45 research outputs found

    In memoriam: Miroslav Kurelac (1926.-2004.). Život i djelo

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    Nekrolog s prikazom života i znanstvene djelatnosti bivšeg upravitelja i voditelja Odsjeka za povijesne znanosti dr. Miroslava Kurelca, člana suradnika HAZU. U radu se donosi i bibliografija njegovih radova


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    U predgovoru se daju objašnjenja o znanstvenom skupu koji je povodom 150. obljetnice rođenja Tadije Smičiklasa održan 1993. godine i koji je poslužio kao temelj za izradu ovog zbornika

    The medieval public activity and the seals of the chapters of St. Stephen de Kw and St. Irineus near Mitrovica

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    Autor u ovome radu opsežnije izlaže srednjevjekovnu prošlost dvaju srijemskih kaptola sv. Stjepana de Kw i sv. Ireneja kod Mitrovice i njihovih autentičnih pečata u službi vjerodostojnog mjesta.The Medieval past of the two Syrmia (Srijem) chapters, St. Stephen de KW in Banoštor and St. Irenei near Mitrovica, was treated rather scarcely and superficially in the Hungarian and Croatian historiography. The same could be said of the sea ls, which represented both monumental treasure and a means of public faith. It was only J. Jerney who wrote somewhat more comprehensive study on this subject. The Syrmia Cathedral Chapter of the St. Stephen\u27s church, the first Christian martyr, was established between 1229 and 1231 in Banoštor as a singular institution. In 1250 the canons established another chapter, that of St. Irenei\u27s near Srijemska Mitrovica. Although supervised by one bishop, they separately performed masses and public services. Each chapter had eight canons and three major degrees of honour: "praepositus", lector and cantor, followed by custos and ordinary canons. The chapter also included a school for education of younger students of divinity. The primary and most important duty of both chapters was to perform divine services. Only after 1260 they started to attend to public activities, such as composition, transcription and issuance of various legal documents certified by authentic seals at the request of Austro-Hungarian kings, Croatian rulers, governors and other parties. These documents prove a lively and diverse public activity of the chapter, such as sale of land and properties, houses and other real estates, reconciliations of parties at feud and 1itigations, etc. The chapters and their faithful staff (homo fidelis capituli) summoned parties to appear in court and, in collaboration with the king\u27s commissioners, made rounds of boundary lines or set bounds to the neighbours. Eventually chapter\u27s officials would compose and write down the appropriate document, seal it and hand it to the parties at their request, saving another original document for the chapter\u27 s archives. The seal its elf is round, with a carved scene at the bottom that shows stoning of St. Stephen. At the top there is a person of St. Stephen in his heavenly glory. The insignia says: +S(IGILLVM) CAPITVLI BEATI STEPHANI P(RO)TOM(ARTI)RIS DE KVU. The seal of the St. Irenei chapter is also round and its insignia: +S(IGILLUM) : CAPITVLI: EC(C)LESIE: SANCTI: IRENE(I) : (M(ARTY)RIS: DE SYRMIA) is designed in the form of rustic capitals. It encircles the figure of St. Ireneus, the bishop and martyr, with a mitre on his head and a pastoral in his left hand. The seals of both chapters were of significant size and highly respected for their authenticity and credibility all over the royal territory. They were protected by the Croato-Hungarian law