134 research outputs found
Snellen Chart Based on Android Control
Eye vision is a person's visual acuity examination that is usually done using a snellen chart. Snellen chart is a poster that contains a number of letters that are different on each line with the letters getting closer to the bottom lines. Eye vision examination using a normal snellen chart is done at a distance of 6 meters because someone is considered normal if he is able to read on the 20/20 line in feet or 6/6 in meters. Snellen chart control android is an electronic snellen chart that controls the light transfer using Android. Commands originating from the mitapp application on android are sent to the bluetooth HC-05 module in the minsys Atmega16 circuit. Atmega 16 was chosen because it has a sufficient number of pins to control the displacement of the lights used by 23 lights. The appearance of the mitapp application has been adjusted to the letters contained in the snellen chart, making it easier for operator to correct the results of the readings that have been performed by the eye vision patient
Do We Need to Perform Bilateral Hip Bone Mineral Density Examination?
Background: Bone mineral density (BMD) measurement is one of the method for making osteoporosis diagnosis. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the measurement of BMD conducted at antero-posterior lumbar vertebrae, unilateral hip (femur), and radius. However, there was a concern about osteoporosis under diagnosis if the measurement is only conducted at unilateral hip. Some studies found significant differences of BMD between both femur and evidence of the importance to examine both femur in making the diagnosis of osteoporosis. This study aims to determine anydifference between right and left femur BMD measurement and to investigate the bone status result with measurement of BMD of bilateral femur in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted from June to November 2015. Patients who received dual-femur BMD testing using General Electrics (GE) Lunar Prodigy dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry at the DXA Facility in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital,Bandung between January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2014 were included. Statistical analysis performed to assess the difference and the correlation between theBMD of two femurs (g/cm2). T-scores of the subject were implemented into bone status according to WHO Diagnostic Criteria for Osteoporosis.Results: From sixty-one patients included in this study, there were difference bone status resulted from BMD of the femoral neck, Ward's triangle, trochanter, andtotal hip area between right and left femur, although no statistically significance were found. There was a positive correlation between BMD of right and left femurat all areas of femur. There were 16 subjects (26.1%) showed combination level of bone status (normal, osteopenia, or osteoporosis in one femur).Conclusion: BMD results in each area of the right and left femurs are different.Therefore, performing bilateral hip BMD examination as a routine measurement for makingdiagnosis of osteoporosis is important
Dukungan Sosial dan Dampak yang Dirasakan oleh Ibu Menyusui dari Suami
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dukungan sosial dan dampak yang dirasakan oleh ibu menyusui dari suami.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini adalah dua orang, menggunakan teknik criterion sampling dengan kriteria ibu yang sedang menyusui dan memiliki anak yang berusia 0 sampai 6 bulan. Data yang diperoleh menggunakan metode wawancara semi terstruktur. Pendekatan analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis isi (content analysis) yang bersifat pembahasan mendalam terhadap isi suatu informasi tertulis. Pencapaian kredibilitas penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik triangulasi sumber melalui wawancara dengan significant person. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua responden yang sedang menyusui sama-sama mendapatkan dukungan sosial suami saat menyusui anaknya. Dukungan tersebut berupa dukungan emosional, dukungan penghargaan, dukungan instrumental dan dukungan informasi. Dukungan emosional yang diterima oleh kedua responden yaitu mendapatkan perhatian dan motivasi dari suami. Dukungan penghargaan,yaitu suami merasa bangga karena istri dapat memberikan ASI kepada anaknya. Selanjutnya dukungan instrumental yaitu mengasuh anak pertamanya saat anak keduanya sedang menyusu, memijit pundak, membantu dalam pekerjaan rumah seperti mencuci pakaian.Serta dukungan informasi yaitu memberikan infromasi perkembangan anak. Informasi-informasi mengenai ASI, responden memanfaatkan dengan browsing internet. Dukungan sosial yang diberikan suami, berdampak positif pada kedua responden. Dampak positif yang dirasakan oleh kedua responden tersebut yaitu ASI semakin lancar, tambah bersemangat dalam memberikan ASI kepada anaknya, merasakan Kenyamanan dan beban yang dihadapi berkurang
Traffic Accident Risk Analysis by Knowledge, the Use of Traffic Lane, and Speed
