3 research outputs found

    Juvenile Offenders: Reasons and Characteristics of Criminal Behavior

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    The article examines the phenomenon of “juvenile delinquency”, assesses its actual state and establishes the tendencies of its manifestations. Juvenile delinquency in Ukraine as a part of crime in a broad sense arises and develops under the influence of certain determinants. The study of the causes and conditions of juvenile delinquency remains relevant today, which indicates the special danger of this kind of crime for the development of society. The purpose of the article is to study the state of the problem in Ukraine and the experience of other countries in minimising the criminal behaviour of minors in the process of property and non-property relations. The leading approach that was used when writing the article is the comparison and analysis of modern materials on the problems of criminal behaviour of criminals who have not reached the age of majority. As a result, it was possible to identify the social characteristics of juvenile criminals and the reasons for their criminal behaviour. Considerable attention is paid to the factors influencing the commission of crimes: a dysfunctional family, shortcomings of the educational process, the problem of alcohol and drug use by minors. In addition, some directions for the prevention of juvenile delinquency were developed. The applied value is the ability to change legislation in terms of work and correction of minor criminals’ behaviour

    Current trends in the financing of the innovative component in the agricultural sector

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    The article analyzes the issues of financing the innovative component in the agribusiness of Russia. The article brings the analysis of the main indicators of agricultural production and reveals the current state of development of the agricultural sector. The authors highlight the features of the innovation process in the agricultural sector and the main directions of innovation in the activities of agricultural enterprises. The article also analyzes the main indicators of innovative activity in agriculture for the period 2016-2019. The work describes the sources of financing of innovation activities and the structure of institutions to support the innovation component in the agribusiness. The authors proved that the banking system is reluctant to lend to agricultural enterprises, and only a few Russian banks finance innovative developments in the agricultural sector. It is concluded that for the successful development of the agro- industrial complex, it is necessary to introduce innovations in production technologies, which requires increasing investment, as well as strengthening state support for the industry

    Socio-economic aspects of bank lending to agriculture

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    The article is devoted to the socio-economic aspects of banks ' activities in relation to agricultural lending. The contextual background of the study is the social significance of agriculture for the country in terms of food security and the formation of a stable standard of living of the population. The purpose of the study was to reach the essential understanding of the social aspects of the Bank's activities by considering the social functions of the Bank in the lending process. The article considers the composition of credit subjects and gives a brief description of them. The activity of the State as a regulator of credit relations and a full participant in lending is emphasized. The essential understanding of the bank 's social functions in the context of solving the state 's social task of financing agriculture through the mechanism of concessional lending has been expanded. Conclusions are made about the leading role of the state in the formation of the mechanism of interaction between the Bank and the borrower with the strengthening of social functions of the Bank