4 research outputs found

    A force myography-based system for gait event detection in overground and ramp walking

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    In this paper, we present a novel method to determine the heel strike (HS) and toe-off (TO) during overground (OG) and ramp walking, including the transition. The method utilizes force myography (FMG) signals from thighs while subjects walked on OG and ramp. Five adult male subjects wore a wireless FMG data acquisition system, developed in-house using force resistive sensors and electronic components. A heuristic approach for subject-dependent and terrain-independent model was developed to determine HS and TO in a given gait cycle in steady state and transition. The average error in HS determination was 9.66 ± 8.29, 9.38 ± 9.35, and 13.94 ± 18.95 ms, while TO was determined with an average error of 16.99 ± 18.12, 13.35 ± 15.10, and 17.29 ± 21.92 ms for OG, ramp, and transition, respectively. The proposed system is less expensive, simple to develop, and friendly to wear. The reported errors are comparable to previously reported errors using pressure sensitive insole, gyroscope, accelerometers, and electromyography, which are much complex and expensive in comparison to proposed FMG-based system. Although the tests were conducted on healthy subjects, the system promises to be generalizable to amputee and other pathological gaits also. While the tests were conducted on young adults at self-selected speeds, the system also promises to be generalizable for a wide range of walking speeds across the population.by Anoop Kant Godiyal, Hemant Kumar Verma, Nitin Khanna and Deepak Josh

    An Affordable Insole-Sensor-Based Trans-Femoral Prosthesis for Normal Gait

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    This paper proposes a novel and an affordable lower limb prosthesis to enable normal gait kinematics for trans-femoral amputees. The paper details the design of a passive prosthesis with magneto-rheological (MR) damping system and electronic control. A new control approach based on plantar insole feedback was employed here. Strategically placed sensors on the plantar insole provide required information about gait cycle to a finite state controller for suitable action. A proportional integral (PI) based current controller controls the required current for necessary damping during gait. The prosthesis was designed and developed locally in India keeping in view the cost, functionality, socio-economic, and aesthetic requirements. The prototype was experimentally tested on a trans-femoral amputee and the results are presented in this work. The implementation of the proposed design and control scheme in the prototype successfully realizes the notion that normal gait kinematics can be achieved at a low cost comparable to passive prostheses. The incurring cost and power expenditure of the proposed prosthesis are evaluated against passive and active prostheses, respectively. The commercial implications for the prosthesis were explored on the basis of recommendations of ISPO Consensus Conference on Appropriate Prosthetic Technology in Developing Countries. The key objective of this work is to enable lucid design for development of an affordable prosthesis in a low-resource setting