Traffic accidents are a health problem in both developed and developing countries including Indonesia. Number of traffic accidents each year has increased and traffic accidents in Indonesia is considered by WHO as the third biggest killer after coronary heart disease and tuberculosis. Most traffic accidents involving motorcyclists and the current junior high school students are also involved as a perpetrator of the accident. This study was conducted to determine the relationship of knowledge, the use of traffic lane and the driving speed with the incidence of traffic accidents in junior high school students motorcyclists. Type of research is analytic observational cross-sectional study design. The study population was all junior high school students in Wonokromo Surabaya in 2015. The number of respondents in this study of 100 respondents drawn from the population by using two stage cluster random sampling. The variables studied were knowledge, the use of traffic lane and the driving speed. Results of analysis using chi square test (α = 5%) indicate that knowledge (p = 0,027; RR = 1,966), the use of traffic lane (p = 0,005; RR = 1,894) and the driving speed (p = 0,017; RR = 1,941) has a significantly relationship to the incidence of traffic accidents to junior high school students motorcyclists in Wonokromo sub-district Surabaya 2015. Especially under age children of junior high school student are encouraged to not ride a motorcycle before age sufficient and have a driver's licence. Beside that, the role of parents to prevent underage motorcyclists is needed to support the efforts of the police and schools in minimizing the number of accident to reduce the number of junir high school student involved in a motorcycle accident
Analisa Penyimpangan Iklim dari Fenomena Enso Menggunakan Model Korelasi Studi Kasus Bogor
Cases of climate anomalous in Indonesia, many have influences on the climate in several areas such as the dry or rainy season that does not occur periodically or the precipitation decrease that does not normal and deviated from ought. This study aimed to analyze the climate anomalous and correlation patterns of ENSO towards rainfall variability in Darmaga Bogor, then compared the results with rainfall of Tanjung Priok Jakarta. Both places have minimum ENSO influence because they being away from the center of ENSO events that is in the Pacific Ocean and located in the west Pacific. Climate anomalous due to ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) in the Indonesian archipelago can occur if in the Pacific El Niño is more decreasing rainfalls or La Niña which further adds to the amount of rainfall.This research using a linear correlation analysis model and contour of the sea surface temperature (SST) from GrADS software. The data used are Index Nino 3.4 anomaly, IOD (Indian Ocean Dipole) anomaly, precipitation and SST anomaly data. Data is processed from January 2004 - December 2013 (10 years). Correlation of index Nino 3.4 years 2004-2013 showed a lot more going to negative index that means more towards the La Niña in Pacific Ocean. The results of correlation analysis in August in Darmaga between ENSO - IOD with rainfall that more affects the rainfall pattern is a ENSO factor either La Niña nor El Niño and also it followed by west monsoon wind pattern, whereas at Tanjung Priok that more affects the rainfall pattern is monsoonal rainfall patterns. Upon the precipitation in Darmaga generally has high enough intensity and some graph pattern follows monsoonal rainfall patterns whereas Tanjung Priok generally has low intensity and the graph pattern follows the type of monsoonal rainfall patterns. SST contour in West Java is on average warmed up that caused that region more easily condensed the clouds and atmospheric pressure at the waters becomes high
Perbaikan Kualitas Proses Thermoforming Round Drinking Cups menggunakan FMEA
PT PPA merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi plastik kemasan thermoformed. Salah satu produk yang dihasilkan dan menjadi objek pada penelitian ini yaitu round drinking cups. Pada proses produksi round drinking cups terdapat banyak produk defect yang dihasilkan. Proses yang menghasilkan defect paling banyak yaitu proses thermoforming. Defect yang sering terjadi pada proses thermoforming yaitu defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot. Adanya defect akan menimbulkan kerugian bagi perusahaan karena produk defect memerlukan rework dan sebagian harus dibuang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengurangi defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Dari data defect yang telah dikumpulkan, kemudian dilakukan penentuan defect yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan menggunakan pareto chart, selanjutnya dilakukan identifikasi penyebab-penyebab defect menggunakan cause and effect diagram dan dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut menggunakan 5 whys untuk mengidentifikasi akar penyebab defect. Hasil analisis akar penyebab defect menunjukkan terdapat 6 akar penyebab defect diameter tidak standar dan 23 akar penyebab defect meleyot. Kemudian dari akar penyebab yang telah diidentifikasi dilakukan penilaian risiko menggunakan FMEA dengan mempertimbangkan efisiensi dan downtime yang terjadi pada mesin thermoforming. Rekomendasi perbaikan diberikan berdasarkan analisis FMEA dengan nilai RPN tertinggi. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil RPN tertinggi pada defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot disebabkan permasalahan pada valve forming. Rekomendasi yang diberikan untuk mengurangi permasalahan tersebut yaitu melakukan pengecekkan valve forming, melakukan pengecekkan komponen dan pencatatan kondisi mesin secara periodik, serta meningkatkan kinerja karyawan melalui pelatihan maupun pemberian motivasi. Apabila ketiga rekomendasi tersebut diterapkan, maka diperkirakan terjadi penurunan defect diameter tidak standar sebesar 20%, dan penurunan defect meleyot sebesar 15%
