3 research outputs found
Релігія, розваги, різнобарвність: досвід модерації та аналізу ментального мапування повоєнної відбудови
У статті презентовано результати дослідження культурних продуктів творчої майстерні-відбудови України, проведеної в травні 2023 р. факультетом соціології КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка в рамках КНУ ЕКСПО 2023. Застосовуючи метод ментального мапування, учасники візуально конструювали власні уявлення про вигляд своїх рідних міст і селищ або всієї України після завершення повномасштабної російської агресії. Результати якісного контент-аналізу створених ментальних мап характеризують застосовані учасниками ціннісні контексти, відображені фактори інвестиційної привабливості й використані особливості візуальної комунікації. Проведений у статті аналіз засвідчив, що в повоєнний період потрібно очікувати збереження позитивного ставлення до церкви, активізацію споживання товарів і послуг від розважальних індустрій та синтез цінностей. У підсумках підкреслено успішне застосування в ментальних мапах разом із функціональними атрибутами проєктів відбудови елементів емоційного впливу за посередництвом кольорового оформлення, проте рекомендовано звернути увагу на важливість розвитку культури візуалізації м’яких факторів привабливості для привертання інвестицій у відбудову
«But don't quote me on that»: how Ukrainian top media characterized the perception of migration and migrants
Ukraine finds itself in the countries of the Global North, which means that it adopts the formulation of its typical research questions like the current migration research landscape. Existing research are heavily skewed towards the Global North, where governments and international organizations increasingly fund them to inform policy development. Thus, migration provides the relevance of the study of discourses around the body of concepts on it. The article describes the subtexts of media characterising the perception of migration by migrants themselves and the perception of migrants by host side. With using the Mediateka tool, an automated sample of 39,000 reports on various groups of migrants was received in the TOP-15 of the Ukrainian media (print media, TV channels, informational online media) from 2015 to 2018. The sample consisted of 12,000 messages, every tenth of which was selected for further in-depth analysis. The research was based on qualitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis. The six steps were done: looking at the description of the migration as objective necessity, subjective aspiration and something meaningless, and looking at the description of migrants as decent people, indecent people and just people with some lifestyle. The latent meanings of the messages, where the leading Ukrainian media touched on the perception of migration and migrants, were divergent and contradictory; they could not become the basis for confidence in any permanent characteristics of the images of migrants. As one of the most interesting prospects for further research, it may be the test of whether those transmitted meanings, which are usually considered positive, can interfere with social integration, and vice versa – whether negative meanings can help it. This can be done on the basis of additional empirical research using quantitative methods, such as cluster analysis to check which groups media consumers might be divided into after receiving the information about migrants
The purpose of this scientific article is to research the important issues of food supply in Ukraine at the regional level by diagnosing the current state of food ensuring based on a survey of relevant respondents with the purpose to improve the level of socio-economic development of the country in the long run.
In research have been interviewed households from Kyiv of Ukraine according to the following main criteria: physical and economic conditions, food availability, supply and access to food consumption to evaluate household food security status by calculating the sample size, a few details about the target population, its size, variance, margin of error and desired level of confidence in empirical estimates of important variables.
In this research, the Minimum Dietary Energy Requirement (MDER) and a threshold that shows the minimum amount of energy needed by a hypothetical average person in the population to be healthy and engage in socially acceptable levels of activity have been examined. The state of nutritional food security in terms of protein, carbohydrate, and fat consumption has been investigated.
The main aspect of the results approved that almost half of the respondents are showing conditions of life for them as “just adequate and few people seem not to be satisfied showing «less than adequate». These results are important from the viewpoint of food security as adequate food intake; availability and sustainability are the main components of food security and show the quality-of-life status.
It is proved that at the present stage of national economic status human development plays an important role in achieving long-term food security goals. It has been established that in order to attain sustainable food safety at the national level, it is important to improve the population's health condition and to change the existing food consumption models in the country, in households in particular the food basket containing imported foodstuff. This can be achieved through promoting safe and healthy eating habits, education improving in the field of food systems and technologies, and facilitating access to information for consumers and producers