233 research outputs found

    A need for definition: a matter of life and death for human embryos

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    A recent IMJ commentaryon brain stem death criteria summarised ethical and technical issues concerning “end of life decisions”, and we concur that physicians should have competence in eliciting the proper sequence of brain stem signs in clinical practice. However, a truly comprehensive dialogue on the definition of death should address another question that confronts IVF clinics in Ireland each day—when does a human embryo die? Despite the enormous social and political energy focused on “right to life” issues over recent decades, the death of a human embryo remains a sadly forgotten topic. As Dr Murphy indicated1, the introduction of brain stem death criteria in 1967 recognised permanent loss of consciousness and spontaneous breathing after the inactivation of essential human neural elements. But our IVF clinics and allied research facilities are responsible for human life well before any discrete neurological system has developed. For practitioners and scientists engaged in the care of these tiniest of “patients”, a relevant definition of death should not be neglected

    Results from the advanced reproductive technologies: fresh vs. frozen?

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    Results from the advanced reproductive technologies: fresh vs. frozen

    Transvaginal ultrasound imaging for assessment of early pregnancy.

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    Transvaginal ultrasound imaging for assessment of early pregnancy

    Novel ETHE1 mutation in a carrier couple having prior offspring affected with ethylmalonic encephalopathy: Genetic analysis, clinical management and reproductive outcome.

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    Ethylmalonic encephalopathy (EE) is an autosomally recessive inherited disorder with a relentlessly progressive decline in neurological function, usually fatal by the age of ten. It is characterised by generalised hypotonia, psychomotor regression, spastic tetraparesis, dystonia, seizures and, eventually, global neurological failure. Approximately 50 reports have been published worldwide describing this devastating disease, most involving patients of Mediterranean or Arab origin. The fundamental defect in EE likely involves the impairment of a mitochondrial sulphur dioxygenase coded by the ETHE1 gene responsible for the catabolism of sulphide, which subsequently accumulates to toxic levels. A diagnosis of EE should initiate careful genetic evaluation and counselling, particularly if the parents intend to have additional offspring. The present report describes the diagnosis of EE in a reproductive endocrinology context, where both members of a non-consanguineous couple were confirmed to be carriers of an identical A↷G mutation. This previously unknown mutation at nucleotide position c.494 resulted in an amino acid substitution, p.Asp165Gly. Although consideration was given to in vitro fertilisation, embryo biopsy and single gene pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, the couple decided to first utilise a less aggressive therapeutic approach with donor sperm insemination. Pregnancy with a low risk of EE was indeed achieved; however, the infant was affected with a different anomaly (hypoplastic left heart). As this case demonstrates, prior to the initiation of fertility therapy, genetic analysis may be used to provide a confirmatory diagnosis when EE is suspected

    First Irish pregnancies after IVF with gestational carrier

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    In this report, our early experience with screening, monitoring and coordinating IVF utilising gestational carrier treatment is described. Although congenital and iatrogenic etiologies for uterine factor infertility manifest distinctly different reasons for considering a gestational carrier approach, we outline a unified management strategy for both conditions. One patient had congenital absence of the uterus and proximal vagina (Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome variant), while another patient presented post-hysterectomy and adjuvant brachytherapy for invasive squamous cervical carcinoma. Conception was established for both patients, the first pregnancies to be achieved using an IVF/gestational carrier technique in Ireland. As demonstrated here, selected patients with at least one intact ovary who suffer from uterine factor infertility can be excellent candidates for IVF with embryo transfer to a carefully screened gestational carrier. The role of individual and group counselling is reviewed; professional legal advice is prudent in complex cases

    First Irish delivery following sequential, two-stage embryo and blastocyst transfer.

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    BACKGROUND: The timing of embryo transfer (ET) after in vitro fertilisation (IVF) remains controversial, and there are no reliable guidelines available to prospectively identify which patients would benefit from either day-3 or blastocyst transfer. While blastocyst transfer is generally favoured over day-3 transfers, very few IVF patients get both in the same treatment cycle. CASE DESCRIPTION: We report on a 35.5-year-old female with tubal factor infertility who underwent IVF, which included transfer of a fresh day-3 embryo and a thawed blastocyst frozen at day 6. Transfer occurred on two separate days (days 3 and 6) in a two-stage/dual catheter fashion and resulted in a healthy term singleton livebirth. CONCLUSIONS: While combined day-3 and day-5 ET has been available elsewhere for several years, this is the first description of its successful application in Ireland and confirms the effectiveness of coordinated two-stage transfer in a single IVF treatment cycle

    Who abandons embryos after IVF?

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    This investigation describes features of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) patients who never returned to claim their embryos following cryopreservation. Frozen embryo data were reviewed to establish communication patterns between patient and clinic; embryos were considered abandoned when 1) an IVF patient with frozen embryo/s stored at our facility failed to make contact with our clinic for \u3e 2 yrs and 2) the patient could not be located after a multi-modal outreach effort was undertaken. For these patients, telephone numbers had been disconnected and no forwarding address was available. Patient, spouse and emergency family contact/s all escaped detection efforts despite an exhaustive public database search including death records and Internet directory portals. From 3244 IVF cycles completed from 2000 to 2008, \u3e or = 1 embryo was frozen in 1159 cases (35.7%). Those without correspondence for \u3e 2 yrs accounted for 292 (25.2%) patients with frozen embryos; 281 were contacted by methods including registered (signature involving abandoned embryos did not differ substantially from other patients. The goal of having a baby was achieved by 10/11 patients either by spontaneous conception, adoption or IVF. One patient moved away with conception status unconfirmed. The overall rate of embryo abandonment was 11/1159 (\u3c 1%) in this IVF population. Pre-IVF counselling minimises, but does not totally eliminate, the problem of abandoned embryos. As the number of abandoned embryos from IVF accumulates, their fate urgently requires clarification. We propose that clinicians develop a policy consistent with relevant Irish Constitutional provisions to address this medical dilemma

