462 research outputs found
Destruction of illegal things and devices to contrast the counterfeiting
The movement of goods illegal and counterfeit in the circuit of the economy and the labor market, has put in place of criminal policy internal supranational and a primary need of confiscation and destruction in relation to safety issues transnational linked to all forms of counterfeiting, piracy agro-food to fraud in industrial brands of high fashion et similia: from here the major node of the procedure of destruction of goods illegal and counterfeit subject to seizure and confiscation and respect of guarantees communities of the criminal process, especially in the light of the amendment of art. 260, co. 3 bis and ter, c.p.p. with the d.l. 23-5-2008, n. 92 and subsequent amendments (so-called Safety Package). In line with the criminal policy of ''security'', in l. 23-7-2009, n. 99, the so-called Decree Development, between the ''darrangements for the development and the internationalization of enterprises, as well as in the field of energy'' and  wanted to redesign, with analytical provisions of particular edge, the perimeter of the criminal-law protection ''Dei property rights industrial'' through the introduction of four new hypothesis of offenses of counterfeiting (artt. 473, 474, 474 b and c, 517 b and c, c.p.) and related hypothesis of obligatory confiscation (art. 474 bis and 517 ter c.p.), with implications concerning the regime differentiated penitentiary (art. 4 bis, co. 1 ter, ord. penit.) in relation to the cases of belonging to criminal association aimed to commit new offenses referred to in articles 473-474 c.p. (arts. 416 bis, 6º Co., c.p. and 51, co. 3 bis, c.p.p.), as well as the regulatory body containing the so-called ''responsability of administrative entities'', within the meaning of art. 19, d.lg. 8-6-2001, n. 231
“The Principles of Patrimony Due Process of Law: The Punitive Confiscation and the Protection of Third Parties Misrelated to the Crime”
main motive for cross-border organised crime, including mafia-type criminal organisations, is financial gain. As a consequence, competent authorities should be given the means to trace, freeze, manage and confiscate the proceeds of such crime. However, the effective prevention of and fight against organised crime should be achieved by neutralising the proceeds of crime and should be extended, in certain cases, to any property derived from activities of a criminal nature. Organised criminal groups operate without borders and increasingly acquire assets in Member States other than those in which they are based. There is an increasing need for effective international cooperation on asset recovery and mutual legal assistance. Among the most effective means of combating organised crime is providing for severe legal consequences for committing such crime, as well as the effective detection and the confiscation of the instrumentalities and proceeds of crime. Although existing statistics are limited, the amounts recovered from proceeds of crime in the Unionseem insufficient compared to the estimated proceeds. Studies have shown that, although regulated by Unionand national law, confiscation procedures remain underused. The adoption of minimum rules will approximate the Member States' freezing and confiscation regimes, thus facilitating mutual trust and effective cross-border cooperation. The Stockholm Programme and the Justice and Home Affairs Council Conclusions on confiscation and asset recovery, adopted in June 2010, emphasise the importance of a more effective identification, confiscation and re-use of criminal assets. In this article, we will focus on the recent Directive of the EU Parliament and of the Council on freezing and confiscation of proceeds of crime in the EU (3 April 2014)
Gli Italici e la lotta politica a Roma. Evoluzione dei rapporti tra le comunitĂ dell'Italia centro-meridionale e gli uomini politici romani tra i Gracchi e l'abdicazione di Silla.
A partire dal II secolo a. C., soprattutto a cominciare dalle offerte della cittadinanza romana alle comunità latine ed italiche come contraccambio per la perdita di terre dovuta alle riforme agrarie disposte a Roma, il desiderio di questi gruppi di entrare a far parte del corpo civico romano andò facendosi sempre più forte, assieme alla volontà di vedersi riconoscere anche sul piano politico quell’importanza già evidente in campo commerciale e militare.
Dopo le prime proposte avanzate senza esito da C. Gracco e da M. Fulvio Flacco, suo collega nel tribunato, fu il tribuno della plebe M. Livio Druso a prospettare nuovamente ai socii l’ingresso nel corpo civico romano e ad essere in ragione di ciò presentato dalla storiografia come “campione degli Italici”. Una più attenta ricostruzione della cronologia dell’anno di tribunato di Druso permette tuttavia di smentire l’appiattimento subìto dalla sua figura e dalla sua opera e di mettere in evidenza come alla concezione di una rogatio de sociis Druso arrivò solo tardivamente e soltanto quando ciò divenne indispensabile alla sopravvivenza delle altre sue proposte di legge.
Da dopo la Guerra Sociale, risposta violenta degli Italici di fronte alle proprie aspirazioni prima sollecitate e poi deluse da Roma, che permise loro di conquistare finalmente la cittadinanza romana, l’utilizzazione delle istanze italiche come strumento della lotta politica divenne a Roma quasi una costante. P. Sulpicio Rufo, C. Mario e L. Cornelio Cinna seguirono l’esempio di Druso, ricercando a vantaggio della propria factio l’appoggio delle comunità italiche e offrendo in cambio il loro sostegno nel perfezionamento dei diritti civili da essi appena acquisiti.
