9 research outputs found

    Maxims for managers and leaders

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    iv.164 hlm. : - ; 21 cm

    Aligned thinking: Cara berpikir selaras

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    xviii, 162 hal; 21 c

    Strategi sukses dalam karier

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    XIII. 233 hlm. : - ; 23 cm

    Communication at Work

    No full text
    122 hal.; 22 c

    Seni mencapai sukses karier dan keluarga = Win at work and home

    No full text
    Jakartaviii, 230 p.; 23 c

    Beak!; Rumus Markeying yang Belum Diajarkan di Kelas MBA

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    The One Minute Manager

    No full text
    107 hlm., 21 c