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    袩袪袨肖袠袥鞋 小袙袨袘袨袛袧蝎啸 袗袦袠袧袨袣袠小袥袨孝 小蝎袙袨袪袨孝袣袠 袣袪袨袙袠 袠 袦袨效袠 校 袛袝孝袝袡 小 小袠袧袛袪袨袦袨袦 袛袗校袧袗

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    PROFILUL AMINOACIZILOR LIBERI 脦N SERUL SANGUIN 艦I 脦N URINA COPIILOR CU SINDROM DOWNA fost investigat profilul aminoacizilor liberi 卯n serul sanguin 艧i 卯n urina copiilor cu sindrom Down, ce poate servi drept model al dizontogenezei. Aceasta din urm膬 este condi牛ionat膬 de modific膬rile genetice 艧i se caracterizeaz膬 prin leziuni ale componentei cognitive a s膬n膬t膬牛ii psihice. Rezultatele prezentului studiu sugereaz膬 implicarea direct膬 a amino-acizilor liberi 卯n dezvoltarea disfunc牛iilor structurilor cerebrale 艧i diverselor sisteme ale organismului, ca urmare a unui dezechilibru al aminoacizilor cu con牛inut de sulf, mediatori, esen牛iali 艧i cetogeni. Acest dezechilibru duce 卯n mod inevi-tabil la subdezvoltarea componentelor neurofiziologic, verbal, cognitiv, social-comportamental ale s膬n膬t膬牛ii psihice.PROFILE FREE AMINO ACIDS OF SERUM AND URINE IN CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROMEThere was investigated the amino acids profile of serum and urine in children with Down's syndrome, which can serve as a model dizontogenezis due to changes in gene and is characterized by lesions of the cognitive component of mental health. The results of this study suggest direct involvement of free amino acids in the development of dysfunction of brain structures and the various systems of the body as a result of an imbalance of sulfur, mediator, essential and ketogenic amino acids. This inevitably leads to underdevelopment of neurophysiologic, speech, cognitive, social and behavioral components of mental health.</p