Anche l’azione di Silla si inserì in questa tendenza, allorché egli, di ritorno dalla campagna Mitridatica e in prospettiva della finale lotta per il predominio a Roma, ebbe un vitale bisogno che le comunità italiche gli fossero favorevoli o quantomeno non ostili. La novità che vediamo apparire in epoca sillana è costituita dal fatto che anche le élite italiche cominciarono a sfruttare e a riprodurre a livello municipale gli schieramenti della lotta politica romana al fine di regolare conti interni alle proprie comunità . L’integrazione tra Roma e l’Italia poté dirsi da quel momento in poi sempre più compiuta
Life sentence penalty and extradition under article 3 of the ECHR: A leading case of the European Court of Human Rights
Life sentence penalty covers a diverse range of practices, from the most severe form of life imprisonment without parole, in which a person is sentenced to die in prison so long as their sentence stands, to more indeterminate sentences in which at the time of sentencing it is not clear how long the sentenced person will spend in prison. Dealing with the question whether the extradition of a person to a foreign state where is accused of a crime for which a sentence of life imprisonment can be imposed can potentially violate article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.What all these sentences have in common, however, is that at the time the sentence is passed, a person is liable to be detained for the rest of his or her natural life. We all know “The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules” and relevant international instruments on the rehabilitation of imprisonment, but at the moment more than 73 States in the world retain life imprisonment as a penalty for offences committed while under the age of 18. General perspective of criminal justice reform in Latin America should take into a right account the meaning of life - imprisonment penalty under article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which prohibits torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
Internal and International Corruption
This subject, whence the name of this paper originates from, must be addressed with courage and intellectual integrity by all of us, the different parts of the civil society, the public institutions, the entrepreneurs and the legal professionals, the youth and the new generations.All the public policies of the European governments share the belief of a direct correlation between the criminal density connected to corruption of States political and economic protagonists and the lack of availability of investments on young talents, new generations, both in the entrepreneurial and in the professional fields. In most Member States, anticorruption policies have gained an increased prominence in government agendas and the financial crisis has drawn attention to the integrity and accountability of policy-makers.Most Member States that are currently in serious financial difficulties have acknowledged the seriousness of issues related to corruption and have created (or are planning) anticorruption programs in order to deal with the risks deriving from this issue and with the diversion of public funds. In some Member States, the economic adjustment programs provide for explicit obligations related to anti-corruption policies. Even when not formally connected to adjustment programs, anticorruption policies complement the adjustment measures, especially in those countries in which corruption is a serious issue. During the European Semester of economic policy coordination, recommendations for efficiently fighting corruption have been laid out; Among the most vulnerable sectors, urban development and building projects are certainly very exposed to corruption risks and to infiltration of internal and transnational organized crime
Anomalies and gauging of U(1) symmetries
We propose the Symmetry TFT for theories with a symmetry in arbitrary
dimension. The Symmetry TFT describes the structure of the symmetry, its
anomalies, and the possible topological manipulations. It is constructed as a
BF theory of gauge fields for groups and , and contains a
continuum of topological operators. We also propose an operation that produces
the Symmetry TFT for the theory obtained by dynamically gauging the
symmetry. We discuss many examples. As an interesting outcome, we obtain the
Symmetry TFT for the non-invertible chiral symmetry in
four dimensions.Comment: Two columns, 12 pages. v2: refs added, more clear expositio
1975 Technology Transfer Directory of People
A list of persons interested in the process of technology transfer.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
A Supersymmetric Hierarchical Model for Weakly Disordered 3d Semimetals
In this paper, we study a hierarchical supersymmetric model for a class of gapless, three-dimensional, weakly disordered quantum systems, displaying pointlike Fermi surface and conical intersections of the energy bands in the absence of disorder. We use rigorous renormalization group methods and supersymmetry to compute the correlation functions of the system. We prove algebraic decay of the two-point correlation function, compatible with delocalization. A main technical ingredient is the multiscale analysis of massless bosonic Gaussian integrations with purely imaginary covariances, performed via iterative stationary phase expansions
Pretectal neurons control hunting behaviour
For many species, hunting is an innate behaviour that is crucial for survival, yet the circuits that control predatory action sequences are poorly understood. We used larval zebrafish to identify a population of pretectal neurons that control hunting. By combining calcium imaging with a virtual hunting assay, we identified a discrete pretectal region that is selectively active when animals initiate hunting. Targeted genetic labelling allowed us to examine the function and morphology of individual cells and identify two classes of pretectal neuron that project to ipsilateral optic tectum or the contralateral tegmentum. Optogenetic stimulation of single neurons of either class was able to induce sustained hunting sequences, in the absence of prey. Furthermore, laser ablation of these neurons impaired prey-catching and prevented induction of hunting by optogenetic stimulation of the anterior-ventral tectum. We propose that this specific population of pretectal neurons functions as a command system to induce predatory behaviour
Infrared Duality in Unoriented Pseudo del Pezzo
We study the orientifold projections of the superconformal
field theories describing D3-branes probing the Pseudo del Pezzo singularities
PdP and PdP. The PdP parent theory admits two inequivalent
orientifolds. Exploiting maximization, we find that one of the two has an
-charge smaller than what one would expect from the orientifold projection,
which suggests that the theory flows to the fixed point in the infrared.
Surprisingly, the value of coincides with the charge of the unoriented
PdP and we interpret this as the sign of an infrared duality
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