    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and prophylactic human embryo cryopreservation: analysis of reproductive outcome following thawed embryo transfer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objective</p> <p>To review utilisation of elective embryo cryopreservation in the expectant management of patients at risk for developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), and report on reproductive outcome following transfer of thawed embryos.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Medical records were reviewed for patients undergoing IVF from 2000–2008 to identify cases at risk for OHSS where cryopreservation was electively performed on all embryos at the 2 <it>pn </it>stage. Patient age, total number of oocytes retrieved, number of 2 pn embryos cryopreserved, interval between retrieval and thaw/transfer, number (and developmental stage) of embryos transferred (ET), and delivery rate after IVF were recorded for all patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>From a total of 2892 IVF cycles undertaken during the study period, 51 IVF cases (1.8%) were noted where follicle number exceeded 20 and pelvic fluid collection was present. Elective embryo freeze was performed as OHSS prophylaxis in each instance. Mean (± SD) age of these patients was 32 ± 3.8 yrs. Average number of oocytes retrieved in this group was 23 ± 8.7, which after fertilisation yielded an average of 14 ± 5.7 embryos cryopreserved per patient. Thaw and ET was performed an average of 115 ± 65 d (range 30–377 d) after oocyte retrieval with a mean of 2 ± 0.6 embryos transferred. Grow-out to blastocyst stage was achieved in 88.2% of cases. Delivery/livebirth rate was 33.3% per initiated cycle and 43.6% per transfer. Non-transferred blastocysts remained in cryostorage for 24 of 51 patients (46.1%) after ET, with an average of 3 ± 3 blastocysts refrozen per patient.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>OHSS prophylaxis was used in 1.8% of IVF cycles at this institution; no serious OHSS complications were encountered during the study period. Management based on elective 2 <it>pn </it>embryo cryopreservation with subsequent thaw and grow-out to blastocyst stage for transfer did not appear to compromise embryo viability or overall reproductive outcome. For these patients, immediate elective embryo cryopreservation and delay of ET by as little as 30 d allowed for satisfactory conclusion of the IVF sequence, yielding a livebirth-delivery rate (per ET) >40%.</p

    Ovarian serous adenocarcinoma identified during IVF: diagnostic approach, surgical management, and reproductive outcome

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    BACKGROUND: To present a diagnostic evaluation and treatment strategy for serous adenocarcinoma of the ovary discovered during an in vitro fertilisation (IVF) sequence, and report on reproductive outcome after tumour resection and embryo transfer. CASE PRESENTATION: Cycle monitoring in IVF identified an abnormal ovarian lesion which was subjected to ultrasound-guided needle aspiration. Cytology suggested malignancy, and unilateral oophorectomy was performed after formal staging. After surgery, the patient underwent an anonymous donor oocyte IVF cycle which established a viable twin intrauterine pregnancy. No recurrence of cancer has been detected in the >72 month follow-up interval; mother and twin daughters continue to do well. CONCLUSION: Suspicious adnexal structures noted during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for IVF warrant assessment, and this report confirms the role of aspiration cytology in such cases. If uterine conservation is possible, successful livebirth can be achieved from IVF if donor oocyes are utilised, as described here

    Blastocyst transfer for multiple prior IVF failure: a five year descriptive study

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    Patients with recurrent IVF failure are generally regarded as having a poor prognosis, and when female age exceeds 35yrs such patients face a particularly bleak outlook. This study reported on blastocyst transfer (BT) performed over a five-year interval in patients seeking “second opinion” after multiple failed IVF cycles. Clinical features and reproductive outcomes were compared between two sets of poor-prognosis IVF patients undergoing BT for the first time, the initial group underwent treatment in 2002 (n=66) and a second group presented five years later (n=392). The two clinical sets had no patients in common. The 2002 group had an average of 3.5(±1.1) prior failed IVF cycles at baseline, and mean (±SD) patient age was 36.4(±3.9)yrs. Average number of oocytes retrieved in this group was 10.4(±5.3) with a fertilisation rate of 58.8%. Although embryo arrest resulted in no transfer for 19 patients (28.8%), clinical pregnancy was achieved for 59.6% of transfers. Five years later, 392 patients underwent BT, but this group had an average of 4.5(±2.3) prior failed IVF cycles. Mean (±SD) female age was 36.0(±3.9)yrs, and the average number of oocytes retrieved in this group was 9.1(±5.4); the fertilisation rate was 59.5%. No blastocysts were available for transfer in 99 cases (25.3%); clinical pregnancy was achieved for 50.0% of transfers. The number of blastocysts transferred was similar in the two groups (1.6 vs. 1.3; p=0.06); the twinning rate rose slightly from 8.2% to 15.1% (p=0.12) despite an increased utilisation of single embryo transfer in 2007 (19.7% vs. 22.2%; p=0.40). Comparisons from 2002 and 2007 found no important differences between the two patient groups, except for a significantly higher rate of prior failed cycles in the 2007 group (