76 research outputs found

    Caratterizzazione di oli vegetali per possibili utilizzi nel settore cosmetico

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    Confronto in composizione e proprietà tra oli di cartamo monovarietal

    Resveratrolo e alimentazione.

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    none3Resveratrolo e alimentazione e le potenzialità di una molecola.noneBrandolini V.; Maietti A.; Tedeschi P.Brandolini, Vincenzo; Maietti, Annalisa; Tedeschi, Paol

    Semi di futuro – Intervento integrato di lotta alla malnutrizione

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    codice AID 011880: paese di intervento Etiopia Gli obiettivi principali sono: SDG2 – Porre fine alla fame, realizzare la sicurezza alimentare e una migliore nutrizione e promuovere l'agricoltura sostenibile SDG3 – Garantire una vita sana e promuovere il benessere per tutti a tutte le età SDG5 – Raggiungere l’uguaglianza di genere ed emancipare tutte le donne e le ragazz

    Caratterizzazione e sviluppo di un lievito madre

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    none3Caratterizzazione e valutazione dei possibili effetti salutistici di nuove produzioni industrialinoneBrandolini V.; Maietti A.; Tedeschi P.Brandolini, Vincenzo; Maietti, Annalisa; Tedeschi, Paol

    HPLC-UV/Vis-APCI-MS/MS Determination of Major Carotenoids and Their Bioaccessibility from "Delica" (Cucurbita maxina) and "Violina" (Cucurbita moschata) Pumpkins as Food Traceability Markers

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    Carotenoids are a widespread group of fat-soluble pigments, and their major nutritional importance comes from their pro-vitamin A activity and their antioxidant capacity. In this study, two different pumpkin cultivars (Cucurbita maxima, also named ‘Delica’ and Cucurbita moschata, also known as ‘Violina’) from the southern Po Delta area were investigated in terms of carotenoid content and the influence of food processing on compositional changes and carotenoid bioaccessibility. Quali- and quantitative determination of carotenoids in sample extracts were performed on a C30 column by means of an online coupled HPLC-UV/Vis-APCI-MS/MS technique. The identification of separated compounds was tentatively achieved by merging (i) chromatographic data, (ii) UV-Vis spectra, and (iii) MS/MS fragmentation spectra. The chromatographic profiles for the two cultivars showed qualitative differences. Two major carotenoids were considered for quantification purposes and further investigations: lutein and b-carotene. Quantification of target carotenoids was performed with external calibration through analytical standards. The concentration of lutein and b-carotene was higher in C. maxima than in the other variety, C. moschata. Carotenoids are susceptible to degradation (isomerization and oxidation) during food processing (i.e., cooking), and the concentration of lutein and b-carotene were monitored in oven-cooked and steam-cooked pumpkins. The steam-cooking process was superior in terms of limiting carotenoid loss. A complete functional profile of pumpkins as a source of carotenoids was gained with the evaluation of their in vitro bioaccessibility and their bioavailability after intake during human digestion. Bioaccessibility of lutein and b-carotene were estimated by an in vitro static digestion model that involved salivary, gastric, and duodenal phases. Bioaccessibility values progressively increased from the salivary to the duodenal phase for both pumpkin varieties and cooking methods. Bioaccessibility of lutein was always lower than b-carotene for both cultivars and for both cooking methods. Bioaccessibility values for lutein and b-carotene changed from 1.93% to 2.34% vs. 4.94% and 8.83% in the salivary phase, from 2.7% to 4.63% vs. 7.83% and 15.60% in the gastric phase, and from 10.04% to 13.42% vs. 25.81% and 35.32% in the duodenal phase. For both target compounds, bioaccessibility in the duodenal phase was more than twice the gastric values, and it underlined that the type of cooking did not influence release from the initial matri

    Composizione bromatologico-nutrizionale di varietà di soia

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    Sono state caratterizzate diverse varietà di soia, sia dal punto di vista chimico bromatologico sia per quanto riguarda la componente funzionale, in particolare gli antiossidanti

    New Trends in Chiral High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

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    This chapter deals with the most relevant advances in chiral analysis and focuses on highly efficient enantioseparations by liquid chromatography and its hyphenation with mass spectrometry (MS). The use of MS for chiral discrimination has been successfully done by enantiomer interaction with chiral reference reagents or environment. This has been achieved by host–guest association, ion–molecule reactions in gas phase or complex dissociation. All modes can provide different mass spectrometric signals for the two enantiomers and relative intensities depending on the enantiomeric ratio that can be experimentally estimated. A more interesting type of analysis in terms of performance and sensitivity is enantio-high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-MS. This chapter examines the recent trends and advances in chiral HPLC columns, highlighting the types of chiral selector, mobile-phase compatibility with MS detection, as well as efficient and innovative column packing particles. Future directions for enantioseparations are development of very efficient chiral columns and ultrafast HPLC runs. The latter topic is indeed a consequence of the former, due to the high working pressure arising from new-generation chiral stationary phases. The two routes concern, on the one hand, the use of very small fully porous particles (<2 μm) and, on the other hand, chiral selectors bonded to superficially porous particles (core-shell technology). Some fundamental studies have already been conducted by these authors, particularly to understand deeply the mass transfer kinetics and its influence on band broadening effects in chiral separations. Further studies need to be done on chiral stationary phases obtained with superficially porous particles since some critical aspects are not obvious and could remarkably affect their development

    Licopene, betacarotene e i vegetali del benessere

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    I carotenoidi sono una classe di pigmenti organici molto abbondanti in natura che possono essere rinvenuti in animali, piante e altri organismi come alghe, funghi ed alcune specie di batteri. Negli alimenti sono stati identificati diverse centinaia di carotenoidi ma solo alcuni sono presenti in quantità rilevanti. Sono contenuti prevalentemente in alimenti di origine vegetale, ma anche in alcuni alimenti di origine animale, in particolare latte, uova, formaggi, fegato, reni, grassi, crostacei. Tra tutti i carotenoidi licopene e betacarotene sono quelli presenti in quantità più rilevante negli alimenti. La presenza di licopene e betacarotene è stata messa in correlazione con il tipo di vegetale, la varietà e la tecnica di coltivazione