and mixing angle. We compute bounds on the model parameters from the current accelerator data including the oblique corrections to the precision electroweak parameters, as well as from cryogenic experiments, Super-Kamiokande and from the IceCube experiment. We show that consistent dark matter solutions exist which satisfy all current constraints. However, almost the entire parameter range of the model lies within the the combined reach of the next generation experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Technicolor and Beyond: Unification in Theory Space

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    The salient features of models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking are reviewed. The ideal walking idea is introduced according to which one should carefully take into account the effects of the extended technicolor dynamics on the technicolor dynamics itself. The effects amount at the enhancement of the anomalous dimension of the mass of the techniquarks allowing to decouple the Flavor Changing Neutral Currents problem from the one of the generation of the top mass. Precision data constraints are reviewed focussing on the latest crucial observation that the S-parameter can be computed exactly near the upper end of the conformal window (Conformal S-parameter) with relevant consequences on the selection of nature's next strong force. We will then introduce the Minimal Walking Technicolor (MWT) models. In the second part of this review we consider the interesting possibility to marry supersymmetry and technicolor. The reason is to provide a unification of different extensions of the standard model. For example, this means that one can recover, according to the parameters and spectrum of the theory distinct extensions of the standard model, from supersymmetry to technicolor and unparticle physiscs. A surprising result is that a minimal (in terms of the smallest number of fields) supersymmetrization of the MWT model leads to the maximal supersymmetry in four dimensions, i.e. N=4 SYM.Comment: Extended version of the PASCOS10 proceedings for the Plenary Tal

    Distinguishing among Technicolor/Warped Scenarios in Dileptons

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    Models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking usually include new spin-1 resonances, whose couplings and masses have to satisfy electroweak precision tests. We propose to use dilepton searches to probe the underlying structure responsible for satisfying these. Using the invariant mass spectrum and charge asymmetry, we can determine the number, parity, and isospin of these resonances. We pick three models of strong/warped symmetry breaking, and show that each model produces specific features that reflect this underlying structure of electroweak symmetry breaking and cancellations.Comment: Added missing referenc

    The hArtes Tool Chain

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    This chapter describes the different design steps needed to go from legacy code to a transformed application that can be efficiently mapped on the hArtes platform