7 research outputs found

    Diversification and hybridization in firm knowledge bases in nanotechnologies

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    The paper investigates the linkages between the characteristics of technologies and the structure of a firms' knowledge base. Nanotechnologies have been defined as converging technologies that operate at the nanoscale, and which require integration to fulfill their economic promises. Based on a worldwide database of nanofirms, the paper analyses the degree of convergence and the convergence mechanisms within firms. It argues that the degree of convergence in a firm's nano-knowledge base is relatively independent from the size of the firm's nano-knowledge base. However, while firms with small nano-knowledge bases tend to exploit convergence in each of their patents/publications, firms with large nano-knowledge bases tend to separate their nano-R&D activities in the different established fields and achieve diversity through the juxtaposition of the output of these independent activities For more informations http://www.nanoeconomics.eu/

    A l'ère du soupçon, les entreprises doivent anticiper les risques

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    ISSN en coursNational audienceCrise de la vache folle, scandale de l'amiante, débats autour des OGM : la question des risques occupe désormais une place centrale dans nos sociétés. Comme d'autres innovations techniques, les nanotechnologies se heurtent à la méfiance croissante des citoyens. Face à cette réalité, les entreprises se retrouvent confrontées à la question de l'acceptabilité de leurs technologies. Elles n'ont d'autres choix que de placer l'anticipation des risques au coeur de leur stratégie

    A l'ère du soupçon, les entreprises doivent anticiper les risques

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    ISSN en coursNational audienceCrise de la vache folle, scandale de l'amiante, débats autour des OGM : la question des risques occupe désormais une place centrale dans nos sociétés. Comme d'autres innovations techniques, les nanotechnologies se heurtent à la méfiance croissante des citoyens. Face à cette réalité, les entreprises se retrouvent confrontées à la question de l'acceptabilité de leurs technologies. Elles n'ont d'autres choix que de placer l'anticipation des risques au coeur de leur stratégie

    Diversification et hybridation des bases de connaissances des nanotechnologies

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    National audienceThe paper investigates the linkages between characteristics of technologies and a firm’s knowledge base. Nanotechnologies have been defined as converging technologies that operate as nanoscale, and which require integration to fulfil their economic promises. The paper analyses the degree of convergence and the convergence mechanisms within a firm’s knowledge base. If convergence predominates as it has been claimed, nanotechnologies are not competence destroyers and the development is based on the exetension of the knowledge base of existing firms. Based on a worldwide database of nanofirms, the paper examines the influence of the characteristics of the technologies on the structure of the firm knowledge base. It argues that nano S&T patterns of development combine competence destroying activities and a critical role of research facilities and technological platforms. While the competence destroying characteristics of nanotechnologies give a premium to emerging companies, the role of research and production facilities stenghthens large incumbent competitive position and geographically polarises the emergence of small dedicated nanofirms

    Diversification et hybridation des bases de connaissances des nanotechnologies

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    National audienceThe paper investigates the linkages between characteristics of technologies and a firm’s knowledge base. Nanotechnologies have been defined as converging technologies that operate as nanoscale, and which require integration to fulfil their economic promises. The paper analyses the degree of convergence and the convergence mechanisms within a firm’s knowledge base. If convergence predominates as it has been claimed, nanotechnologies are not competence destroyers and the development is based on the exetension of the knowledge base of existing firms. Based on a worldwide database of nanofirms, the paper examines the influence of the characteristics of the technologies on the structure of the firm knowledge base. It argues that nano S&T patterns of development combine competence destroying activities and a critical role of research facilities and technological platforms. While the competence destroying characteristics of nanotechnologies give a premium to emerging companies, the role of research and production facilities stenghthens large incumbent competitive position and geographically polarises the emergence of small dedicated nanofirms