2 research outputs found
The effects of vapreotide, a somatostatin analogue, on gastric acidity, gallbladder emptying and hormone release after 1 week of continuous subcutaneous infusion in normal subjects
- Author
- Publication venue
- Blackwell Science Inc
- Publication date
- Field of study
Quantification of Long-Range Persistence in Geophysical Time Series: Conventional and Benchmark-Based Improvement Techniques
- Author
- A Adas
- A Anis
- A Bershadskii
- A Bunde
- A Bunde
- A Chhabra
- A Einstein
- A Eke
- A Gelman
- A Grossmann
- A Guerrero
- A Hansen
- A Malinverno
- A Montanari
- A Montanari
- A Santis De
- A Witt
- A Witt
- A Ziel van der
- AA Stanislavsky
- AE Brockwell
- AL Goldberger
- AN Kolmogorov
- Annette Witt
- AR Ives
- AR Mehrabi
- ARH Swan
- AV Chechkin
- AW Lo
- B Audit
- B Efron
- B Eghball
- B Gutenberg
- B Klinkenberg
- B Pilgram
- B Whitcher
- BA Carreras
- BB Hubbard
- BB Mandelbrot
- BB Mandelbrot
- BB Mandelbrot
- BB Mandelbrot
- BB Mandelbrot
- BB Mandelbrot
- BB Mandelbrot
- BB Mandelbrot
- BB Mandelbrot
- BD Malamud
- BD Malamud
- BD Malamud
- BD Malamud
- BD Malamud
- BD Malamud
- BD Malamud
- BD Malamud
- BL Cox
- BM Dolgonosov
- Bruce D. Malamud
- C Bédard
- C Chatfield
- C Collette
- C Heneghan
- C Velasco
- C-K Peng
- C-K Peng
- C-K Peng
- C-K Peng
- CE Shannon
- CLE Franzke
- CR Chapman
- CR Chapman
- CR Rao
- CWJ Granger
- CWJ Granger
- D Delignieres
- D Delignieres
- D Koutsoyiannis
- D Maraun
- DB Percival
- DC Caccia
- DG Stephen
- DJ Levitin
- DL Turcotte
- DM Bates
- DM Mark
- DM Pyle
- DWK Andrews
- E Koscielny-Bunde
- E Stroe-Kunold
- EG Altmann
- ER Weeks
- F Daerden
- F Guzzetti
- G Faÿ
- G Matheron
- G Rangarajan
- G Samorodnitsky
- GEP Box
- GEP Box
- GEP Box
- GH Golub
- GW Wornell
- GW Wornell
- GW Wornell
- H Cramér
- H Jennings
- HE Hurst
- HE Schepers
- HG Schuster
- HW Rust
- I Daubechies
- I Eliazar
- I Procaccia
- J Beran
- J Geweke
- J Klafter
- J Kwapień
- J Mielniczuk
- J Nagler
- J Schmittbuhl
- J Theiler
- J Theiler
- J Timmer
- JB Bassingthwaighte
- JB Bassingthwaighte
- JB Gao
- JB Johnson
- JC Gallant
- JD Pelletier
- JD Pelletier
- JD Salas
- JL Cabrera
- JM Hausdorff
- JRM Hosking
- JW Cooley
- JW Kantelhardt
- JW Kantelhardt
- K Fraedrich
- K Hasselmann
- K Hu
- K Kiyani
- L Linkenkaer-Hansen
- L Xu
- LR Salomão
- M Boutahar
- M Boutahar
- M Ghil
- M Kobayashi
- M Mudelsee
- M Mudelsee
- M Rossi
- M Schulz
- M Stuiver
- MB Priestley
- MC Meirelles
- MC Newman
- MC Teich
- MC Wang
- MJ Cannon
- ML Doroslovacki
- MN Khaliq
- MS Keshner
- MS Taqqu
- MS Taqqu
- MV Berry
- N Andrienko
- N Enriquez
- NW Watkins
- P Bak
- P Bak
- P Dutta
- P Embrechts
- P Flandrin
- P Kiss
- P Manneville
- P Whittle
- PA Burrough
- PA Burrough
- PM Robinson
- PM Robinson
- R Blender
- R Blender
- R Brown
- R Fox
- R Frigg
- R Mantegna
- R Metzler
- R Weron
- RA Fisher
- RB Davies
- RB Govindan
- RB Govindan
- RF Voss
- RJ Wen
- RL Bras
- RW Thomas
- S Bahar
- S Chandrasekhar
- S Hergarten
- S Kogan
- S Porter-Hudak
- S Uppaluri
- SC Chapman
- SL Huang
- SP Neuman
- SR Brown
- SS Shapiro
- T Bayes
- T Geisel
- T Geisel
- T Penzel
- T Schreiber
- T Stadnytska
- TC Halsey
- TH Solomon
- TN Davis
- V Anh
- V Venema
- W Palma
- W Schottky
- W Willinger
- WE Leland
- WH Press
- WW Smith
- X Xiao
- X Yebang
- Y Bard
- Y Chen
- Z Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study