Karakteristik Kimia dan Sensori Brownies Ubi Jalar Putih dengan Penambahan Tepung Kacang Hijau
Brownies are a kind of cake that is dark brown in color, has a smooth texture and special taste, and does not require baking powder. White sweet potatoes and mung beans can be used as raw material for brownies, where white sweet potatoes have a fairly high carbohydrate content while mung beans have a high protein content. The purpose of this study was to obtain the effect of white sweet potato and mung bean flour on the chemical and sensory characteristics of brownies and to obtain the best ratio. The treatment in the study consisted of five treatments and three replications and used a CDR (Completely Randomized Design). The ratios of white sweet potato and mung bean flour, namely 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40. The results of the research on the selected treatment were 80% white sweet potato flour : 20% mung bean flour, which had moisture content of 30.44%, ash content of 0.96%, fat content of 20.31%, protein content of 12.42%, carbohydrate content of 35.88%, and fiber content of 6.62%. The descriptive test showed that the brownies had a brown color, mung beans and sweet potato flavor, mung beans and sweet potato taste, and soft texture
Perancangan Footrest Untuk Mengurangi Kelelahan Operator Pada Bagian Kaki Di Cell S/a Coil Xs156 Di Pt.abc
One of the products produced in PT ABC is S / A Coil. The coil-making process is done in a sitting position, with a standard 95cm workbench, and a standard high-ergonomic ergonomic chair that can be modified high-low chair and chair back. Total work table is 6 stations, 3 tables for insert pin, 1 table for coilwinding process, 1 table for ferrite insertion process and 1 table for coil meansurement & packing process. Based on the process of observation and interview, stated that the operator experienced less comfortable in working with marked often change the sitting position. The purpose of this study is to design a comfortable footrest to reduce fatigue on the feet of production operators in Cell S / A Coil. The object of this study was conducted to 10 production operators (women) in Cell S / A Coil aged 19-25 years with a minimum height of 153cm. The method used is the Nordic Body Map questionnaire, anthropometric measurement at the foot followed by the testing of data diversity and percentile. From the results of questionnaires Nordic Body Map can be seen that the level of the biggest problem being faced by the operator is at the foot (average value 6) so it needs to be designed footrest comfortable for operators. Anthropometry measurement results obtained height of footrest of 30cm and 45cm and with angle 0o, 7.5o and angle 15o. After the design, the results of the Nordic Body Map questionnaire on the legs is 0. This is because footrest matches the comfort of the production operator's feet in Cell S / A Coil XS156
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy with Mathematics Learning Outcomes of MAN Model 1 Manado Students
This study investigates the association between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy in relation to student learning outcomes at MAN Model 1 Manado. This type of study is correlational in nature. The population was comprised of 240 students, and the sample size was 36. The instruments utilized were self-efficacy and emotional intelligence questionnaires. The technique employed for data analysis is partial and multiple correlation analysis. (1) There is a positiveaand significant relationshippbetween emotionallintelligence and student mathematicsslearning outcomes, equaling 0.468; (2) Thereeis a positive andcsignificant relationshippbetween self-efficacy and student mathematicsslearning outcomes, equaling 0.467; and (3) There is a relationship between emotional intelligencesand self-efficacy simultaneously with students'mmathematics learninggoutcomes
Analisis Kandungan Kalsium Karbonat (CaCO3) Batu Gamping Di Kelurahan Bontoa Kecamatan Minasate’ne Kabupaten Pangkajene Dan Kepulauan
The research had been carried out with the aim of finding out and analyzing the quality of the calcium carbonate content (CaCO3) of limestone as a raw material for making marble. To determine the CaCO3 content, the method was using gravimetric method by weighing empty beaker mass parameter, and the mass of sample and beaker plus HCl 2N level as the final mass after the reaction. The used sample consist of two blocks, they were block one on the coordinate point of 4º48’-4º51’ LS and 119º35’-119º37’ BT and block two on the coordinate point of 4º47’-4º51’ LS and 119º37’-119º39’ BT. The sampling technique was using a chisel and hammer. The result of the research shows that the average of CaCO3 content at the two sampling points was obtained each of 85,530 % and 84,6897%. It is obtained that the level of CaCO3 in the limestone meets the Standar Industri Indonesia (SII) requirement, which is above 50% and it means that the sampling point in Bontoa village, Minasate’ne district, Pangkajene Regency and Island able to be used as marble raw material
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