21 research outputs found

    Primarity of direct sums of Orlicz spaces and Marcinkiewicz spaces

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    Let Y\mathbb{Y} be either an Orlicz sequence space or a Marcinkiewicz sequence space. We take advantage of the recent advances in the theory of factorization of the identity carried on in [R. Lechner, Subsymmetric weak* Schauder bases and factorization of the identity, arXiv:1804.01372 [math.FA]] to provide conditions on Y\mathbb{Y} that ensure that, for any 1≀pβ‰€βˆž1\le p\le\infty, the infinite direct sum of Y\mathbb{Y} in the sense of β„“p\ell_p is a primary Banach space, enlarging this way the list of Banach spaces that are known to be primary

    Characterization of 1-quasi-greedy bases

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    We show that a (semi-normalized) basis in a Banach space is quasi-greedy with quasi-greedy constant equal to 1 if and only if it is unconditional with suppression-unconditional constant equal to 1

    Optimal average approximations for functions mapping in quasi-Banach spaces

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    In 1994, M. M. Popov [On integrability in F-spaces, Studia Math. no 3, 205-220] showed that the fundamental theorem of calculus fails, in general, for functions mapping from a compact interval of the real line into the lp-spaces for 0<p<1, and the question arose whether such a significant result might hold in some non-Banach spaces. In this article we completely settle the problem by proving that the fundamental theorem of calculus breaks down in the context of any non-locally convex quasi-Banach space. Our approach introduces the tool of Riemann-integral averages of continuous functions, and uses it to bring out to light the differences in behavior of their approximates in the lack of local convexity. As a by-product of our work we solve a problem raised in [F. Albiac and J.L. Ansorena, Lipschitz maps and primitives for continuous functions in quasi-Banach space, Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no. 16, 6108-6119] on the different types of spaces of differentiable functions with values on a quasi-Banach space.Comment: 14 page

    Lipschitz free pp-spaces for 0<p<10<p<1

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    This paper initiates the study of the structure of a new class of pp-Banach spaces, 0<p<10<p<1, namely the Lipschitz free pp-spaces (alternatively called Arens-Eells pp-spaces) Fp(M)\mathcal{F}_{p}(\mathcal{M}) over pp-metric spaces. We systematically develop the theory and show that some results hold as in the case of p=1p=1, while some new interesting phenomena appear in the case 0<p<10<p<1 which have no analogue in the classical setting. For the former, we, e.g., show that the Lipschitz free pp-space over a separable ultrametric space is isomorphic to β„“p\ell_{p} for all 0<p≀10<p\le 1, or that β„“p\ell_p isomorphically embeds into Fp(M)\mathcal{F}_p(\mathcal{M}) for any pp-metric space M\mathcal{M}. On the other hand, solving a problem by the first author and N. Kalton, there are metric spaces NβŠ‚M\mathcal{N}\subset \mathcal{M} such that the natural embedding from Fp(N)\mathcal{F}_p(\mathcal{N}) to Fp(M)\mathcal{F}_p(\mathcal{M}) is not an isometry

    Embeddability of β„“p\ell_{p} and bases in Lipschitz free pp-spaces for 0<p≀10<p\leq 1

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    Our goal in this paper is to continue the study initiated by the authors in [Lipschitz free pp-spaces for 0<p<10<p<1; arXiv:1811.01265 [math.FA]] of the geometry of the Lipschitz free pp-spaces over quasimetric spaces for 0<p≀10<p\le1, denoted Fp(M)\mathcal F_{p}(\mathcal M). Here we develop new techniques to show that, by analogy with the case p=1p=1, the space β„“p\ell_{p} embeds isomorphically in Fp(M)\mathcal F_{p}(\mathcal M) for 0<p<10<p<1. Going further we see that despite the fact that, unlike the case p=1p=1, this embedding need not be complemented in general, complementability of β„“p\ell_{p} in a Lipschitz free pp-space can still be attained by imposing certain natural restrictions to M\mathcal M. As a by-product of our discussion on basis in Fp([0,1])\mathcal F_{p}([0,1]), we obtain the first-known examples of pp-Banach spaces for p<1p<1 that possess a basis but fail to have an unconditional basis

