171 research outputs found

    Co-ouderschap in Nederland: eindelijk duidelijkheid!

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    Convergence of Divorce Law in Europe

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    The New Aspects of Russian Family Law

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    The New Aspects of Russian Family Law

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    Legal embedding planned lesbian parentage. Pouring new wine into old wineskins?

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    Wales, Frankrijk en Zweden. Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek.

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    Koude uitsluiting

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    Verslag van een onderzoek naar materiële problemen en onbillijkheden na echtscheiding van in koude uitsluiting gehuwde echtgenoten en na 'scheiding' van ongehuwd samenlevende partners, alsmede instrumenten voor de overheid om deze problematiek tegen te gaan

    Achieving Compliance with Post-divorce Parenting Contact Arrangements in the Netherlands: Problems and Potential Solutions

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    Professor Masha Antokolskaia and Christina Jeppesen de Boer, with Geeske Ruitenberg, Wendy Schrama, and Inge van der Valk have examined new ways of trying to achieve compliance with post divorce parenting contact arrangements in the Netherlands. They include the question of Parental Alienation, and look at legal and nonlegal process, and at the adequacy of existing legal remedies. The effectiveness of policies directed towards methods of alternative dispute resolution are being questioned and there is pressure on government to move to a sanction based approach, including criminal law
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