18 research outputs found

    Critical growth problems with singular nonlinearities on Carnot groups

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    We provide regularity, existence and non existence results for the semilinear subelliptic problem with critical growth −ΔGu=ψ^α|u|^(2∗(α)−2)u/d(ξ)^α+λu in ΩΩ, u=0 on ∂Ω, where ΔG is a sublaplacian on a Carnot group GG, 0<2, 2∗(α)=2(Q−α)/(Q−2), Ω is a bounded domain of G, d is the natural gauge associated with the fundamental solution of −ΔG on G and ψ:=|∇Gd|, ∇G being the subelliptic gradient associated to ΔG, λ is a real parameter

    Existence results for critical problems involving p-sub-Laplacians on Carnot groups

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    We provide existence results for the quasilinear subelliptic Dirichlet problem -\Delta_{p, \mathbb{G}}u = |u|^{p^*-2}u + g(\xi, u) \quad \mbox{in}\, \Omega,\quad u\in S_0^{1,p}(\Omega), where Δp,G\Delta_{p,\mathbb{G}} is the pp-sub-Laplacian on a Carnot group G\mathbb{G}, p∗=pQ/(Q−p)p^*= pQ/(Q-p) is the critical Sobolev exponent in this context, Ω\Omega is a bounded domain of G\mathbb{G} and g(ξ,u)g(\xi, u) is a subcritical perturbation. By means of standard variational methods adapted to the stratified context, we prove the existence of solutions both in the mountain pass and in the linking case. A crucial ingredient in this abstract framework is the knowledge of the exact rate of decay of the pp-Sobolev extremals on Carnot groups

    Local Behavior of Solutions to Subelliptic Problems with Hardy Potential on Carnot Groups

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    We determine the exact behavior at the singularity of solutions to semilinear subelliptic problems of the type -ΔGu-μψ2/d2u=f(ξ,u) in Ω , u= 0 on ∂Ω , where ΔG is a sub-Laplacian on a Carnot group G of homogeneous dimension Q, Ω is an open subset of G, 0 ∈ Ω , d is the gauge norm on G, ψ: = |∇Gd| , where ∇Gis the horizontal gradient associated with ΔG, f has at most critical growth and 0 ≤ μ< μ¯ , where μ¯=(Q-2/2)^2 is the best Hardy constant on G

    Existence of infinitely many solutions for a class of semilinear subelliptic equations on rational Carnot groups

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    We establish the existence of infinitely many solutions for the equation -Δ_Gu = f(ξ,u), ξ in G where Δ_G is a sublaplacian on a rational Carnot group G. The function f is assumed to be periodic with respect to a discrete co-compact subgroup of G and satisfy subcritical growth conditions

    Critical problems with Hardy potential on Stratified Lie groups

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    We prove existence and nonexistence results for positive solutions to the subelliptic Brezis-Nirenberg type problem with Hardy potential −ΔGu−μψ2/d2u=u2∗−1+λuinΩ,u=0on∂Ω, extending to the Stratified setting well-known Euclidean results by Jannelli [J. Diff. Equ. 156, 1999]. Here, ΔG is a sub-Laplacian on an arbitrary Carnot group G, Ω is a bounded domain of G, 0∈Ω, d is the ΔG-gauge, ψ:=|ΔGd|, where ΔG is the horizontal gradient associated to ΔG, 0≤μ&lt; ̄μ, where ̄μ=(Q−22)2 is the best Hardy constant on G and λ∈R. The main difficulty in this abstract framework is the lack of knowledge of the ground state solutions to the limit problem −ΔGu−μψ2/d2u=u2∗−1onG, whose explicit expression is not known, except for the case when μ=0 and G is a group of Iwasawa-type. So, a preliminary refined analysis of qualitative properties of solutions to the above problem on the whole space is required, which has independent interest. In particular, Lorentz regularity and a priori decay estimates are obtained

    Optimal decay of p-Sobolev extremals on Carnot groups

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    We determine the sharp asymptotic behavior at infinity of solutions to quasilinear critical problems involving the p-sublaplacian operator Δp,G on a Carnot group G,

    Sobolev inequalities with remaider terms for Sublaplacians and other subelliptic operators

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    We prove that on bounded domains Ω, the usual Sobolev inequality for sublaplacians on Carnot groups can be improved by adding a remainder term, in striking analogy with the euclidean case. We also show analogous results for subelliptic operators like script L sign = Δ x + |x| ^{2α} Δy, α &gt; 0

    Asymptotic estimates and nonexistence results for critical problems with Hardy term involving Grushin-type operators

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    We provide the asymptotic behavior of solutions, at the singularity and at infinity, for a class of subelliptic Dirichlet problems with Hardy perturbation and critical nonlinearity of the type −Lαu−μψ^2/d^2u=K(z)|u|^(2∗−2)u in Ω, where Lα=Δx+|x|2αΔy, α&gt;0 is the so-called Grushin operator, Ω is an open subset of R^N, 0∈Ω, d is the gauge norm naturally associated with Lα, ψ:=|∇αd|, where ∇α is the Grushin gradient, K∈L∞ and 0≤μ&lt; mus$, where mus is the best Hardy constant for Lα. Furthermore, we establish some Pohozaev-type non-existence results