    Optimality of the rearrangement inequality with applications to Lorentz-type sequence spaces

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    We characterize the sequences (wi)i=1∞(w_i)_{i=1}^\infty of non-negative numbers for which βˆ‘i=1∞aiwiΒ isΒ ofΒ theΒ sameΒ orderΒ asΒ sup⁑nβˆ‘i=1naiw1+nβˆ’i \sum_{i=1}^\infty a_i w_i \quad \text{ is of the same order as } \quad \sup_n \sum_{i=1}^n a_i w_{1+n-i} when (ai)i=1∞(a_i)_{i=1}^\infty runs over all non-increasing sequences of non-negative numbers. As a by-product of our work we settle a problem raised in [F. Albiac, Jose L. Ansorena and B. Wallis; arXiv:1703.07772[math.FA]] and prove that Garling sequences spaces have no symmetric basis

    Lipschitz free spaces isomorphic to their infinite sums and geometric applications

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    We find general conditions under which Lipschitz-free spaces over metric spaces are isomorphic to their infinite direct β„“1\ell_1-sum and exhibit several applications. As examples of such applications we have that Lipschitz-free spaces over balls and spheres of the same finite dimensions are isomorphic, that the Lipschitz-free space over Zd\mathbb{Z}^d is isomorphic to its β„“1\ell_1-sum, or that the Lipschitz-free space over any snowflake of a doubling metric space is isomorphic to β„“1\ell_1. Moreover, following new ideas from [E. Bru\`e, S. Di Marino and F. Stra, Linear Lipschitz and C1C^1 extension operators through random projection, arXiv:1801.07533] we provide an elementary self-contained proof that Lipschitz-free spaces over doubling metric spaces are complemented in Lipschitz-free spaces over their superspaces and they have BAP. Everything, including the results about doubling metric spaces, is explored in the more comprehensive setting of pp-Banach spaces, which allows us to appreciate the similarities and differences of the theory between the cases p<1p<1 and p=1p=1

    On the permutative equivalence of squares of unconditional bases

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    We prove that if the squares of two unconditional bases are equivalent up to a permutation, then the bases themselves are permutatively equivalent. This settles a twenty year-old question raised by Casazza and Kalton in [Uniqueness of unconditional bases in Banach spaces, Israel J. Math. 103 (1998), 141--175]. Solving this problem provides a new paradigm to study the uniqueness of unconditional basis in the general framework of quasi-Banach spaces. Multiple examples are given to illustrate how to put in practice this theoretical scheme. Among the main applications of this principle we obtain the uniqueness of unconditional basis up to permutation of finite sums of quasi-Banach spaces with this property

    Uniqueness of unconditional basis of β„“2βŠ•T(2)\ell_{2}\oplus \mathcal{T}^{(2)}

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    We provide a new extension of Pitt's theorem for compact operators between quasi-Banach lattices, which permits to describe unconditional bases of finite direct sums of Banach spaces X1βŠ•β‹―βŠ•Xn\mathbb{X}_{1}\oplus\dots\oplus\mathbb{X}_{n} as direct sums of unconditional bases of its summands. The general splitting principle we obtain yields, in particular, that if each Xi\mathbb{X}_{i} has a unique unconditional basis (up to equivalence and permutation), then X1βŠ•β‹―βŠ•Xn\mathbb{X}_{1}\oplus \cdots\oplus\mathbb{X}_{n} has a unique unconditional basis too. Among the novel applications of our techniques to the structure of Banach and quasi-Banach spaces we have that the space β„“2βŠ•T(2)\ell_2\oplus \mathcal{T}^{(2)} has a unique unconditional basis

    Greedy approximation for biorthogonal systems in quasi-Banach spaces

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    The general problem addressed in this work is the development of a systematic study of the thresholding greedy algorithm for general biorthogonal systems (also known as Markushevich bases) in quasi-Banach spaces from a functional-analytic point of view. We revisit the concepts of greedy, quasi-greedy, and almost greedy bases in this comprehensive framework and provide the (nontrivial) extensions of the corresponding characterizations of those types of bases. As a by-product of our work, new properties arise, and the relations amongst them are carefully discussed